Burlington Township
School District
lawrence t. penny, jr., principal
regina haley, assistant principal
laura sivon, assistant principal
1600 Burlington Bypass
Burlington, NJ 08016
Burlington Township Middle School at Springside
Board of Education
Mrs. Susan Eichmann, President
Mrs. Judy Hirt, Vice President
Mrs. Donna Crenshaw
Mr. Philip Bigelow
Mr. Scott Boito
Mrs. Maryann McMahon-Nester
Mrs. Sherry Knight
Dr. Richard Lynch
Mr. Israel Rivera
Central Administration
Dr. Christopher Manno, Superintendent
Mrs. Mary Ann Bell, School Business Administrator
Ms. Ann Britt, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Mrs. Elizabeth Parnagian, Director of Special Education
Mr. James Mills, Director Pupil Personnel Services
Main Office 609-699-4021
Mr. Larry Penny, Principal ext. 4016
Mrs. Regina Haley, Assistant Principal ext. 4018
Ms. Laura Sivon, Assistant Principal ext. 4017
Mrs. Nancy Andorko, Nurse ext. 4024
Mrs. Valarie Schwartz, Guidance Secretary ext. 4013
Mrs. Marlene Leroy, Cafeteria Manager ext. 4021
Mrs. Tara Winkelspecht, Anti-Bullying Specialist ext. 4002
Affirmative Action Office 387-3955 ext. 2064
Superintendent’s Office 387-3955 ext. 2056
Business Administrator’s Office 387-3955 ext. 2050
Child Study Team 386-2307 ext. 2060
Transportation Office 387-3955 ext. 2077
Superintendent of Curric./Instr. 387-3955 ext. 2065
District Mission Statement
The Burlington Township School District will develop the intellectual, creative, and social potential of each child through an active partnership with all members of the community.
School Philosophy
The Burlington Township Middle School at Springside presents a unique challenge to the student and to those concerned with his/her education and development. The student comes to the Middle School with an ever-widening interest in one’s self and in those about him/her. It becomes the school’s responsibility and privilege to guide the student, not only in the education of his/her mind, but also in the determination of personal standards of achievement and worth.
The Middle School age is one of exploration – intellectual, social, esthetic, spiritual, and physical. Each student should be given the opportunity to develop to his/her fullest ability in each of these areas.
As success is the best motivational force, the Middle School experience must provide an environment without pressure where the student, not the program, is more important, and where every student is provided an opportunity to succeed appropriate to his/her level of development.
Self-realization is a key to the understanding of one’s environment and to one’s ability to function purposefully in it. The Middle School must furnish a dynamic program of studies and activities as a basis for this exploration toward full potential. Through a series of hurdles, a student may come to a far broader and nobler end, developing and increasing his or her self-concept as a valuable human being.
Burlington Township. Middle School at Springside is dedicated to each of its students and to the proposition that it will utilize all of its resources in order to serve the best interests of those students.
School Objectives
1. To foster the development of self-direction – to encourage the student to develop wholesome attitudes toward him/herself, accepting his/her strengths and weaknesses, and realizing his/her mental and physical potential.
2. To encourage the development of the child to make rational and responsible decisions, and to pride him/herself as a thinking individual worthwhile of opinions and ideas.
3. To promote the development and understanding of a system of values that will serve as a guide in our society.
4. To provide situations in which the student develops social competence emphasizing interpersonal relationships, wholesome attitudes toward others, effective group working relationships, social and political concepts, desirable social attitudes, effective citizenship, respect for differences in people and opinions.
5. To provide and foster skills in learning including communication skills, study skills, manipulative skills, and sensory skills.
6. To provide experiences that make learning pleasurable and worthy of being continued throughout life.
7. To create an awareness of the inter-relationships among disciplines and their relationship throughout life.
8. To encourage and foster creativity and the awareness of one’s own creative potential.
9. To promote the understanding of wholesome growth and development and the characteristics of physical maturation.
Burlington Township Middle School at Springside Expectations
• Be Responsible
○ For your actions
○ For regularly following all school procedures and practices
• Be Respectful
○ Of yourself
○ Of others
○ Of school and personal property
• Be an Achiever
○ Set goals
○ Maximize your potential
Spotlight Program – Character Development
The Spotlight Program provides ways for the school community to celebrate the many avenues to success that our students may take. The program was created to provide students with strong examples of positive character traits and to create an open dialogue among staff and students about how individuals can incorporate these traits into their daily lives.
Spotlight works in three ways:
• It creates opportunities for our staff and students to be recognized for acts of good citizenship, service, and character that go “above and beyond” what is generally expected. (Spotlight Cards)
• It establishes twenty-five cross-grade Spotlight Teams that are named for positive character traits. Monthly opportunities are scheduled for the Spotlight Teams to meet and complete a collaborative task, focusing on their team traits.
• It recognizes students for commendable achievements including making honor roll, and grade and departmental distinction.
School Hours
The normal school day begins at 8:00 A.M. and ends at 2:30 P.M. Walkers and students dropped off by a parent or caregiver should NOT arrive prior to 7:40 A.M. The early closing school day begins at 8:00 A.M. and ends at 12:05 P.M. The delayed opening school day begins at 10:00 A.M. and ends at 2:30 P.M. Delayed opening for Professional Development days begins at 10:30 A.M. Students who arrive prior to the start of the school day on Professional Development days will be placed in the Prime Time program, and the family will be billed for the service.
Emergency Closing Information
It is important to note Burlington Township School District’s procedures for delayed openings, early dismissals, and school closings. You have several options to learn about the status of the schools during inclement weather.
• All families will receive a phone call from our emergency calling system.
• Register for the District’s E-News, the Falcon Flyer. You will receive immediate notification directly to your email of school closings and other alerts. You may register on our District main webpage, www.burltwpsch.org
• Visit Burlington Township Schools’ Website at www.burltwpsch.org. The emergency information will scroll on the home page.
• Call the Burlington Township Schools Activities and Emergency Closing Line: (609) 387-1731
• Listen to the following radio station for information: KYW (1060 AM) – District code number: 713
• Watch FOX TV Channel 29 “Good Day Philadelphia” (6:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.). Look for Burlington County and then watch for information on Burlington Township Schools. This information will scroll across the bottom of the TV screen.
• Watch NBC TV Channel 10 for its Snow Alert 10. The status of Burlington Township Schools will be announced.
• Watch CBS TV Channel 3. The status of Burlington Township will scroll across the bottom of the screen.
• Watch ABC TV Channel 6. The status of Burlington Township will scroll across the bottom of the screen.
• Check the Internet at www.kyw1060.com or www.wpvi.com
• A delayed opening schedule means two hours later than the student’s normal time and there will be no A.M. or P.M. Pre-kindergarten classes.
• An early dismissal is approximately four hours after the start of school.
For more information call:
Mrs. Liz Scott
Public Relations Coordinator
387-3955 ext. 2074
Policies, Procedures, Practices and Clarifications
Pupil Safety – Policy #5142
http://content.burltwpsch.org/docs/policies/redirect.php?pol=jj - Policy N5142 - Pupil Safety&poldir=eePupils
The board of education recognizes the safety of its pupils as a consideration of utmost importance. The chief school administrator shall consult law enforcement agencies, health and social service providers, emergency management planners and other school and community resources in the development of the plans, procedures and mechanisms for school safety. The chief school administrator shall oversee development of a district-wide safety program with emphasis on accident prevention.
• Facilities will be maintained in compliance with state law.
• Staff education and training will be provided to all individuals responsible for student supervision.
• Student supervision will be provided during the regular school day and during designated before and after school times. Records of custody will be maintained to ensure the safety of each child.
• Supervision of students will be provided during dismissal.
• Supervision of non-bused students at dismissal – Parental permission must be provided for students to be dismissed to walk, ride a bike, or ride home escorted by anyone other than a designated parent/guardian.
• Notification of dismissal protocols shall be the responsibility of the building administrator and shall appear in the student handbook and may also be explained through mailings home.
• Potentially missing children – Administration will work in cooperation with law enforcement to resolve such concerns.
• Release to an individual impaired by drugs/alcohol prohibited – The board prohibits release of a pupil into the custody of any person who appears to be physically and/or emotionally impaired to the extent that harm could come to the pupil if released to such a person.
• Possessions – Parents/guardian are requested not to permit their children to bring expensive or fragile objects to school and to label or otherwise identify clothing, books, and personal items. The board is not responsible for items destroyed or stolen from lockers.
Building level administration will be responsible for implementing school safety policies for students.
Counseling and Guidance Services
Guidance services are offered to all students. Counselors assist students in recognizing their strengths and weaknesses. Parents must make an appointment by phone if they wish to speak to their child’s counselor. The number is 699-4021. Counselors will see the students throughout the year. Students are encouraged to see their counselors any time they have a problem.
Parents’ Right-To-Know
Student records will be available for review by the child’s parents or guardians. If you would like to review your child’s records, contact the office and the necessary arrangements will be made. A designated school official will be present during the review of records in order to assist in interpretation. An advanced notice of 24 hours is requested.
Security - Visitors To The School – Policy #1250
http://content.burltwpsch.org/docs/policies/redirect.php?pol=kk - Policy N1250 - Security - Visitors to the School&poldir=a-Community Relations
A. General Statement
1. The Board of Education welcomes and encourages visits to the schools of this district by parents/guardian, other adult residents of the community, and interested educators. It is a primary obligation of the Board to provide a school environment appropriate to the educational program of the schools. Because disturbance of or interference with that program cannot be countenanced, the Board reserves the right to control the access of visitors to the schools or any part of them and to request the withdrawal or removal of any visitor whose presence or activity is disruptive.
2. The Superintendent or, in his/her absence, the building principal is authorized to prohibit the entry of any person whose presence in the school is not required by reasons of enrollment or employment or to expel any such person when s/he has reason to believe that the presence of such a person is or will become inimical to the good order of the school. If a person so identified and instructed refuses to leave the school premises or creates a further disturbance, the Superintendent or principal is authorized to request assistance from the local law enforcement agency.
3. A “visitor” is anyone other than a pupil enrolled in or a staff member employed in the particular school. Visitors may not consult with the teaching staff or pupils during class time without the principal’s permission. When the parental rights of a parent have been terminated by a court of appropriate jurisdiction, the legal guardian must inform the school so that the administration may apply appropriate regulations. The principal shall seek confirmation of legal custodianship where necessary. All visitors to the schools must obey regulations prohibiting smoking and any other regulations designed to ensure orderly operation of the school. All persons violating this policy shall be considered “disorderly persons” and subject to appropriate action.
Civility – Policy #1250.1
http://content.burltwpsch.org/docs/policies/redirect.php?pol=ll - Policy N1250%2E1 - Civility&poldir=a-Community Relations
The Burlington Township Board of Education members, district administration, and staff will treat parents/guardians and other members of the public with respect and expect the same consideration in return. The district is committed to maintaining orderly educational and administrative processes in keeping schools and administrative offices free from disruptions and preventing unauthorized persons from entering school/district grounds.
Affirmative Action
The Burlington Township Board of Education recognizes all of the existing federal and state legislation that pertain to equality in educational programs. The purposes of Title IX of the Education Amendment Act of 1972, New Jersey Administrative Code 6:4, Equality in Educational Programs, and the Burlington Township Schools’ policy of non-discrimination are to prohibit discrimination against students and employees on the basis of gender, race, national origin, religion, creed, ancestry, or social or economic status. These and other federal and state regulations provide that all students must be afforded equal opportunity with regard to:
• access to and treatment in curricular and co-curricular programs and activities.
• treatment under regulations and policies governing student benefits, services, conduct, and dress.
Affirmative Action Officer – The Burlington Township Board of Education designates an AAO to coordinate compliance efforts and to investigate any complaints of discrimination or harassment. As required by federal regulations, all students are to be notified of the following information about the Affirmative Action Officer: