Group Theory and Group Skills Exams

Chapter 12: Leading Growth and Counseling Groups

1. A person attempting to overcome an addiction should probably join a

a. Growth group

b. Counseling and therapy group

c. Self-help group

d. Cooperative group

2. A person who wants improved interpersonal skills would probably join a

a. Growth group

b. Counseling and therapy group

c. Self-help group

d. Cooperative group

3. Goals for growth, counseling, and self-help groups include all EXCEPT

a. Increasing self-enhancing patterns and attitudes

b. Increasing power over others by understanding their behaviors

c. Increasing psychological health

d. Increasing interpersonal effectiveness

4. The psychological need for growth, development, and potential is:

a. Cognition impulse

b. Psychological growth need

c. Humanizing tendency

d. Self-actualization

5. People join growth groups primarily to

a. Vent their anger

b. Justify their behavior

c. Learn new behaviors

d. Learn to be group leaders

6. Dorthea wants to join a group that will discuss its group processes. She should join a

a. T-group

b. Structured growth group

c. Human relations training group

d. Encounter group

7. Fatima wants to join a group that will help explain her present behavior in terms of past experiences. She should join a

a. T-group

b. Structured growth group

c. Human relations training group

d. Encounter group

8. Mike wants to learn how to interact effectively with others from diverse backgrounds. He should probably join a

a. T-group

b. Structured growth group

c. Human relations training group

d. Encounter group

9. Lindsey wants to overcome feelings of inferiority and neuroses. She should probably join a

a. Gestalt group

b. Adlerian group

c. Psychoanalytic group

d. Existential group

10. Penny wants to gain insight into her unconscious mind. She should probably join a

a. Gestalt group

b. Adlerian group

c. Psychoanalytic group

d. Existential group

11. Louisa wants to confront her understanding of the ultimate concerns of life (death, freedom, etc.). She should probably join a

a. Gestalt group

b. Adlerian group

c. Psychoanalytic group

d. Existential group

12. Growth groups are powerful because

a. They provide a sense of acceptance for risk-taking

b. They can induce powerful feelings

c. Members can learn vicariously by watching other members

d. a and c

e. All of the above

13. A main advantage of a group for helping individuals with a problems

a. Eliminating powerful feelings

b. Gaining perspective on the problem

c. Increasing psychological isolation of the problem

d. Reversing the problem

14. The following promotes participant change EXCEPT

a. Learning to express feelings

b. Observing others having corrective emotional experiences

c. Learning to blame others for your problems

d. Increasing perspective-taking skills

15. If a participant and the group leader have some differing goals

a. The participant should find another group

b. The leader should change the group’s goals

c. They should negotiate a mutual set of goals

d. They should disband the group

16. Which of the following is NOT a good goal of growth groups?

a. Self-enhanced attitudes and behaviors

b. Increased interpersonal effectiveness

c. Intense psychological counseling

d. Self-actualization

17. Marie is joining a growth group. She will most likely get

a. One-on-one counseling with the group leader

b. Deep psychological counseling to help her with her problems

c. A chance to show others how sick she is

d. To learn and practice new interpersonal skills

18. For psychological health, individuals need to develop

a. Perspective-taking abilities

b. Manipulation abilities

c. Independent abilities

d. Follower abilities

19. Which is NOT an advantage of groups for helping individuals with problems

a. Multiple sources of feedback

b. Learning new behaviors

c. Gain self-insight

d. Self-disclosure in itself

20. Helping others provides individual growth by

a. Reducing egocentrism

b. Building self-esteem

c. Psychological growth

d. a and b

e. All of the above

21. Disclosing emotions is helpful because it may be

a. A way of acting out

b. A role model for others

c. Cathartic

d. Creative

22. A stage of self-disclosure in which only a few topics are avoided is the

a. Reactive stage

b. Affective stage

c. Co-dependent stage

d. Psychological stage

23. Facilitators should establish the conditions for members to

a. Become aware of ineffective behaviors

b. Learn more effective behaviors

c. Apply more effective behaviors to their outside relationships

d. a and b

e. All of the above

24. In establishing conditions for participant change, group leaders should

a. Develop a high trust environment

b. Keep the participants carefully controlled

c. Encourage participant egocentrism

d. Begin with self-disclosing and venting

25. The mutual goals of a growth group include

a. Maximizing one’s own growth

b. Maximizing the growth of other members

c. Contributing to the common good

d. a and b

e. All of the above

26. All of the following are important skills for leading growth groups EXCEPT

a. Being a resource expert on how to learn and change within a group

b. Teaching needed interpersonal and small group skills

c. Choosing members carefully to fit your personality type

d. Modeling the constructive use of small group and interpersonal skills

27. In order to lead a growth group, it is most important that leaders have

a. A background in education

b. A conceptual framework for growth

c. Intuitions about how to help everyone in the group

d. Feelings about how the group should proceed

28. Tom has asked Martha to give him helpful feedback on his behavior. Her comments should include

a. A description of how she sees Tom’s behavior

b. A description of how she is reacting to Tom’s behavior

c. A critique of how he should do better in the future

d. a and b

e. All of the above

29. In defining and diagnosing participants’ problems, it is most important for the leader to

a. Label feelings and events in order to give them meaning

b. Get other members to do the diagnosing

c. Let members have their say

d. Tell them how their disclosure made you feel

30. The difference between stable and unstable causes of problems is that stable problems are

a. Capable of change

b. Incapable of change

c. Feelings, not cognitions

d. Are not constructive

31. Participants’ problems should usually be defined in ways that

a. Increase their sense of freedom in attending the group

b. Increase their sense of commitment to the group

c. Increase their sense of personal control in solving them

d. Increase their sense of obligation to the group leader

32. In the Lieberman, Yalom and Miles study, the most effective leaders engaged in emotionally stimulating behavior at what level?

a. Low

b. Moderate

c. High

d. None at all

33. Dangers with leaders using their intuitions include

a. Following them blindly

b. Having blind spots

c. Reflecting their own fears

d. a & b

e. All of the above

34. Intuition is most likely to be correct when the leader

a. Is familiar with the issues that concern the group

b. Makes assumptions about why people behave the way they do

c. Is not slowed down by conceptual frameworks

d. All of the above

35. Groups operate best when the facilitator is

a. Passive

b. Active

c. Dominating

d. Silent


36. Growth groups primarily focus on overcoming addictions.

37. Psychological health is the ability to be aware of and manage effectively one’s independent interactions with others.

38. The primary emphasis in a T-group is on giving therapy to its members.

39. Assertiveness training is an example of a structured growth group.

40. Alcoholic Anonymous is an example of a self-help group.

41. Adlerian groups deal primarily with dream analysis.

42. The significance of self-disclosure is in what is disclosed rather than the response of other members to what one has said.

43. Group facilitators should be experts in group dynamics.

44. A growth group leader should be active rather than passive.

45. Group facilitators should define and diagnose participants’ problems in ways that maximize participants’ sense of control over their lives.

46. Research indicates that taking final exams produces more anxiety in people than participating in growth groups.

47. Some group methods have been proven to be better than others.


48. Explain what growth groups focus on and give an example.

49. Explain what counseling and therapy groups focus on and give an example.

50. Explain what self-help groups are and give two examples.

51. What is an important qualification for facilitators for self-help groups and why is it important?

52. What are T-groups and how are they different from encounter groups?

53. What is the main purpose of human relations groups?

54. How do groups provide help with problems that a friend or counselor cannot provide?

55. How do groups help members learn new interpersonal skills?

56. How do groups help induce and reduce powerful feelings?

57. What is gained by group members who help others?

58. Why is it important to disclose emotions in a group?

59. What is important for the facilitator in establishing conditions for participant change?

60. What is helpful feedback and what are its three elements?

61. Explain how the use of intuition can be both helpful and unhelpful to a facilitator.

Chapter 12: Leading Growth and Counseling Groups

  1. C
  2. B
  3. B
  4. D
  5. C
  6. D
  7. A
  8. C
  9. B
  10. C
  11. D
  12. E
  13. B
  14. C
  15. C
  16. C
  17. D
  18. A
  19. D
  20. E
  21. C
  22. B
  23. E
  24. A
  25. E
  26. C
  27. D
  28. D
  29. A
  30. B
  31. C
  32. B
  33. E
  34. A
  35. B
  36. FALSE
  37. TRUE
  38. FALSE
  39. TRUE
  40. TRUE
  41. FALSE
  42. FALSE
  43. TRUE
  44. TRUE
  45. TRUE
  46. TRUE
  47. FALSE