Essex Integration
Refugee and Migrant support
Essex IntegrationVolunteer/befriender Handbook
Thank you for choosing to Volunteer/befriender with Essex Integration and for making a difference to your local community.
Volunteer/befrienders are at the very heart of our organisation. You are the face of Essex Integration (face) in the local community.
It’s our aim is to make sure anyone who gives their time to us feels valued, understood and proud to be part of Essex Integration. This handbook is here to explain the things you need to know about Volunteer/befriendering with us. We hope you find it helpful. If you’d like more detailed information on any of the subjects covered, please speak to your named supervisor. They’ll be more than happy to help you.
Thank you once again for deciding to make a difference.
Mr Eddie Campbell
Essex Integration Operations Manager
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Volunteer/befriender Handbook
About us
Essex Integration
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Volunteer/befriender Handbook
Essex Integration provides practical information, advice and support for Colchester’s Migrants, Refugees, Asylum seekers, Europeans and those on the Syrian and Afghan resettlement program.
Situated at the heart of the local voluntary and community sector since 2009, we are an independent, charitable infrastructure organisation whose aim is to inspire groups to seize opportunities and become more enterprising and sustainable.
Our Vision is
“Enabling the Community to Serve those in need”
Our Mission is:
ESSEX INTEGRATION will enableaffectivecommunities and voluntary action by empowering and inspiring our local society through our five core values – Support, Development, Liaison, Representation and Strategic Partnership Working.
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Our projects:
Making sense of benefits, Child Benefits, tax credit, housing benefit, passports, driving licence, assessment forms, appeals, tribunal hearings/appeals, employment and self-employment, education, tenancy agreements, work related issues, etc.
Integration Through Language:
At Essex Integration we know that being able to communicate in English is the first step in the process of integration. Our Integration Through Language (ITL) classes help our students to adapt to life in the UK, providing them with vital language skills in groups from Pre-Entry to Entry Level 3. We cover the 4 skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing and can also offer 1-2-1 classes where necessary.
Computer Classes:
We know that much of our communication happens on-line, to help progress with language competence. Our computer classes cover:Computer vocabulary, Getting started, Writing documents, Setting up an email account, Online searching, Social networkingand Staying safe.
Resettlement Program
We welcome and support new families via the UNHCR and Home Office.Our Orientationclasses help clients to adapt to life in the UK, the package covers: culture, processes, rights and responsibilities, budgeting, education and the health system. Our befriender’s program is also an invaluable source and help to the families.
Our Christian ethos
Essex Integration has a Christian ethos underpinning our values as we serve and support migrants and refugees, regardless of their own position concerning faith.
We welcome many Volunteer/befrienders from a variety of faiths or no faith.
Our belief is at the heart of why we exist, but is not necessarily at the forefront of what staff say. Our faith-based ethos is principally worked out through social action.
What you can expect from us
We want make sure that you enjoy your role and get the most out of it.
Essex Integration will ensure that:
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Volunteer/befriender Handbook
⋅All Volunteer/befrienders are treated equally
⋅Volunteer/befrienders are recruited in a professional manner and asked to provide verifiable referees regardless of their role
⋅Volunteer/befrienders are responded to promptly
⋅Volunteer/befrienders know who to go to with any problems
⋅Volunteer/befrienders have adequate insurance cover
⋅Volunteer/befrienders have appropriate induction training and support, and are appreciated
⋅Where possible, out-of- pocket expenses are reimbursed
⋅Volunteer/befrienders’ work should be reviewed as necessary, and the chance to develop skills will be given where possible
⋅The task is something the Volunteer/befriender wants to do and is of benefit to the community / Volunteer/befriender contributions are beneficial and targeted
⋅Volunteer/befrienders have safe working conditions
What we expect from you
Just as Volunteer/befrienders can expect to be treated in a certain way, they also have a duty to:
⋅Arrive when expected and be punctual
⋅Give the commitment they know suits their availability
⋅Adhere to the required standards of dress code
⋅Be reliable and trustworthy
⋅Work within the aims and objectives and ethos of the organisation
⋅Be honest if there are any problems
⋅Respect confidentiality and those they work with
⋅Treat all people (both staff and Volunteer/befrienders ) within the organisation equally
⋅If claiming benefits, Volunteer/befrienders should be aware of their responsibility to inform the benefits agency or job centre of their voluntary work. (Please talk to your named supervisor for further information )
⋅Never give out personal details to service users
⋅Always carry out tasks with health and safety and safeguarding of vulnerable adults in mind
⋅Support the Safeguarding Policies of Essex Integration
⋅Feel confident to say no to a request from Essex Integration
⋅That you speak to Essex Integrationthe Keyworker, senior keyworker or Operations Managerif a service user needs help with personal or other problems and not attempt to resolve it privately.
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Above all, it is important that Volunteer/befrienders enjoy their tasks and take pride in the contribution they are making to their community.
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Induction and Training
We want to ensure our Volunteer/befrienders are happy and confident to carry out their role.
Upon beginning Volunteer/befriendering with Essex Integration there will be an induction prepared and delivered by the named supervisor. This will include the following:
⋅An introduction to the setting and the work of each department
⋅The role of the Volunteer/befriender
⋅A list of all staff members and Volunteer/befrienders,
⋅An organisational chart plus the history and the ethos of the organisation
⋅This Volunteer/befriender Handbook
⋅Induction training, including a health and safety walk- through, and details of ongoing training
⋅Any other information as deemed appropriate by the department
⋅Safeguarding where appropriate
⋅There will also be on-going teacher training as needed for ITL teachers, assistants and play-group helpers
It is the intention of Essex Integration to provide training for all Volunteer/befrienders as appropriate and priority will be given on the ground of the need to deliver an effective service to the community.
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Reliability and Commitment
It is important for Volunteer/befrienders to be reliable and to adhere/stick to any arrangements made with us. If a Volunteer/befriender’s circumstances change we request that they let their named Keyworkers know as soon as possible. When Volunteer/befrienders plan to go on holiday we request that they let their named supervisor know that they’ll be unavailable for certain dates and when they plan to return.
All Volunteer/befrienders will have a named supervisor as their main contact. You can find the details of your named Keyworkers at the back of this handbook.
You will be provided with regular supervision to feedback on progress, discuss future developments and air any problems. A grievance procedure exists to deal with any unresolved problems; you named Keyworkers will guide you through the correct procedure.
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The Essentials
Essex Integration upholds that all Volunteer/befrienders are entitled to have out-of-pocket expenses reimbursed.
Travel Expenses
Volunteer/befrienders are entitled to claim their transport costs to and from the placement and for other travel incurred in the course of their voluntary work.
Fares for public transport will be reimbursed upon the production of valid tickets
If the Volunteer/befriender has a travel pass, reimbursement will be of fares incurred had they not had a travel pass. A photocopy of said pass will be taken in place of receipts.
If a car is used, a mileage rate in accordance with current Essex Integration policy will be paid. Mileage claim forms are available on request from Operations Manager. Please check with your insurance company that you do not require business insurance to transport clients. Essex Integration will need a copy of your insurance and mot.
If the Volunteer/befriender incurs parking expenses as part of their placement, these may be reimbursed upon receipt of the tickets. NB: This does not include parking fines.
Other Expenses
All other expenses not detailed above must be authorised by the named supervisor in advance.
Giving or receiving gifts may give the impression of favoritism and could raise unrealistic expectations of the level of support Volunteer/befrienders provide in their role. As such, we ask that Volunteer/befrienders don’t give or receive personal gifts of anyone using Essex Integrationservices under any circumstances.
Health and Safety
Essex Integration undertakes to ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of all employees and Volunteer/befrienders whilst they are at work, as defined in the Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) and its subsequent amendments.
Essex Integration requires all Volunteer/befrienders:
⋅to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves and of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work;
⋅to acquaint themselves with the whereabouts of emergency exits, fire extinguishers and all safety procedures;
⋅to report promptly all hazards of which they become aware and of any accidents and damage whether or not personal injury has occurred;
⋅to co-operate with periodic fire drills and any other health and safety procedures deemed necessary by the Essex Integration;
⋅to bring to the attention of the Essex Integration staff any apparently unauthorised person or persons found in the building;
⋅to bring to the attention of the Essex Integration staff any suspicious packages or unaccompanied baggage;
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Accidents and incidents
All accidents and incidents must be reported to your named Keyworkers as soon as possible. If you feel that it’s a real emergency, please contact the emergency services immediately.
Personal safety and ID cards
Upon application Volunteer/befrienders will be asked to provide an emergency contact, who we will contact in the unlikely event of an emergency. All Volunteer/befrienders will be also asked to provide 2 independent verifiable referees upon application. Volunteer/befrienders may also be issued with aEssex IntegrationVolunteer/befriender ID card which we request is always worn when carrying out Volunteer/befriender activities.
Volunteer/befrienders should not share personal information, befriend clients on social media, offer/give lifts in their own vehicle, attend clients’ appointments or visit clients’ home
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Confidentiality means not discussing information out of the organisation. If a Volunteer/befriender has any concerns about information they receive, or if they are concerned about a situation, these matters should be discussed with their named Keyworkers.
Data Protection
Volunteer/befrienders may come into contact with or use confidential information about employees, clients and customers, for example their names and home addresses. The Data Protection Act 1998 (hereinafter, the Act)contains principles affecting employees’ and other personal records. Information protected by the Act includes not only personal data held on computer but also certain manual records containing personal data, for example employee personnel files that form part of a structured filing system. If you are in any doubt about what you can or cannot disclose and to whom, do not disclose the personal information until you have sought further advice from your named Keyworkers.
Equal Opportunities
Essex Integration is committed to its Equality and Diversity Policy and will ensure that all Volunteer/befrienders are treated fairly regardless of any of the following: age, disability, gender and sex, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race (ethnic origin, nationality, national origin), religion or belief, or sexual orientation.
No smoking policy
Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the premises at all times; including the area immediately outside the entrance to the premises.
If you wish to smoke, you must do this in your own time. You are not permitted to take additional smoking breaks during the day
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Clear boundaries are important for staff, Volunteer/befrienders and service users. They enable us to carry out a service according to agreed expectations and ensure that everyone receives the same quality of service.
Essex Integration appreciate that staff and Volunteer/befrienders may sometimes have contact with service users in a personal capacity – as friends, family or colleagues. In this situation, please take care to avoid any apparent conflict of interest.
Essex Integration has Employer’s Liability Insurance, this provides insurance against liability for injury and disease experienced by Volunteer/befrienders or staff as a direct result of their involvement with Essex Integration activities.
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Leaving your role
Essex Integration that Volunteer/befrienders may wish to leave their role and that they can do so at any time. The reasons for standing down may be sought and will remain confidential, however findings will help staff to reflect on and, where necessary improve, the Volunteer/befriender experience. If requested, a Volunteer/befriender can obtain a written reference.
Essex Integration wishes to portray a professional business image to its clients and customers, therefore we operate minimum smart-casual standard of dress and appearance, which requires Volunteer/befrienders to dress in a manner that is suitable and appropriate.
All Volunteer/befrienders are required to be neat, clean (maintain personal hygiene), well-groomed, and presentable whilst at work, whether working on Essex Integration premises or elsewhere on Company business.
Essex Integration accepts that members of certain ethnic or religious groups are subject to strict religious or cultural requirements in terms of their clothing and appearance. Subject to necessary health and safety requirements, Essex Integration will not insist on dress rules which run counter to the cultural norms of such Volunteer/befrienders. If you are uncertain as to whether a particular item of clothing is acceptable, please speak to the Operations Manager
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Dealing with difficulties
Problems within your role
If you experience a difficulty with any aspect of your role, we ask that you speak to your named supervisor as soon as possible for their advice and support.
If there are concerns around a Volunteer/befriender’s behaviour or contribution, the matter will be discussed and steps agreed to address it; any further steps will be taken in line with Essex Integration procedures.
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Dealing with complaints
Efforts are always made to reach a mutually acceptable solution. If this proves impossible, Volunteer/befrienders can take the matter forward following the Essex Integration Complaints Procedure:
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Stage 1
In the first instance, if you are unable to resolve the issue informally, you should write to Operations Manager. In your letter you should set out the details of your complaint, the consequences for you as a result, and the remedy you are seeking.Send your complaint toEssex Integration Operations Manager at: 76 East Hill, Colchester CO1 2QW.
Stage 2
If you are not satisfied with the initial response to the complaint then you can write to the Finance Manager (at the above address) and ask for a review. You can expect a response within 15 workings days.
Essex Integration aim is to resolve all matters as quickly as possible. However, inevitably some issues will be more complex and therefore may require longer to be fully investigated. If a matter requires more detailed investigation, you will receive an interim response describing what is being done to deal with the matter, and when a full reply can be expected and from whom.
Final Stage
If you are not satisfied with the subsequent reply from the Finance Manager, then you have the option of writing to the Chair of Trustees stating the reason why you are dissatisfied with the outcome. You must do this within 10 days of receiving the written response from Essex Integration. The Chair of Trustees will respond normally within 10 working days to inform you of the action which will be taken to investigate your complaint, and when you can expect to hear the outcome of the investigation.
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Although dealing with complaints can be difficult, it can give us a positive opportunity to improve the way we do things and provide a better service.
How much you mean to us
Acknowledging your contribution
We honour the amazing work of our Volunteer/befrienders with the annual Volunteer/befriender’s Celebration Lunch. Staff and Volunteer/befrienders can make nominations, for more details . Additionally, Essex Integration will provide you with a written reference upon request.