Doc. Ref. No. / Issue Version / Date
UoN-STC-T&A / 1 / June 2009


1. College : Arts and Sciences

2. Department : Mathematical and Physical Sciences

3. Semester : Summer 2016

4. Course Code : COMP222

5. Course Name : Object Oriented Programming

6. Course Coordinator : Dr Khizar Hayat

7. Faculty Name : Dr Khizar Hayat

8. Office No. : 11 i-14

9. Telephone Ext. : 297

10. E-mail :
11. Timetable :

Section / Day / Time / Class Room
Section-1 / Sun
Thu / 12:00 Noon-12:50 AM
12:00 Noon-12:50 AM
12:00 Noon-12:50 AM
12:00 Noon-12:50 AM
12:00 Noon-12:50 AM / 16C
Section-1 (LAB) / Sun
Tue / 02:00 PM-03:50 PM
02:00 PM-03:50 PM / 8-6

Office hours :

Day Time

Everyday / 9:15-9:50 AM
Thu / 10:00 AM-11:50 AM

12. Text Book & References:

Text Book / References
1. C++: How to Program” by Deitel and Deitel / 2.  Programming and Problem Solving with C++, Fourth Edition, Nell Dale
3.  Programming Using C++ by BalaguruSwamy

13. Course Description:

This course introduces object oriented programming (OOP) to the students. It starts by describing the advanced concepts with functions such as function overloading, recursive functions, inline functions and template functions followed by the programming with pointers and string manipulation functions. Then it describes the structure concepts and difference between structured programming and object oriented programming. It then presents the major components of object oriented programming, mainly classes, objects, and message passing between the objects. It then goes to describing in detail the properties of object oriented programming namely data abstraction and encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. At the end friendship of the classes are discussed. All along, the course explains how these concepts are implemented using the C++ programming language.

14. Learning Outcomes:

L1 / Explain advanced concepts in functions like function overloading, recursive functions, inline functions and template functions.
L2 / Explain how to program with pointers, strings and string manipulation function.
L3 / Analyze the difference between Structured Programming in terms of structures and OOP in terms of Classes.
L4 / Apply advanced concepts, such as friend functions, friend classes, passing object as a arguments and Dynamic memory allocation.
L5 / Simulate the concepts of inheritance in real world applications.
L6 / Implement polymorphism concepts in terms of functions overloading and operators overloading.

15. Assessment Policy:

Assessment process takes direct and indirect measurements to ensure that learning outcomes and program objectives have been achieved. The assessment includes assignments, quizzes, tests, projects and discussions. The type of assessment is indicated in the weekly plan table and the assessment details are as follows:

Assessment / Percentage % / Due
Quiz/Assignments / 15% / periodic
Mid-term exams / 30% / Week 3 and 5
Lab Exam(L) / 15% / Week 6
Final Exam (F) / 40% / Week 7

16. Plagiarism Policy:

As per the University Policy UoN-STC-CR-1-2009, the following actions (not limited to), without proper attribution (quoting and/or referencing), will attract stringent penalties:
1.  To copy the work of another student;
2.  To directly copy any part of another person’s work;
3.  To summarize another person’s work;
4.  To use or develop an idea or thesis derived from another person’s work;
5.  To use experimental results or data obtained or gathered by another person;
6.  To demonstrate academic misconduct during an exam.

17. Attendance Policy:

As per the University Absentee Regulations, Absentee warning notice will be issued to the student according to:
1.  “Absentee Warning 1”: for unexcused absence of 5% of course's contact hours.
2.  “Absentee Warning 2”: for unexcused absence of 10% of course's contact hours.
3.  “Drop one Grade and Absence Warning 3”: for unexcused absence of 15% of course's contact hours.
4.  “Barred from the final exam”: for unexcused absence of 25% of course's contact hours.
1.  If a student’s unexcused absence is below 25% but his/her total absence reaches 25% or more of all contact hours of the course, he/she shall be required to withdraw from the course with a “ W” grade.

18. Weekly Teaching & Assessment Plan:

Week No / Topic / Course Outcome / Assessment of Outcomes
1 / Functions / L1 / Q/A+M1+F
2 / Pointers / L2 / Q+M1+F
3 / String and String Manipulation functions / L2 / Q/A+M2+F
4 / Concept of Structure / L2 / Q/A+M2+F
5 / Basic Concepts of Classes / L3+L5 / Q+M2+F
6 / Advanced Concept of Class: Inheritance, Polymorphism (Operator Overloading), Friendship of Classes / L4+L5+L6 / Q/A+L+F
7 / Final Exam / F