Instructor: Ms. Stevens

Pre-requisite: ICT or its equivalent

Grades: 11-12

Credit: One-Half Credit

Meets computer proficiency: Media Presentations

Make-up Nights: M-W

Lab Hours: 2-2:40--Study Hall, as available

Phone: 892-1810 Voice Mail-Ext.369; Ext. 204-after school


Website: www.windhamraymondschools.org

Portaportal: http://guest.portaportal.com/lstevens

Curriculum Alignment:

Windham High School’s Mission Statement & Expectations (see www.windhamraymondschools.org) Maine Learning Results: Parameters for Essential Instruction (see Cross Reference to Standards: Career & Education Development A1 a-c, B2 b, C3; English Language Arts B5 a, C1 a-e, D1 a, b, F1 d; Mathematics D2 a, D4, 5; Science & Technology C3 b @ www.maine.gov/education/lres/pei/index.html).
Course Description:

What is a digital or electronic portfolio? Electronic portfolios are a creative means of organizing, summarizing, and sharing information about your abilities, experiences, and achievements. Many colleges and prospective employers are requiring that applicants present a portfolio of their high school career. In this course, you will have an opportunity to design and create your own personal portfolio using digital photography and the latest technology.

Student Knowledge/Understandings:

·  Analyze skills and abilities required in a variety of career options and relate them to your own skills and abilities.

·  Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the changing nature of work and educational requirements.

·  Use a career planning process that includes self-assessment, personal development, and a college/career portfolio as a way to gain initial entry into college or the workplace.

·  Collaborate with classmates and instructor in creating a multimedia presentation to communicate learning with others.

Student Skills:

·  Identify and use drawing and painting applications as appropriate for class projects.

·  Create and manipulate illustrations using a drawing or painting program (e.g., adjust scale, size, and shape).

·  Operate peripheral equipment (e.g., scanner, digital camera). Identify and use methods for transferring, downloading, and converting graphic, sound, and video files. Use different graphic file formats where appropriate (e.g., jpeg, gif).

·  Create a multimedia presentation that incorporates data from other files. Using word art, the Internet, clip art, scanners, a digital camera and other peripheral equipment, design a portfolio to include the following: cover with personal photograph, resume, and a letter of introduction, interest profile, college questionnaires, and a minimum of ten exemplars representing personal achievements.


Text/Software: Microsoft Office XP – Word & PowerPoint, Internet Explorer, Bridges, and other ancillary programs.

Supplementary Materials: Instructor will provide information to acquire this material electronically.

Teaching Methods:

1.  Lectures/Demonstrations: Important material from the text and outside sources will be covered in class. Discussion is encouraged, as is student-procured, outside material relevant to topics being covered.

2.  Lab Assignments: Concepts Reviews, Skills Reviews, Independent Challenges and other projects and readings will be periodically assigned to help support and supplement material found in the projects. These assignments require the use of various software applications.

3.  Assessments: The assessments will assess your knowledge of the assigned readings and applications.

4.  Guest Speakers: Sharing expertise relative to curriculum.


Category / Weight
Lab Assignments / 60%
Assessments / 25%
Homework/Ancillary Assignments / 15%

*Subject to change

Grading periods will close according to dates indicated by Administration. Updates will be distributed periodically and emailed to your parents.

Course Policies:

Student Computer/Internet Use: Before you will be allowed to use school computers and Internet services, you will have to agree to abide by the computer regulations for the district each time you log in.

Academic Integrity: You are expected to model academic integrity as defined in the Windham High School Academic Integrity Standard as outlined in your student planner.

Lab Assignments: Assignment lengths will vary and you will be notified in advance of the due date. To earn credit, all projects must be saved in your file, My Documents, on the network drive. You must include your filename and path on your saved document before printing.

Missed Classes: You are responsible for making up the work assigned when you are absent (excused). You should contact your study partner for an update and/or handouts. Please arrange a time with me to complete this work. Due to the nature of this course, it is imperative that you complete your assignments as soon as possible.

Need for Assistance: If you have a physical or learning disability which will make it difficult for you to carry out the work as outlined or which will require academic accommodations, please notify me as soon as possible.