Advanced Photo


DUE: 4/07

Name: ______

Reflection: The “Exploring Portraiture” Series (EP Series)

Challenge: After reviewing the portrait lighting techniques demonstrated in class and researching different methods of portraiture, create a series of portraits using various devices while exploring specific themes/concepts.

Your EP FINALS folder should include ONE photograph from EACH of the following categories to demonstrate your research and exploration:

1.  Studio portrait lighting techniques

2.  High contrast

3.  Open-ended self portrait

4.  Reflective surfaces

5.  Body framing

6.  Picture within a picture

7.  Portrait with context

Directions. Please answer the following questions below thoughtfully and carefully. When finished, please fill out the checklist, rating your level of demonstration for each of the learning goals and considerations, using the 7-point scale.
*Please choose two of your portraits to write about.

1.  Please describe the concept, idea, and process behind these two photographs, including where you got the idea, how you approached it, etc.

2.  Rate, in order, the level of difficulty you faced with each one of these categories (1 being easiest, 7 being the most difficult).

______Studio portrait lighting techniques ______Body Framing

______High contrast ______Picture within a picture

______Open-ended self portrait ______Portrait with context

______Reflective surfaces

3.  List three things that you learned from this assignment.




4.  Can you please give me feedback on this assignment? Could you suggest any improvements or changes that should be made?

Learning Goals / Criteria or description of considerations / You / Lang
Communication and Expression / Do the photographs strongly and clearly address the assignment concept?
-Do shots demonstrate inventiveness, and go beyond the usual clichés and obvious solutions in addressing the concept?
-Do the photographs immediately “pull you in” and catch your attention (i.e. do they have visual impact)?
Design, Layout, and Composition / -Do the photographs show a considered approach to design, where framing devices, contrast, and a strong emphasis point are employed?
-Are there any photographs where the point of view strongly helps the overall composition and intent?
-Are there any photographs where there is a sense of tension between the subject and an action or setting?
-Is there a strong sense of visual balance to a particular photograph?
-Does the setting or background “fit” with the subject, or is it just “filler?”
Materials, Tools, and Techniques / -Your chosen photographs should be sharply focused (or at least partly focused if you were purposely employing depth of field or catching blurred motion)
-Black and white: The overall exposure should be strong, with bright whites, rich, deep darks, and range of tonal values in between; colors should not be washed out OR overly saturated -Color should add to the overall intent
-The photographs should demonstrate overall care of materials and craftsmanship, with no smudges, scratches, dirt, stray glue marks, or fingerprints visible on the print
Critique and Reflection / Did you participate in the critiques, giving appropriate feedback and constructive criticism ?
-Were you open to suggestions and consider improvements?
-Did you set goals, work out strategies, and brainstorm approaches to the assignment?
Process, Professionalism, and Studio Habits