Reflection Resources
- Encorps: Tools and training for volunteer and service programs
- Reflection by Design Service-Learning Northwest six-step manual for how to organize and facilitate reflection training for members.
- The Reflection Toolkit, from the Northwest Service Academy, has guided discussions, facilitator tips, session plans, and other activities.
- Background and theoretical framework around reflection as it applies to K-12 service-learning, see Reflection: K – 12 Service-Learning by RMC Research Corp.
- The Need for Reflection includes more information about why reflection is so important, plus tips for conducting reflection activities.
- Reflection Ideas Worth Borrowing features ideas for speaking, writing, multimedia and other reflection activities.
- The Council Process provides instructions for this group reflection technique.
- Group Reading provides a process for staging group readings as a reflection activity.
- Youth Volunteer Resume is a reflection activity designed to help youth volunteers create customized volunteer resumes.
- What's Next, a self-guided tutorial designed
- Facilitating Reflection: A manual for leaders and educators. http://
- K-12 Service-Learning Project Planning Toolkit
- 2011 Semester of Service Strategy Guide, Youth Service America (YSA)
Reflective Judgment Model: Implications for Service-Learning and Reflection, (The)
provides guidance to educators on an important student characteristic--stage of reflective ... environments. Table identifies the likely responses of students operating at different stages of reflective judgment and offers suggestions for stage-appropriate reflection questions.
ABCs of Reflection: A Template for Students and Instructors to Implement Written Reflection in Service Learning, (The)
Describes a theoretically based template for implementing written reflection now being taught to faculty by the Bennion Center at the University of Utah.
Practitioner's Guide to Reflection in Service-Learning: Student Voices and Reflections, (A)
Resource for anyone seeking to use critical reflection in service-learning. Drawing upon student testimony of successful reflection, it assists in developing reflection activities, different ways to reflect and learn suited to different learning styles
A Practitioner's Guide to Reflection in Service-Learning: Student Voices and Reflections
Price: $17.25 (Out of Stock) Janet Eyler, Dwight E.Giles, Jr. and Angela Schmiede Published in 1996; 170 pages Drawing upon student testimony of successful reflection, assists in developing reflection activities for service-learning courses or programs.
Opening Up Service-Learning Reflection by Turning Inward: Developing Mindful Learners Through Contemplation
Summarizes the purpose of reflection in service-learning, as well as the most common mediums of reflection as delineated through a review of the field's most recommended guides/resources. He then links the overuse of certain reflection processes with mindlessness and learner automatization,
Learning through Reflective Service: Native American Experience
about the cultures and health care practices of Native Americans through focused, reflective study ... readings, independent study, group discussion and reflection. Following the service week, students engage in further reflection to make meaning of the experience, present an oral reflection on the lessons learned
Talking Service: Readings for Civic Reflection
Provides an opening reflection exercise as well as a set of questions for group discussion regarding General Reflection (talking service readings for civic reflection) (General, Reflection) ...
Post-Service Reflection Form
Form after finishing all other steps of service-learning project. Chicago Public Schools. Sample Forms and Templates
Reflective Journal Guidelines
how to make a reflective journal after completing their service-learning experience. Tips for making the journal, as well as expected ingredients, are listed. Sample_Forms/Reflective_Journal_Guidelines.
Reflection Seminar Debriefing Form
Serves as a debriefing form for students to reflect on their overall service-learning experience. Contributed by Brevard Community College.
Sample_Forms/Reflection_Seminar_DebriefingBrevard.pdf Evaluation/Assessment Sample Forms and
Critical Thinking Reflection Form
Meant for students to process and reflect on the beneficial outcomes resulting from their service-learning experience. Evaluation/
Rubric for Levels of Reflection
Can be used for assessing the level of reflection in student assignments.Contributed by: Jean Strait, Hamline University
Outcomes, Reflection, and Assessment (Campus Compact)
Process that faculty can use for structuring the reflection process. reflection/outcomes/ Links Core Components of Service-Learning Reflection
Project on Civic Reflection
Organization dedicated to deepening reflection on civic life. The Project on Civic Reflection can help your group or organization get started with civic reflection through reading and discuss short texts drawn from literature, philosophy, and religion,
How To Guide for Reflection (Parrillo)
A summary of materials currently used to support reflection in service learning. How To Guide for Reflection (Parrillo) Links Reflection
Academic Service-Learning: The Reflection Concept (Blanchard)
Definition, history, and importance of reflection in service-learning. ... Core Components of Service-Learning Reflection (K-12 Sector, Core Components of Service-Learning, Reflection, MI)
Service Reflection Toolkit (Learn and Serve America)
The basics of what reflection is and sample questions, as well as information about the benefits of the process. Service Reflection Toolkit (Learn and Serve America) Links Reflection
Books and periodicals
- Bringle, R. G., & Hatcher, J. A. (1999, Summer). Reflection in service-learning: Making meaning of experience. Educational Horizons, 77, 179-185.
- Campbell, L., Campbell, B., & Dickinson, D. (1996). Teaching and learning through multiple intelligences. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
- Eyler, J., & Giles, D. E., Jr. (1999). Where's the learning in service-learning? San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Eyler, J., Giles, D. E., Jr., & Schmiede, A. (1996). A practitioner's guide to reflection in service-learning. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University .
- King, P. M., & Kitchener, K. S. (1994). Developing reflective judgment. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
- Leming, J. S. (2001, Spring). Integrating a structured ethical reflection curriculum into high school community service experiences: Impact on students' sociomoral development. Adolescence, 36, 33-45.
- Marzano, R. J., Brandt, R. S., Hughes C. S., Jones, B. F., Presseisen, B. Z., Rankin, S. C., Suhor, C. (1988). Dimensions of thinking: A framework for curriculum and instruction. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
- Perry, S., & Albright, E. (1999). Help at last: Integrating reflection into literacy instruction. Denver, CO: RMC Research Corporation.
- Toole, J., & Toole, P. (1995). Reflection as a tool for turning service experiences into learning experiences. In C. Kinsley & K. McPherson (Eds.), Enriching the curriculum through service-learning (pp. 99-114). Alexandria, VA: Association for Curriculum Supervision & Development.
- Wade, R. C. (Ed.). (1997). Community service-learning: A guide to including service in the public school curriculum. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press
Reflective Judgment Model: Implications for Service-Learning and Reflection, (The)
This document provides guidance to educators on an important student characteristic--stage of reflective ... environments. The table identifies the likely responses of students operating at different stages of reflective judgment and offers suggestions for stage-appropriate reflection questions.
Practitioner's Guide to Reflection in Service-Learning: Student Voices and Reflections, (A)
This guide is a resource for anyone seeking to use critical reflection in service-learning. Drawing upon student testimony of successful reflection, it assists in developing reflection activities ... The authors discuss different ways to reflect and learn suited to different learning styles
Opening Up Service-Learning Reflection by Turning Inward: Developing Mindful Learners Through Contemplation
the author briefly summarizes the purpose of reflection in service-learning, as well as the most common mediums of reflection as delineated through a review of the field's most recommended guides/resources. He then links the overuse of certain reflection processes with mindlessness and learner automatization, which ...
Problematizing Service-Learning: Critical Reflections for Development and Action
First Time Journey Into Service-Learning: Urban Teachers’ Descriptions and Reflections on the Practice, Process and Product, (A)
Academic Service-Learning: The Reflection Concept (Blanchard)
Reflect and Celebrate
This annotated bibliography explores the value of challenging reflection activities in K-12 service-learning. ... of reflection in service-learning. reflection.pdf
Student Service Reflection: A Different Kind of Vacation
reflects on his travel to New Orleans, where he helped rebuild parts of the Ninth Ward. (author) reflection-different-kin "> reflection Core Components of Service-Learning Reflection ...
Steps to Reflection
Reflection is the third and final stage of the service learning experience. The process of intentional reflection enables students to make sense out of their experiences. Without reflection, the ability ... of an environmental restoration project. Without reflection, it is a cleaning and planting project. With reflection
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Journal Keeping: How to Use Reflective Writing for Learning, Teaching, Professional Insight, and Positive Change Dannelle D. Stevens
Service Reflection Toolkit
A discussion of reflection and a collection of reflection activities, separated into the amount of time required. The intention is for reflection to be available and utilized any time
Multiple Intelligence Reflection Cards
Reflection, a significant element of effective service-learning, consists of the use of creative and critical ... quality service-learning, reflection occurs throughout the process and can take many different forms. These 50 Reflection cards are designed by students, for students to enrich reflection while incorporating
Pre-Service Reflection: "When I Feel..." Teaching Tolerance 0 ...
Pocket Guide to Reflection, (A) service learning reflection activities grouped into four categories - speaking, writing, activities
Talking Service: Readings for Civic Reflection
Six readings chosen to spur reflection on the experience of service. Each is short enough ... (talking service readings for civic reflection) (HE Sector, K-12 Sector) ...
Field Guide for Student Reflection
This guide for student reflection was created in an effort to help students engaged in service activities to reflect on the personal, social, and academic learning they experienced. Reflection prompts presented ... and to meet a variety of learner needs to assist youth in addressing the varied benefits of reflection ...
Reflect and Improve: A Tool Kit for Engaging Youth and Adults as Partners in Program Evaluation
Emotion and Learning: Feeling our Way Toward a New Theory of Reflection in Service-Learning Service-learning researchers and practitioners agree that reflection is the essential link between community experience and academic learning: "reflection is the hyphen in service-learning". The theoretical and pedagogical foundations for service-learning reflection pay scant attention to the emotional content
Connecting Thinking and Action: Ideas for Service-Learning ReflectionReflection is one of the most powerful components of service-learning. This book helps educators by giving ... and theory about reflection is presented as a basis for reflection ideas, and is searchable across all grade
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Integrating Reflection and Assessment to Capture and Improve Student Learning
Intentionally linking the assessment of student learning outcomes of service-learning with reflection allows ... reflection products as data sources to assess and improve both individual student learning and program-wide approaches to reflection.
Lessons Learned: Reflections by Minnesota's 2003-2006 Learn and Serve America Grantees 6898 Minnesota Department of Education 2006 ...
Service-Learning Planning and Reflection: A Step-by-Step Guide and implementing a successful service-learning project, reflecting on their experience through dozens of journals
Lasting Lessons: A Teacher's Guide to Reflecting on Experience with the theory and practice of reflecting upon experiences. Although the discussion uses examples from outdoor
Activities for Thoughtful Reflection: Connecting Service and Learning; A Guidebook for Teachers Grades K through 8 handbook was written for new and experienced teachers who want to effectively use reflection with children ... Notations are made to assist the teachers in choosing appropriate reflection activities for a variety ...
Reflection on the Catalytic Effects of Learn and Serve America, (A) Amy Cohen Elson Nash
Pedagogical Variations in Service-Learning and Student Outcomes: How Time, Contact, and Reflection Matter contact with service beneficiaries, and frequency and variety of reflection activities. In particular, ... of their service, (3) weekly in-class reflection, (4) ongoing and summative written reflection, and (5) discussions
Electronic Journaling: Using the Web-Based, Group Journal for Service-Learning Reflection journaling is a fundamental reflective activity in many service-learning classrooms. This paper introduces -electronic journaling using the webbased group journal
Learn and Serve America: Reflecting on the Past, Focusing on the Future Robert Bhaerman Amy B. Cohen, Amy B. Cohen ...
Reflection: The Key to Social-Emotional Change Using Service-Learning
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