Dear XXX State DECA CDC Delegates and Parents:

The State DECA CDC is a few weeks away. I hope you are as excited as I am! This is the first step towards attending the International Career Development Conference along with 20,000 of your closest DECA friends from across the globe in Anaheim, CA.

Below is some VERY IMPORTANT information that you all need to be aware of:

Paperwork that must be turned in on Friday, February 24th! NO EXCEPTIONS!

Grade check with yes or no indicated by the teacher AND parent signature!!!!!

XXX Delegation Letter (This letter! Requires insurance info and parent signature)

XXXStatement of Expected Behavior (requires student and parent signature; please read carefully!)

Any money owed MUST be paid off

Chaperones/Code of Conduct:

Chaperones for this trip will be XXXXX and myself. This is a school function and as such, you need to behave accordingly. You are to be respectful of any alumni and advisors/adults from other schools that are in attendance. Do not ever leave the hotel property without letting me or another chaperone know where you are going!!!!! When curfew time comes around…I will do curfew check and then you must be in your assigned rooms for the rest of the night!

Curfew will be determined by the advisor based on the evening’s activities. All competitive events will take place on Monday, so you are encouraged to get a good night’s sleep Sunday night. Students that do NOT participate in finals will be eligible tobe voting delegates and/or participating in chapter activities as determined Tuesday morning.

Final Payment:

Account balances must be paid by February 17th, 2017. Any student denied eligibility to attend State CDC for any non-emergency reason will NOT RECEIVE ANY TYPE OF A MONETARY REFUND. Any student receiving any financial assistance from the store and/or DECA towards his/her expenses will be billed for those expenses should he/she not attend State CDC for any non-emergency reason; this includes grades, behavior consequences, not meeting qualifying requirements stated in the financial agreement on file, etc.


We will be leaving XXX at 5:30 a.m. Monday morning. Your luggage will be checked prior to being allowed on the bus. Please be at XXX Gym by 5:15 a.m. for luggage check and be in professional attire!



Address: XXXXX

Phone: XXXXX


Curfew means IN YOUR ASSIGNED ROOM WITH THE DOORS CLOSED AND THE NOISE LEVEL DOWN. If you need ice, food, soda, etc., GET IT BEFORE CURFEW!!!!!!!!!!!!

DECA and Ms. XXXXX’s No Cohabitation Rule:

You guys know the rules…NO GUYS IN GIRLS ROOMS AND NO GIRLS IN GUYS ROOM! “Oops, I just forgot, Ms. XXXXX” or “I was just getting shampoo” is NO EXCUSE!

Spending Money:

All meals will be provided. You may bring money for extra activities as time allows at the resort.

Dress Code:

All sessions and competition are professional attire: (YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO COMPETE OR GO ON STAGE IF YOU ARE NOT IN PROFESSIONAL ATTIRE!)

Guys: dress slacks, dress shirt, tie, socks, dress shoes, belt, jacket is optional but recommended!

Gals: dress, coordinated skirt and blouse or pants and blouse, pantsuit, hose, and close-toed shoes! Pants MUST be worn with hose or trouser socks or knee high hose.

Things to bring:

Calculator (some of these events require math! You may only use non-scientific calculators.)

2 or 3 #2 pencils

visual aids/easels, etc. for those giving presentations!

mending kit, safety pins

ladies, clear nail polish and extra hose

snacks must be in unopened containers! (don’t destroy the rooms with crumbs, please!)


Info on Nationals:

How do you get there?

  • Top 5 overall in role play/series events (lowered from 2016)
  • Top 5 overall in written projects/presentation events (raised from 2016)

When:April 25-30 (includes travel dates)

Where: Anaheim, CA

Cost:Estimated at $950(Students will need to obtain a $400 tax credit towards this amount and help to fundraise any additional monies needed). The DECA Chapter will pay a maximum of $500 per student from the chapter account for this trip.


Please read the included information, sign next page, and return with student by 2/24/17 with the rest of his/her paperwork. Failure to get all paperwork signed and turned in by Friday could mean the student is removed from the roster and is not allowed to attend! It is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT your son/daughter have at least a 65% in all of his/her classes on their grade check to attend. This is due to the close proximity to 9 weeks grades and the privilege involved in attending this conference.

Return last page of form to Ms. XXXXX

Insurance Company:______Insurance Card in students possession  YES

Yes, we have read and understand the contents of this document. We agree to follow the rules/guidelines stated within. I also understand that if my son/daughter behaves inappropriately and the advisor deems it in everyone’s best interest for the student to be brought home, I agree to come and pick up my son/daughter in XXXXX.




