References useful to read for writing PhD Thesis

Author: Chng Eng Siong
Dated: 29 April 2015, last edited :25 Jan 2017

A)Write the content page, and subsection of a Thesis.

  1. Then include all the questions to be answered for each chapter/section.

B)References: How to organize and write a PhD Thesis

See the mindMap (PhD_Thesis_Writing_MindMapv1.pdf) I have created, and linking to the following references:

1)HansZappe, 2012: “How to write a phD Thesis”

2)Chinneck, 1999, “How to organize your thesis”,

3)Daniel Ratiu et al, 2010,“Hints for writing a phD thesis – a pattern oriented approach”

4)Easterbrook, 1992, “How thesis get written: some cool tips”

5)Priya, 2006, “How to write a Good (no Great) PhD dissertation”,

6)Frazer, “Structuring your thesis”,

7)Faryadi,”How to write your PhD proposal: a step by step guide”


The above article by Eisner [John Hopkins] shares idea of how to organise content into the thesis. So this paper is a bit more about the mechanics of it all.

9)Australia QU’s link – how to structure a thesis

C)Videos about writing: If you have problems writing – see coursera course (writing in the science, by Kristin Sainani) especially the “cut the clutter bit”

D)How to do Lit survey: how to do literature survey: see

E)Some help about writing English (at a sentence, paragraph level)

a)Check out what is a paragraph, structure of a sentence in

This is a great book written for Scienc/Eng students from Hanyang University

(readCh 2 for sentence structure, and Ch 3 for paragraph structure)

b)Hamilton College:

c)Some suggestions about clarity, conciseness, etc:

F)Tools to support writing:

-The above paper discuss tools that help ease your writing, organizing, keeping your papers read, (docear, mindeley), latex, mind-mapping tools, etc


  1. Latex - and the
    IDE TexStudio

c.For Lit Review:


G)Pagiarism checker – so don’t copy verbatim.

We will check your thesis! Currently using iThenticate

My own opinions of writing a thesis

1) Clearly identify the research question

- motivate why this question is important, by studying this problem, what can we gain?

- who has performed research on this

- break the prior works by class of techniques, analyse their differences,

And similarity, and finally their weakness. This should be a broader overview as compared to (2) later on.

-Because of these existing weaknesses, that s the reason for this work.

2) When describing your work

- describe clearly what you are trying to solve, its scope, constraint and assumption,

- who (which prior research) are most closely related to your work

and why/how they are related. This is a more detailed version than (1) – do not repeat.

- describe your work and discuss why you work is different to previous – how shall I show that it’s a good and novel contribution. What are the corpuses for competitions, expts, and their measures used.

- whats the conclusions

3) if you have multiple works, repeat (2) and tie them together for (1). Remember that you are writing a single coherent story to solve a problem with multiple faceted approach, techniques, constraint, that are complimentary.