Activity Assessment & Field Testing
Name of activity:
Your role (Science Team member, Teacher, etc.):
Assessment of activity as written
Is the activity engaging and understandable for students? If not, please elaborate on why you feel it is not engaging or understandable and suggest improvements.
Is the activity practical to implement? If not, please suggest ways to make this easier to implement.
Is the activity scientifically accurate? If not, please elaborate and suggest improvements.
Is this activity helpful for understanding mission-level science?
Were there any errors that you could point out, or changes you would like to suggest?
Are there any additional resources you think would complement this activity?
Modifications to activity: If desired, please provide detailed instructions on how to modify this activity for a new target grade level, with adaptations for students with special needs, or suggest extensions to the activity. (Use the back of the page or additional pages if necessary).
New target grade level: ______
Instructions for modification:
Adaptations for students with special needs or disabilities:
Extensions or additional resources:
Please send front and back pages to , 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723, MS 200-E 181 or Kerri Hallau . Please use additional pages if needed. Thank you for your expertise!