Culture is a verb

Street, Brian V.; L. Thompson (1993). "Culture is a verb: Anthropological aspects of language and cultural process". In D. Graddol, M. Byram (eds.). Language and culture. Clevedon, UK: BAAL in association with Multilingual Matters. pp.23–43.

Knowing how and knowing that

Gilbert Ryle The Concept of Mind

[See for example: On "Knowing How" and "Knowing That" Jane Roland The Philosophical Review Vol. 67, No. 3 (Jul., 1958), pp. 379-388

Shuoqian’s work

Applying an intercultural approach to Chinese college language teaching
Author: Qin, Shuoqian
Awarding Body: Durham University
Awarded: 2015

Online at: British Library ETHOS (E Theses on line) :

Action research

Burns, A. (2010). Doing action research in English language teaching: A guide for practitioners. New York: Routledge,

Edge, J. (2001). Action research. Alexandria, VA.: TESOL.

See also: Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning (London Routledge edited Byram and Hu ) for articles on intercultural competence, action research etc

Bibliography for ‘Intercultural Competence in Language Education’

(This is a personal selection which does not attempt to be comprehensive or balanced – Mike Byram)


The New Zealand Ministry of Education published a report in June 2010 on intercultural Communicative Language Teaching (iCLT).

The fullreport and a summary for teachers can be found on EducationCountsfollowing the links below:

Full report:

Summary report:

Languages and Cultures in Europe (LACE): The intercultural competences developed in compulsory foreign language education in the European Union.

Tesch, B., Leupold, E. and Köller, O. (eds.) (2008) Bildungsstandards Französisch: konkret. Sekundarstufe I: Grundlagen, Aufgabenbeispiele und Unterrichtsanregungen.Berlin: Cornelsen Scriptor

Catteuw, P. 2012 A framework of reference fir intercultural competence. Brussel: FARO – Flemish Interface Centre for Culural Heritage.

See also:

(this may no longer be available but I have downloaded all the documents )

Book series: LICE

for Intercultural Communication and Education'

Review articles

Byram M and Feng, A. 2005, Teaching and researching intercultural competence. In E. Hinkel (ed) 2005 Handbook of Research in Second Language Teaching and Learning. Mahwah NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum pp. 911-930

Byram, M and Feng, A 2004, Culture and language learning: teaching, research and scholarship. Language Teaching 37, 3 149-168.

Humphrey, D. (2007). Intercultural Communication Competence: The State of Knowledge. (CILT) The National Centre for Languages.

O’Regan, J. P. & MacDonald, M. N. (2007). Consultation Report on the Development of National Occupational Standards inIntercultural Working: Phase I. (CILT) The National Centre for Languages.

Paige, R. M., Jorstad, H. L., Siaya, L., Klein, F., and Colby, J. (2000). Culture learning in language education: A review of the literature. In D.L. Lange and R.M. Lange (Eds.), Culture as the core: Perspectives on culture in second language Learning (pp. 173-236). Greenwich: Information Age Publishing

Newton, J., Yates, E., Shearn, S. and Nowitzki, W. 2010, Intercultural communicative language teaching: implications for effective teaching and learning – A literature review and an evidence-based framework for effective teaching. Wellington NZ: Ministry of Education.

Perry, L.B. & Southwell, L. (2011): Developing interculturalunderstanding and skills: models and approaches, Intercultural Education, 22:6, 453-466

Spitzberg, B.H. and Changnon, G. (2009) Conceptualising intercultural competence. In D. Deardorff (ed.) The Sage Handbook of Intercultural Competence. Los Angeles: Sage.

Special issues

Editors Byram, Holmes Savvides:

Special issue “Intercultural competence I” The Language Learning Journal 41, 3 (Nov 2013).

Special issue “Intercultural competence 2” The Language Learning Journal (June 2015).

Handbooks and Readers

Hecht, M. L. and Lindsley, S. L.(eds.) Redefining culture: perspectives across disciplines. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum

Deardorff, D. 2009, Sage Handbook of Intercultural Competence. London : Sage

Jackson, J. (ed.) (2012) The Routledge Handbook of Language and Intercultural Communication. London: Routledge

Straub, J., Weidemann, A. and Weidemann, D. (eds.) (2007), Handbuch interkulturelle Kommunikation und Kompetenz. Stuttgart: Verlag J.B.Metzler.

Kotthoff, H and Spencer-Oatey, H. (eds..) (2007), Handbook of Intercultural Communication. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Hua, Zhu (ed.) 2011, The Language and Intercultural Communication Reader.London: Routledge.

Zarate, G., Lévy, D. and Kramsch, C. 2008 Précis du plurilinguisme et du pluriculturalisme.Paris: Editions des Archives Contemporaines

Bennett, J. (2015) Sage encyclopedia of intercultural competence.Sage.

(some) Books on theory

Allport, G. 1954/1979, The Nature of Prejudice ReadingMA: Addison-Wesley

Barrett, M. 2007, Children’s knowledge, beliefs and feelings about nations and national groups. Hove and New York: Psychology Press – Taylor and Francis Group

Bennett, M. (1993) Towards Ethnorelativism: A Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity. In R.M.Paige, Education for the Intercultural Experience. 2nd edition. Intercultural Press, inc.


Bennett, M. (2011). A developmental model of intercultural sensitivity. Retrieved from

Bennett, M. J. (1986a). A developmental approach to training for intercultural sensitivity. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 10(2), 179-196.

Brewer, M.B. 2003, Intergroup Relations Open University Press [for review of contact hypothesis]

Geertz, C. 1968, Islam observed. Religious development in Morocco and Indonesia. Chicago: University of Chicago Press (Chap 4 The struggle for the real – on the nature of ‘culture’)

Johnston, B., Ford, P., Mitchell, R. and Myles, F. 2011, Developing student criticality in higher education: undergraduate learning in the arts and social sciences. London: Continuum.

Hager, M. 2011, Culture, psychology, and language learning. Oxford: Peter Lang.

Kim, Y.Y. 1988, Communication and Cross-cultural Adaptation: an Integrative Theory Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Pickering, M. 2001, Stereotyping. The politics of representation. Basingstoke: Palgrave.

Shaules, J. 2007, Deep culture. The hidden challenges of global living. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Shweder, R.A. and LeVine, R.A. (eds.) 1984, Culture Theory. Essays on mind, self and emotion. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press

Ward, C., Bochner, S. and Furnham, A. 2001, The psychology of culture shock. London: Routledge.

Wierzbicka, A. 1992, Semantics, Culture and Cognition New York: OxfordUniversity Press

Wierzbicka, A. 1997, Understanding Cultures through Key Words. English, Russian, Polish, German, and JapaneseOxford: OxfordUniversity Press

Williams, R. 1976, Keywords London: Fontana

Witte, Arnd and Harden,Theo Foreign Language Learning as Intercultural Experience: The Subjective Dimension Oxford: Peter Lang


Condon, J. & Yousef, F. (1975). An Introduction to Intercultural Communication. New York: MacMillan

Holliday, A. Hyde, M. and Kull, J 2004,Intercultural communication : an advanced resource book. London: Routledge.

Neuliep, J.W. 2014, Intercultural communication: a contextual approach Sage (6th edition)

Samovar, Larry A and Richard E. Porter. 2003 Intercultural communication : a reader.
Belmont, Calif. : Wadsworth

Piller, I. 2011, Intercultural communication. A critical introduction. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Szende,Thomas 2014, Second Culture Teaching and Learning. An Introduction

Peter Lang, Berne, 2014, 462 pages.


Risager, K. 2007, Language and culture pedagogy. From a national to a transnational paradigm. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Risager, K. (2011) The cultural dimensions of language teaching and learning

Language Teaching 44, 4, 485 - 499

DOI: 10.1017/S0261444811000280, Published online: 26 August 2011

Kolb, Elisabeth 2013, Kultur im Englischunterricht: Deutschland, Frankreich, und Schweden im Vergleich. HeidelbergL Universitätsverlag Winter.


Dervin, F and Risager, K eds 2014 Researching Identity and Interculturality. London: Routledge

Research on teachers

Jing, H. T. (2013). Global awareness: Foreign language teachers’ beliefs and practices. Intercultural Communication Studies, XXII(1).

Jing, H. T. (2012). China’s foreign language education and global citizenship education in 21st century. In Y. X. Jia (Eds.), Intercultural communication research (pp. 71-78). Beijing, China: Higher Education Press.

Jing, H. T. (2012). Chinese perspectives on global awareness. Horrizon,44,65-72.

Jing, H. T. (2012). Foreign language teachers’ beliefs on intercultural language teaching. English Literature, 98, 86-96.

Jing H. T. 2012, Foreign language teachers’ beliefs and practices regarding global awareness: a case study of one senior high school in Henan province in China. PhD thesis, Waseda University, Japan.

Woodgate-Jones. (2009). The educational aims of primary MFL teaching: an investigation into the perceived importance of linguistic competence and intercultural understanding. Language Learning Journal, 37, 255–265

Peiser, G. (Special edition of Language Learning Journal – see above ‘special issue’)

Han, Hui (2011) An Investigation of Teachers Perceptions of Culture Teaching in Secondary Schools in Xinjiang, China. Lambert Academic Publishing. Also available at Durham E-Theses Online:

Young, T. J., & Sachdev, I. (2011). Intercultural communicative competence: exploring English language teachers’ beliefs and practices. Language Awareness, 20(2), 81-98.

Byram M and RisagerK. 1999,Language Teachers, Politics and Cultures. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Sercu, L., Bandura, E., Castro, P., Davcheva, L., Laskridou, C., Lundgren, U., Méndez Garcia, M del C. and Ryan, P. 2005,Foreign language teachers and intercultural competence: an international investigation. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

LE VAN CANH, 2015,Uncovering Teachers’ Beliefs about Intercultural Language Teaching: An Example from Vietnam The European Journal of Applied Linguistics and TEFL 4, 1, 83-104

Pedagogy-oriented books

Antonenko, Tatiana Alexandrovna 2010, Stimulating intercultural intellectual capabilities in intercultural communication : testing an innovative course design Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Damen, L. 1987, Culture Learning: the fifth dimension in the language classroom. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley

Doyé, Peter (1999), The Intercultural Dimension: Foreign Language Education in the Primary School. Berlin: Cornelsen.

Fantini, A.E. 1997, New Ways in teaching Culture. Alexandria, VA: TESOL Inc.

Fennes, H. and Hapgood, K. 1997, Intercultural Learning in the Classroom. London: Cassell

Guilherme, M. 2002, Critical Citizens for an Intercultural World. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Hinkel, E. (ed) 1999, Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning.Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press

Houghton, S. and Yamada, E. 2012 Developing criticality in practice through foreign language educationOxford: Peter Lang.

Houghton, Stephanie,Yumiko Furumura, MariaLebedko and Song Li eds 2013 Critical Cultural Awareness: Managing Stereotypes through Intercultural (Language) Education, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Kramsch, C. 1993, Context and Culture in Language Teaching Oxford: Oxford University Press

Kumaravadivelu, B. 2008, Cultural globalisation and language education. London: Yale University Press

Liddicoat, A.J. and Crozet, C. 2000, Teaching languages, teaching cultures. Melbourne: Language Australia.

Liddicoat, A J and Scarino, A 2013 Intercultural language teaching and learning. Chichester: John Wiley.

LoBianco, J. and C. Crozet (eds) Teaching invisible culture. Classroom practice and theory. Melbourne: Language Australia

Melde, W. 1987 Zur Integration von Landeskunde und Kommunikation im Fremdsprachenunterricht Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag

Risager, K. 2006, Language and culture. Global flows and local complexity. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Risager, K. 2007, Language and culture pedagogy. From a national to a transnational paradigm. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Roberts, C, Barro, A., Byram, M.Jordan, S. And Street, B. (2000) Language Learners as Ethnographers. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Robinson, G.L.N. 1985, Crosscultural Understanding Oxford: Pergamon

Scarino, A., & Liddicoat, A. J. (2009). Teaching Languages and Cultures: a guide. Melbourne: Curriculum Corporation.

Schewe, M. L., and Shaw, P. (Ed.). (1993). Towards Drama as a Method in the Foreign LanguageClassroom. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Schulz, R. N. and Tschirner, E (eds) Communicating across borders. Developing intercultural competence in German as a Foreign Language.München: iudicium

Zarate, G. 1986, Enseigner une culture étrangère Paris: Hachette

Zarate, G. 1993, Représentations de l’étranger et didactique des langues Paris: Hachette

Zarate, G et al 2004, Cultural mediation in language learning and teaching.Graz: Council of Europe/European Centre for Modern Languages.

Zarate G and Levy, D 2006 La médiation et la didactique des langues et des cultures. Paris: Clé international

Teaching literature and intercultural studies/competence

Delanoy, W. (1993) “Come to Mecca” – Assessing a literary text’s potential for intercultural learning. In W. Delanoy, J. Köberl and H. Tschachler (eds) (pp. 275-299).

Delanoy, W., Köberl, J. and Tschachler, H. (eds) (1993) Experiencing a Foreign Culture. Tübingen: Narr.

Delanoy, W. (1997) Teacher mediation and literature learning in the language classroom. Online documents at URL < [Accessed 12/06/2003].

Delanoy, W. (2005) A dialogic model for literature teaching. ABAC Journal 25 (1), 53-56.

Bredella, L. (1989) Introdução à Didáctica da Literatura. Transl. Maria Assunção Pinto Correia, Hannelore Araújo, Irmtraud May e Aires Graça. Lisboa: Publicações D. Quixote.

Bredella, L. (1996a) The anthropological and pedagogical significance of aesthetic reading in the foreign language classroom. In L. Bredella, and W. Delanoy (eds) (pp. 1-29).

Bredella, L. (1996b) How can literary texts matter? In R. Ahrens and L. Volkmann (eds) Why Literature Matters. Theories and Functions of Literature (pp. 101-115). Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag Carl Winter.

Bredella, L. and Delanoy, W. (1996c) Introduction. In L. Bredella and W. Delanoy (eds) (pp. vii-xxviii). Challenges of Literary Texts in the Foreign Language Classroom. Tübingen: Gunter Narr.

Bredella, L. (2000a) The significance of intercultural understanding in the foreign language classroom. In T. Harden, and A. Witte (eds) The Notion of Intercultural Understanding in the Context of German as a Foreign Language. Bern: Peter Lang. (pp. 145-166)

Matos, A. (2005) Literary texts: a passage to intercultural reading in foreign language education. Language and Intercultural Communication 5 (1), 57-71.

Sell, J. (2004) Intercultural allusion in transcultural identity narratives. Language and Intercultural Communication 4 (1/2), 29-38.

Gonçalves Matos, Ana 2011, Literary Texts and Intercultural LearningExploring New Directions. Oxford: Peter Lang.

Primary schools

Driscoll, P., Earl, J., & Cable, C. (2013). The role and nature of the cultural dimension in primary modern languages. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 26(2), 146-160.

Books for English teachers

Barley, N. 1990, NativeLand. The bizarre rituals and curious customs that make the English English Harmondsworth: Penguin

Bassnett, S. (ed.) 1997, Studying British Cultures. London: Routledge

Billig, M. 1995 Banal nationalism. London: Sage

Corbett, J. 2003, An Intercultural Approach to English Language Teaching. Clevedeon: Multilingual Matters

Corbett, J. 2003: An intercultural approach to English language teaching. Bristol: Multilingual Matters

Fox, K. 2004, Watching the English. London: 2nd ed. 1014

Kramer, J. 1997, British Cultural Studies. Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag

Durham books

Alred, G, M. Byram and M. Fleming (eds) 2003, Intercultural Experience and Education Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Alred, G., Byram, Fleming, M (eds) 2006, Education for intercultural citizenship. Concepts and comparisons. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Byram, M and Dervin, F. 2008 Students, Staff and Academic Mobility in Higher Education. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

Byram, M and Feng, A (eds) 2006 Living and studying abroad. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.

Byram, M. & Fleming, M. (eds.), 1998, Language Learning in Intercultural Perspective. Cambridge: CambridgeUniversity Press

Byram, M. (ed) 2003,Intercultural Competence. Strasbourg: Council of Europe. (French version: La compétence interculturelle. Strasbourg: Conseil de l’Europe.)

Byram, M. (ed.) 1993, Germany: its representation in textbooks for teaching German in Great Britain Frankfurt a. M.: Diesterweg

Byram, M. (ed.) 1994, Culture and Language Learning in Higher Education. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Byram, M. 1989, Cultural Studies and Foreign Language Education Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Byram, M. 1997, Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Communicative Competence. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Byram, M. 2008 From Foreign Language Education to Education for Intercultural Citizenship. Essays and Reflections. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Byram, M. and Esarte-Sarries, V. 1991, Investigating Cultural Studies in Foreign Language Teaching Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Byram, M. and Risager, K. 1999 Language Teachers, Politics and Cultures. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Byram, M., Esarte-Sarries, V. and Taylor, S. 1991, Cultural Studies and Language Learning: a Research Report, Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Byram, M., Morgan, C. et al 1994 TeachingandLearning LanguageandCulture Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Byram, M., Nichols, A. and Stevens, D. 2001, Developing Intercultural Competence in Practice. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Dervin, F and Byram, M (red) 2008 Echanges et mobilités académiques. Quel bilan?. Paris: Harmattan

Feng, A Byram, M Fleming, M (eds) 2009 Becoming Interculturally Competent through Education and Training. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters

Hu, A. and Byram, M (eds) 2009, Interkulturelle Kompetenz und fremdsprachliches Lernen. / Intercultural Competence and Foreign Language Learning. Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag

Tsai, Y. and Houghton, S. 2010, Becoming intercultural: inside and outside the classroom. Newcastle on Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Textbook analysis

[see also John Gray:

Byram, M. (ed.) 1993, Germany: its representation in textbooks for teaching German in Great Britain Frankfurt a. M.: Diesterweg (OUT OF PRINT) but see section in Teaching-and-Learning Language-and-Culture.

Sercu, L 2000, Acquiring intercultural communicative competence from textbooks: the case of Flemish adolescent pupils learning German. Leuven: Leuven University Press

Karen Risager and Carol A. Chapelle Culture in Textbook Analysis and Evaluation - to appear in Wiley-Blackwell encyclopedia

Byram, Morgan and colleagues (1994) Teach-and-Learning Language-and-Culture. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters pp 47-55

Breen, M.P. & Candlin, C.N. (1987)' Which materials? a consumer's and
designer's guide. In Sheldon, L.E. (ed) ELT Textbooks and Materials:
problems in evaluation and development, ELT Documents, London, Modern English
Publications/The British Council
Gray, J. (ed.) (2013)Critical Approaches to Textbook Analysis. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan..

Shin, J et al 2011, presentation of local and international culture in current international English-language teaching textbooks. Language, Culture and Curriculum 24, 3 253-268.

Tomlinson, B (1988) Materials Development in Language Teaching,
Oxford, Oxford University Press.

The role of culture in foreign language teaching materials: an evaluation from an intercultural perspective by Liljana Skopinskaja

Kultur i språkundervisningen - en analys av läroböcker i engelska

Suzan Hindi och Anna Larsson December 2008 Högskolan i Gävle - I have a copy of this sent by Ulla Lundgren

Yassine, Souryana (2011) Culture issues, ideology and otherness in EFL textbooks: a social semiotic multi-modal approach. PhD thesis, Mouloud MAMMERI University of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria.

Eric Tyrer The socio-semiotic discourse of the visual element in UK-produced English as a Foreign Language (EFL) coursebooks 1960-2009. University of Brighton

Available on line at British Library ETHOS

Assessment / testing / evaluation

Borghetti, C 2012 Pros and cons of assessing intercultural competence: a focus on ethical issues. Paper presented at Cultnet conference Durham April 2012

Sercu, L. (2004) Assessing intercultural competence: A framework for systematic test development in foreign language education and beyond. Intercultural Education, 15(1), 73-89

Deardorff, D 2006, Identifications and assessment of intercultural competence as a student outcome of internationalization. Journal of Studies in International Education 10, 241-266

Fantini, A. 2009, Assessing intercultural competence: issues and tools. In: D Deardorff (ed.) The Sage Handbook of Intercultural Competence. Los Angeles: Sage

Anthony J. Liddicoat and Angela Scarino, 2010Eliciting the intercultural in foreign language education at school. In Amos Paran and Lies Sercu eds Testing the Untestable in Foreign Language Education. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. Chap 4

Antonenko, Tatiana Alexandrovna 2010, Stimulating intercultural intellectual capabilities in intercultural communication : testing an innovative course design Amsterdam : Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Alkheshnam, Abeer 2012, Intercultural Competence. Components and measurement. PhD thesis, University of Surrey.

Articles in :

Adelheid Hu and Michael Byram (eds) 2009,Interkulturelle Kompetenz und fremdsprachliches Lernen. / Intercultural Competence and Foreign Language Learning.Tubingen: Gunter Narr Verlag

Messtheoretische Perspektiven und Erfahrungen / Perspectives and experiences from measurement theory

Hermann-Günter HesseZur Messung interkultureller Kompetenz aus psychologischer Sicht

Günter NoldAssessing components of intercultural competence – reflections on DESI and consequences

Kerstin GöbelDie Implementierung interkultureller Lerninhalte und interkulturellen Lernens im Englischunterricht – die Bedeutung von Kulturkontakterfahrung der Lehrenden

Stefan PapenbergDie Überwindung von Ethnozentrismus im Englischunterricht: eine empirische Studie

Instrumente zur (Selbst-) Evaluation von Interkultureller Kompetenz /Instruments for (self) evaluation of intercultural competence

Michael Byram

Evaluation and/or Assessment of Intercultural Competence

Anwei Feng & Mike Fleming

Assessing intercultural competence for purpose – the SAILSA project

Jan-Oliver Eberhardt

„Flaggen, Baguettes, auch wenn’s komisch klingt, das Aussehen der Leute erinnert an Frankreich“. Von den Herausforderungen, interkulturelle Kompetenz im Kontext von Fremdsprachenunterricht zu evaluieren

Daniela Caspari & Andrea Schinschke