NW KS Healthcare Coalition Strategic Plan 2013-2017 (Budget Period 2 thru Budget Period 5)
Strategic Plan version 1.0
Program Measure: Medical Surge
Indicator #3: The HCC has developed a Strategic Plan with participation from its membership.
Indicator #7: The HCC has a mechanism to obtain feedback to help resolve member conflicts that have the potential to affect the overall
performance of the HCC.
Capability 1: Healthcare System Preparedness
· Function 1: Healthcare Coalition Development
· Function 6: Improve Healthcare response capabilities through coordinated exercise and evaluation (Indicator #7)
Objective – PreparednessMitigation (Indicator #7) / Monitor process / Frequency of Monitoring / Goal Year
BP2 BP3 BP4 BP5 / Responsible /
Objective #1: Develop Strategic Plan for BP2, BP3, BP4 and BP5
1.1 Conduct Strategic Planning Seminar for HCC/Develop Strategic Plan / Initial planning seminar held 8/29/2013 / Review and assess progress each HCC Meeting / BP2- Initial Planning Seminar
BP3- Review Plan Complete
BP4- Review Plan Complete
BP5- Review Plan / HCC partners/ Regional HCC Coordinator
BP5 Leadership Committee will revise for this grant year and next 5 year period.
1.2 Develop Administrative Plan / Ratified Charter 8-29-2013 / Yearly / BP2- Develop Charter/ Ratify
BP3- Review/ modify as needed
BP4- Review/Modify as needed
BP 5- Review/Modify as needed / HCC Partners/
#1: The HCC has established a formal self-governance structure, including leadership roles.
#2: The HCC has a multi-disciplinary healthcare organization membership.
#3: The HCC has established its geographical boundaries.
#10:The HCC has an organizational structure to develop operational plans.
#17: The HCC incorporates post-incident health services recovery into planning and response.
#19: The HCC has established a method (e.g., social network analysis) for incorporating feedback from its members to support group cohesion and improve processes.
Assessment Factor Likert Scale 12/13 5/14
NW KS Healthcare Coalition Strategic Plan 2013-2017 (Budget Period 2 thru Budget Period 5)
Strategic Plan version 1.0
Program Measure: Medical Surge
Indicator #4: The HCC has demonstrated through exercise or real incident, its ability to both deliver appropriate levels of care to all patients, as well as to provide no less than 20% immediate availability of staffed members’ beds, within 4 hours of disaster.
Capability 1: Healthcare System Preparedness
· Function 2: Coordinate healthcare planning to prepare the healthcare system for a disaster
Capability 10: Medical Surge
· Function 3: Assist healthcare organizations with surge capacity and capability
Objective - Response / Monitor Process/Status / Frequency of Monitoring / Goal YearBP2 BP3 BP4 BP5 / Responsible
Objective #1: Develop and implement protocols that include prehospital and hospital surge coordination and management, continuous monitoring, off-loading, and on-loading.
1.1 Provide EMSystems access to all Healthcare Coalition Partners / 1-23-14 HCC Coordinator working with partners.BP 3-5 HCC Coordinator
Continues to work with partners / Assess progress at each HCC meeting / BP 2 / Communications/IT Committee
1.2 Develop Communications Plan for NW HCC Region for situational awareness / 5/20/2016 Development of plan continues / Assess at each
HCC Mtg. / BP2 &3 Develop Plan
BP3, 4 and 5 Update / Communications/IT Committee
Policy & Procedure Committee
1.4 Risk Assessment Completed by HCC partners for potential surge and resources/ Community Assessment Tool / 1-23-14 Community Assessment Tool Reporting at each meeting. / BP-2 Gather Risk Assessment Data and identify gaps
BP5 / Policy & Procedure Committee
1.3 Exercise Capability 10 Medical Surge, in Regional HCC tabletop exercise / Medical Surge will be exercised BP 5 / Yearly / BP-2- Develop Plan ( refer 1.2)
BP-3,4 or 5 Exercise / Exercise Committee
Assessment Factors Indicator Likert Scale 12/13 5/14
#2: The HCC has a multi-disciplinary healthcare organization membership.
#7: The HCC has conducted an assessment of each of its member’s healthcare capabilities and capacities.
#11: The HCC has an incident management structure to coordinate actions to achieve incident objectives during response.
#15: The HCC members demonstrate an evacuation capability with functional patient tracking mechanisms.
NW KS Healthcare Coalition Strategic Plan 2013-2017 (Budget Period 2 thru Budget Period 5)
Strategic Plan version 1.0
Program Measure: Medical Surge
Indicator #5: The HCC has demonstrated the ability to do the following during an incident, exercise, or event:
ü Monitor patient acuity and staffed bed availability in real time
ü Off-load patients
ü On-load patients
ü Track and document patient movement
Capability 3: Emergency Operations Coordination
· Function 1: Healthcare organization multi-agency representation and coordination with emergency operations
· Function 2: Assess and notify stakeholders of healthcare delivery status
· Function 3: Support healthcare response efforts through coordination of resources
Capability 6: Information Sharing
· All Functions
Capability 10: Medical Surge
· Function 2: Coordinate integrated healthcare surge operations with pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services (EMS) operations.
· Function 3: Assist healthcare organizations with surge capacity and capability
Objective - Response / Monitor Process/Status / Frequency of Monitoring / Goal YearBP2 BP3 BP4 BP5 / Responsible
Objective #1: Develop Protocols that outline the process to provide the status of resources, situational awareness and identification of needs.
1.1 Provide EMSystems access to all Healthcare Coalition Partners and provide training at HCC meetings. / Assess progress at each HCC meeting / BP 2 Provide AccessBP3,4,5 continued training and update of user access. / Communications/IT Committee
KHA/ Regional HCC Coordinator
1.2 Assess status of KS-HAN users, provide information to all HCC partners. / KS- HAN users identified by Emily Farley at HCC meeting August 2014 / Report at first meeting in 2014 / BP2
BP3,4,5- Update / Communications/IT Committee
Regional HCC Coordinator
1.3 Develop Communications Plan for NW HCC Region for situational awareness using HICS, 800 MHz radios, email and mass text. / In Progress / Assess at each
HCC Mtg. / BP2- Develop Plan Push to BP3
BP3- Update
BP4- Update
BP5- Update / Communications/IT Committee
Policy & Procedure Committee
Kassiah Rothchild
1.4 Develop “ 800 MHz training 101” for region partners. / Report progress each HCC Mtg. / BP 2- Develop
BP3- Train on Plan
BP4, 5- continue Training, Exercise Plan / Communications/IT Committee
Education Committee
Roy Litfin, Joe Hickert
1.5 ESF 8 Education for HCC members / BP2- Provide education at an HCC meeting
ESF 8 Video from SC Region? / Education Committee/ Regional HCC Coordinator to work with KDEM on scheduling date Cindy Mullen
1.6 Develop crosswalk of local and regional response trailers within the NW Region. Schedule a “Trailer Day” at HCC meeting. / Report Progress each HCC mtg. / BP2- Develop spreadsheet
BP3- Plan and schedule “Trailer Day for NW Region / Education Committee
Julie, Cindy, Roy
Assessment Factors Indicator Likert Scale 12/13 5/14
#2: The HCC has a multi-disciplinary healthcare organization membership.
#7: The HCC has conducted an assessment of each of its member’s healthcare capabilities and capacities.
#11: The HCC has an incident management structure to coordinate actions to achieve incident objectives during response.
#15: The HCC members demonstrate an evacuation capability with functional patient tracking mechanisms.
NW KS Healthcare Coalition Strategic Plan 2013-2017 (Budget Period 2 thru Budget Period 5)
Strategic Plan version 1.0
Program Measure: Continuity of Healthcare Operations
Indicator #1: The HCC has access to a risk-based HVA which prioritizes the risks to its members.
Capability 1: Healthcare System Preparedness
· Function 2: Coordinate healthcare planning to prepare the healthcare system for a disaster.
Objective - Preparedness / Monitor process / Frequency of Monitoring / Goal YearBP2 BP3 BP4 BP5 / Responsible /
Objective #1: Conduct needs assessment by reviewing HVA of communities.
1.1 Each community will conduct needs assessment using community HVA, Emergency Management Mitigation Plans and/or Community Assessment. Data analysis will be completed at the regional level to identify gaps for planning.
(Tool) / All communities will provide data by December 2013 6/1/14 / BP2- Data gathered and gaps identified, planning started.
BP3- Review data
BP4- Review data
BP5- Review data / Policy and procedure Committee
David Harrison, Kassiah Rothchild
#2: The HCC has a multi-disciplinary healthcare organization membership.
#7: The HCC had conducted an assessment of each of its member’s healthcare delivery capacities and capabilities.
#10:The HCC has an organizational structure to develop operational plans.
#13: The HCC demonstrates an ability to identify the needs of at-risk individuals (e.g., electrically dependent home-bound patients, chronically ill) during response.
Assessment Factor Likert Scale 12/13 5/14
NW KS Healthcare Coalition Strategic Plan 2013-2017 (Budget Period 2 thru Budget Period 5)
Strategic Plan version 1.0
Program Measure: Continuity of Healthcare Operations
Indicator #2: The HCC has developed a gap analysis to identify resource shortfalls during an event and is implementing plans to close
those resource gaps.
Capability 1: Healthcare System Preparedness
· Function 2: Coordinate healthcare planning to prepare the healthcare system for a disaster.
· Function 4: Determine gaps in the healthcare preparedness and identify resources for mitigation of these gaps.
Capability 3: Emergency Operations Coordination
· Function 3: Support healthcare response efforts through coordination of resources.
Objective - Preparedness / Monitor process / Frequency of Monitoring / Goal YearBP2 BP3 BP4 BP5 / Responsible /
Objective #1: A Gap Analysis will be developed to provide insight into resource management and resource identification prior to an emergency.
1.1 A regional gap analysis will be developed from community HVAs, Emergency Management Mitigation Plans
and/or Community Assessments to identify resources needed. / Gap Analysis will be provided at HCC first mtg. in 2014. / BP2- Data gathered and gaps identified, planning started using resource development process.
BP3- Review data
BP4- Review data
BP5- Review data / Policy and procedure Committee
David Harrison, Kassiah Rothchild
Assessment Factor Likert Scale 12/13 5/14
#1: The HCC has established a formal self-governance structure, including leadership roles.
#2: The HCC has established roles and responsibilities.
#6: The HCC had conducted an assessment of each of its member’s healthcare delivery capacities and capabilities.
#10:The HCC has an organizational structure to develop operational plans.
NW KS Healthcare Coalition Strategic Plan 2013-2017 (Budget Period 2 thru Budget Period 5)
Strategic Plan version 1.0
Program Measure: Continuity of Healthcare Operations
Indicator #3: The HCC has a process to enhance its member’s situational awareness to support activation of immediate bed availability
through continuous monitoring.
Capability 1: Healthcare System Preparedness
· Function 2: Coordinate healthcare planning to prepare the healthcare system for a disaster.
Capability 3: Emergency Operations Coordination
· Function 2: Assess and notify stakeholders of healthcare delivery status.
Capability 6: Information Sharing
· Function 1: Provide healthcare situational awareness that contributes to the incident common operating picture
Capability 10: Medical Surge
· Function 2: Coordinate integrated healthcare surge operations with pre-hospital Emergency Medical Services (EMS) operations
· Function 3: Assist healthcare organizations with surge capacity and capability
Objective - Response / Monitor process / Frequency of Monitoring / Goal YearBP2 BP3 BP4 BP5 / Responsible /
Objective #1: HCC will develop an operational framework to guide the healthcare community decisions during medical surge.
1.11.1 Review and Revise NW Region Plan, develop an operational framework to identify triggers to implement medical surge plans in region. / Report at each meeting / BP2- Regional Plan to be reviewed and modified
BP3- Regional Plan to be reviewed and modified
BP4- Review
BP5- Review / Policy and procedure Committee
Copy to be e-mailed to all P&P Committee Members
#2: The HCC has established roles and responsibilities.
#4: The HCC has a formalized process for resource and information management with its membership.
#5: The HCC is integrated into the healthcare delivery system processes for their jurisdiction (e.g., EMS, referral patterns, etc.).
#6: The HCC has established roles and responsibilities.
#7: The HCC has conducted an assessment of each of its member’s healthcare delivery capacities and capabilities.
Assessment Factor Likert Scale 12/13 5/14
#11: The HCC has an incident management structure (e.g., MACC, ICS) to coordinate actions to achieve incident objectives during response.
#12: The HCC demonstrates an ability to enhance situational awareness for its members during an event.
#13: The HCC demonstrates an ability to identify the needs of at‐risk individuals (e.g., electrically dependent home‐bound patients, chronically ill) during response.
#14: The HCC demonstrates resource support and coordination among its member organizations under the time urgency, uncertainty, and logistical constraints of emergency response.
NW KS Healthcare Coalition Strategic Plan 2013-2017 (Budget Period 2 thru Budget Period 5)
Strategic Plan version 1.0
Program Measure: Continuity of Healthcare Operations
Indicator #4: The HCC has demonstrated the capability of a redundant means of communications for achieving and sustaining situational
Capability 1: Healthcare System Preparedness
· Function 2: Coordinate healthcare planning to prepare the healthcare system for a disaster
Capability 3: Emergency Operations Coordination
· Function 2: Assess and notify stakeholders of healthcare delivery status
Capability 6: Information Sharing
· Function 1: Provide healthcare situational awareness that contributes to the incident common operating picture
· Function 2: Develop, refine, and sustain redundant, interoperable communication systems
Objective - Response / Monitor Process/Status / Frequency of Monitoring / Goal YearBP2 BP3 BP4 BP5 / Responsible
Objective #1: Develop and implement protocols that include prehospital and hospital surge coordination and management, continuous monitoring, off-loading, and on-loading.
1.1 Develop Communications Plan for NW HCC Region for situational awareness / Assess at eachHCC Mtg. / BP2- Develop Plan
BP3, 4 and 5 Update
BP 3 Develop Plan / Communications/IT Committee
Policy & Procedure Committee
Both Committees work together
1.2 Exercise Communications Plan / Yearly / BP-2 Develop Exercise Plan
BP-3 Badge System Capability
BP-4 Functional exercise Capability 6
BP-5 Full Scale Capability 3,6,10 / Exercise Committee
Assessment Factors Indicator Likert Scale 12/13 5/14
#2: The HCC has a multi-disciplinary healthcare organization membership.
#4: The HCC has a formalized process for resource and information management with its membership.
#5: The HCC is integrated into the healthcare delivery system processes for their jurisdiction (e.g., EMS, referral patterns, etc.).
#6: The HCC has established roles and responsibilities.
#10: The HCC has an organizational structure to develop operational plans.
#11: The HCC has an incident management structure (e.g., MACC, ICS) to coordinate actions to achieve incident objectives during response.
#12: The HCC demonstrates an ability to enhance situational awareness for its members during an event.
#18: The HCC ensures quality improvement through exercises/events and corrective action plans.
NW KS Healthcare Coalition Strategic Plan 2013-2017 (Budget Period 2 thru Budget Period 5)