Reference Librarians Co-Operative Meeting

Monday 13th November 2006

Location: State Library of Victoria

Present: Barry Gillespie, Raylee Lacy,( Kingston Library Service) David Flegg, Debra Rosenfeldt (State Library of Victoria), Gail White (Eastern Regional Library), Peter Smith, Elaine Craig (Whitehorse-Manningham), Hugh Rundell , Louise Pitcher, Jane Matthews (Boroondara), Roisin Jacobs (Greater Dandenong), Narelle Seymour (Glen Eira), Allison Daams (Moonee Valley), Fiona McNaughton, Maryellen Donovan, Zofia Moczulski (Mornington Peninsula), Vivian Newton (Goldfields), Lloyd Brady (Maribyrnong), Ros Cowell (Melton), Jill Watson (Bayside), Anne Armstrong, Joanne Hansford (Monash)

Convenor: Lloyd Brady

Minute Taker: Anne Armstrong

Minutes of meeting held August 2006

Minutes were accepted.

Procedures & Protocols

Lloyd suggested that we only offer library reports if our library service has done anything significant in relation to reference & information services. Also if anyone would like to send a report via email it will then be included in the minutes. The reports should be emailed before the meeting to the

Speaker: Kevin Rusbridge Project Manager for Library Link


The federated style of searching began with Murray Link. Then it was decided that functionality should be provided so that patrons could do their own searches. The Government was keen to see their money working so Library Link was launched in August 2006.

There is a working group of ten members who meet to discuss any changes or improvements to this service. The central mission for Library Link has been to create “the ability to have a single point search across libraries”. Other objectives include an increased usage of State resources and to improve the quality outputs for ILL staff. They hope to get a weekly newsletter going in the short term so that library staff are informed of any new developments.

Terminology in these searches has been changed to suit customer needs. A promotional kit will be put together, including signage and posters in libraries.

The Government has provided $200,000 worth of funding for the implementation of Library Link so that all libraries can participate by June 2007. Then depending on the level of usage from individual libraries there will be more costs involved, but it is not known at this stage what they will be.

SLV Databases: Conditions of Use

David Flegg has provided a link where the Patrons enter their own card details, which enables them to use the Databases. The ‘Terms of Agreement” are also available at this point.



Please check the October 2006 Minutes on the Infonet page.


Jill Watson

There are 3 new members on the Gulliver Committee. Meredith Coffey from Monash, Katie Dawson Hobson’s Bay and Jackie Goddard from Darebin.

Alan Skull from Newspapers Direct spoke about a new DBase called Press Display

The 2007 Gulliver Forum is in the planning stages

There will be a major evaluation of databases and the new databases at SLV will impact on the decisions made. There will be a report at the next Gulliver meeting on the criteria being used for the evaluation.

The VICNET website is being reviewed and revised by June 2007

Victorian Virtual Library

Lynnette Lewis reported that Tania Braukamper has now taken over Hot Topics and enquiries can be direct to her

State Library

David Flegg:

·  Reported that Patrick Gregory will be the new Information Services Manager for SLV. He has come from Victorian Parliamentary Library. SLV will now be open 10am-6pm on Public Holidays except Christmas Day and Good Friday.

·  Paula Kelly from SLV will give a presentation on Readers Adviser Tools in 2007

·  The internet filters are being removed from all of the SLV Public PC’s except for the 4 children’s usage PC’s

·  Internet at SLV has begun a no-booking system, so it’s now up to the discretion of the patrons.

·  DB’s coming soon to SLV are the Wang Fang Product, Ebsco Master File, Wilson Omni, Infotrac and Proquest

·  Project 21 has begun and 3 librarians from Public Libraries have been employed to backfill until it is completed

·  There are currently 15,500 registered users with the State Library. This includes copy cards and wireless members

Statewide Projects: Deborah Rosenfeldt

·  There are 3 areas of activity

·  Collections and Access – blueprint i.e. Standards for Public Libraries

·  Collaborative collection models in Public Libraries

·  Collaborative purchasing of LOTE material

·  An Audit of Public Library Buildings

·  An assessment of Local History Collections (SLV will be giving Conservation training)

·  Federated Search portal project: Statewide Projects are paying for the management of this project, but are not funding it

·  Looking at a Statewide DX courier service

·  There is $200,000 for Libraries Building Communities Projects

·  Workforce sustainability and Leadership: need to go through NEXUS Survey and expand on these findings in regards to the skills required for the future

Library reports

Glen Eira

A Reference Audit is being conducted from Individual Reference Stats and this will assist with collection gaps. There has been a 98% positive feedback for Reference Staff


Library is moving to a portable for 18 months as the Shoppingtown Branch is being renovated


Louise Pitcher

Boroondara has started a reminder service which is working well.


Lloyd Brady

The Manager is leaving and going to the Geelong Regional Library Service.

Other Business

Statistics: There was a majority show of hands for the Library Services who record a daily tally of Reference stats. Only three Library Services just document the quarterly statistics. Lloyd then confirmed that there is no longer any need to send quarterly stats to Local Government Victoria. Instead Local Government Victoria conducts an annual survey of Library Statistics. So keeping daily stats would be the best way to contribute to this Annual Survey. (see below)

Annual Survey of Victorian Public Libraries

Each year a survey of public libraries in Victoria is undertaken, which includes information about service points, staffing, loans, circulation, collection size, information technology and financial data. These documents can be downloaded here. Hard copies may also be ordered from Information Victoria.

Next meeting: 2007

Monday 12th February Monash Public Library Service, at the Wheelers Hill Branch, Anne Armstrong to give presentation on Reference Desks Layout & Design
Monday 14th May - Vision Australia (to be confirmed with Victoria from
Vision), with a presentation on the specialist reference services
they provide and disability issues generally

Monday 13th August –Speaker to be arranged

Monday 12th November – State Library of Victoria- with a presentation on Vision21 and thereader's advice tools.

Quarterly Reference Statistics: Please note for the Library Services who may want to continue taking quarterly statistics for their own purposes the dates will be in the same weeks (Mon-Sunday) as the Reference Co-op Meetings.

Meeting Closed