Budd 4

Tyler Budd

Mrs. B. Vogt

English IV

December 1, 2011

As an aspiring Commercial Fisherman, an individual may come upon many setbacks that may make his or her fishing career more difficult. No matter what setbacks a commercial fisherman may face, the experience may make his or her fishing career more difficult. No matter what issues a fisherman may endure over years of fishing, they must remember that fisherman strive to achieve a suspension catch to earn substantial funds. Common issues that surround commercial fisherman are: laws that prohibit fishing, time commitment, low salaries, and emotional endurance in rough environmental conditions.

Many individuals do not know about Commercial Fishing and the issues that surround the fishing industry. Most commercial fishermen like fishing as a hobby, for it includes part of what it takes to be a general sportsman: most men enjoy fishing and hunting. Most commercial fishermen enjoy the general camaraderie of other friends while fishing. One can even earn a substantial income as a fisherman or a as sport’s fisherman. There is a lot of responsibility that surrounds the fishing industry. If the fish are not properly maintain after caught, they will spoil, and they will make an individual ill. Some individuals have even died as a result of eating fish that have not been properly prepare are being caught. growing up around the fishing industry in order to understand where and how to catch the best fish in the right conditions helps one to earn the best income, and one must take pride in both sport’s fishing and commercial fishing. Learning to write annotated bibliographies about fishing was not an experience that one enjoys; however, he or she realizes that the information surrounding the fishing industry is needed for research. Today, one will provide the public with information about fishing and how to clean tuna and little fish in the sound. First, cut the head off the tuna with a saw and pull the guts out of hem. Then, fill the fish with ice. Next, filet the large and tiny bones.

First, intended guideline helps one to know the regulations that govern commercial fisherman. These guidelines include: the maximum length for nets which is 100 yards. At each end of the nets, one has to have two yellow buoys and an Anker on each end. Attendance required for all gill nets south of the Emerald Isle Bridge. North of the Emerald Isle Bridge attendance “required for all “ gill nets less thin 5 ½ and during the day, gill nets greater than or equal to 5 ½ mesh” (“Recreational Commercial Gear License Regulation” 1). From June through October, all unattended large mesh nets need to be at least 10 feet from shore.

It seems logical that requirements govern commercial fishing; however, too many requirements have made it so that commercial fisherman cannot bill their bills much less their taxes. Small commercial fisherman that once supported the community in more ways thin just fishing has had to sell their family homes and move away.

It remains an important issue that local families find a way to voice their opinions in local government so that too many commercial fishing regulation do not smother the local economy much less the local commercial fisherman.

If one does not currently hold a standard commercial fishing (SCFL) or a retired commercial fishing license (RSCFL) and meet the criteria below, he or she may be eligible for a license through the eligibility pool. Significant involvement in commercial fishing three of the last five years: “fifty (50%) percent or more of total annual income derived from commercial fishing involvement, for at least three years, must be 16 years of age” (“Division of Marine Fisheries: Eligibility Pool Process” 1) in the year prior to application and have significant involvement in commercial fishing for two of the last five years with a parent, guardian, grandparent or other adult family member. In order to be considered, applicants must complete and submit an application with supporting documentation to the division of marine fisheries eligibility office. The completed application will be researched and submitted to the eligibility board for review and they will issue a decision.

Also, Commercial fishermen are not allowed to over fish. Catching too many fish will deplete the system and over fishing is “non-sustainable use of the ocean “(“Overfishing Basics” 1). If too many fish are caught not enough are left to bred and replenish a depleted population. Also, some types of fish are becoming extinct due to depleted population of the species. in the first chapter we already discussed that globally fishing fleets are at least two to three times as large as needed to take present day catches of fish and other marine species. To explain why overfishing appears as a problem, one first has to get an idea on the scale of the problem. This is best done by looking at some figures published by the UN food and agriculture organization. The FAO scientists publish a two yearly report (SOFIA) on the state of the world’s fisheries and aquaculture. The report is generally rather conservative regarding the problems, but does show the main issues. In general, it can be stated that the SOFIA report is a number of years behind time of the real situation. The above shows those over 25% of all the world’s fish stocks are either overexploited or depleted. Another 52% is fully exploited; these are in imminent danger of over exploitation (maximum sustainable production level) and collapse. Intended guidelines help one to know the regulations that govern commercial fisherman. These guidelines include: the maximum length for nets 100 yards. At each end of the nets, one has to have two yellow buoys and an Anker on each end. Attendance requires for all gill net south of the Emerald Isle Bridge. North of Isle bridge attendants require for gill nets less than 5 ½ feet and during the day for gill nets greater than or equal to 5 ½ feet mesh. From June through October, all unattended large mesh nets must be ten feet from the shore line.