Science Project
Grading Rubric
Grading Key: Problem or Question
# /Item
/ PointsEarned / Points
2 / Problem or Question is worded as a question
1 = is
0 = isn’t / 1
3 / Problem or Question is testable by student
2 = can be
0 = can’t be / 2
4 / Written using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, wording, etc.
2 = no error 1 = s / 2
Total Points / 5
Problem statement: ______
Unit of measure: ______
Grading Key: Hypothesis
/ PointsEarned / Points
1 /
Written as an “if”, “then” “because statement
5 = both “if”, “then” and because are present3 = “if” and “then” is present in sentence, but not because
0 = not written in correct form – REWRITE / 5
2 /
Is testable and measurable
2 = can be tested and measured as written0 = can not be tested and/or is not measurable – REWRITE / 2
3 /
Spelling, grammar, wording and punctuation are correct
5 = no errors4-3 = 1 or 2 errors
0 = 3 or more errors – REWRITE / 3
Total Points / 10
If you receive a zero in any category, your hypothesis must be rewritten and resubmitted.
Hypothesis: Use the template we learned in class. If the (independent variable changes in this way) then (he dependent variable will change in this way) because (explanation______
Grading Key: Design for Controlled Experiment
# /Item
/ Points Earned / Points Possible1 / Complete and through Procedures
10 = all there 5 = complete list, but no quantities 2 = incomplete list 0 = not given / 5
Complete list of materials and quantities included
/ 42 /
Independent and dependent variables present
10 = both correct 5 = both given, one incorrect 2 = both given, both incorrect0 = not explained / 4
3 / Constants identified
10 = enough 5 = almost enough
2 = very few 0 = not given / 2
4 / Control group (if not why not present)
10 = explained and correct
5 = explained, but incorrect
2 = not explained in enough detail
0 = not explained / 2
5 /
Experimental group/groups explained
10 = explained and correct5 = explained, but incorrect
2 = not explained in enough detail
0 = not given / 3
Total Points
/ 20Comments:Grading Key: Data Table
# /Item
Possible1 /
Descriptive Title
6 = yes, it is 3 = title is just “data table”0 = no title / 1
2 / Columns are corrected labeled and include the correct units: Independent variable on the left dependent variable on the right
6 = columns for all 3 = not enough columns
0 = no columns / 4
3 /
Data present and is in the correct columns and is analyzed (does not include raw data)
6 = present 3 = present, but incorrect0 = no place for dates/times / 5
4 / Data present for 3 trials
6 = present 3 = present, but needs changes
0 = not present / 3
5 /
Metric system (SI units) is used throughout
1 = some are included 0 = no labels
/ 36 / Data measurements were done precisely
6 = it is 3 = used some or incorrectly
0 = not used / 2
8 /
Neat and readable
6 = very 3 = needs improvement0 = not neat or not readable / 2
Total Points / 20
Grading Key: Graph
Earned /Points
Possible1 /
Descriptive Title
5 = Tells exactly what’s shown on graph, descriptive3 = Title is cute or clever, but not descriptive
0 = no title, or only says “graph” / 1
2 / Horizontal Axis labeled with independent variable5 = it is 3 = needs to be reworded
1 = not the independent variable 0 = no label / 2
3 / Vertical Axis labeled with dependent variable5 = it is 3 = needs to be reworded
1 = not the dependent variable 0 = no label / 2
4 / Accurate numbering (scales) and spacing (Intervals) are used throughout5 = all lines and numbers evenly spaced and accurate, beginning with zero in bottom left corner
3 = some lines and numbers not even or accurate
0 = lots of inaccurate numbers and lines / 4
5 / Correct graph format used to fit the data collected
5 = yes, best graph format chosen
0 = no, best graph format not chosen / 1
7 / Neat, easy to read, all spelling is correct5 = yes 3 = should be neater
0 = messy and/or unreadable, many words misspelled / 2
8 / Information is graphed and shows final average results of investigation5 = it does 0 = it doesn’t / 8
Total Points
/ 20Comments:Grading Key: Writing a Conclusion
# /Item
Earned /Points
Possible1 / 1st paragraph includes hypothesis, reason for investigating, whether hypothesis was supported by data
10 = it does
5 = 2 or 3 parts are present
1 = 1 of 3 parts is present
0 = not present / 5
2 / 2nd paragraph includes data summary, final averages, explanation of data support for hypothesis and what experiment proved
10 = it does
5= it partially does
1= barely does, not enough information or information is not relevant to conclusion
0 = doesn’t or not present / 5
3 / 3rd paragraph includes opinions, recommended changes, value of project
10 = it does
5 = partially does
1 = barely does, not enough information
0 = doesn’t or not present / 5
4 / Correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and paragraph formation, neatly written or typed
10 = 0-1 mistakes
6 = 2-3 mistakes
3 = 4-5 mistakes
0 = 6 or more mistakes / 5
Total Points
/ 20Comments:
Grading Key: Display Board
# /Content Item
/ PointsEarned / Points
1 / Title – interesting-attention getting, appropriate, large
3 = all 3 2 = 2 of these 1 = 1 of these 0 = no title / 2
2 / Problem
3 = present 2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 3
3 / Hypothesis
4 = present 2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 2
4 / Procedure
5 = present and complete 4-2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 2
5 / Data Table
5 = present 4-2 = wrong graph 0 = not present / 3
6 / Graph – shows final averages
5 = present 4-2 = wrong graph 0 = not present / 3
7 / Conclusion
4 = present 2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 2
8 / Pictures or drawings that relate to topic and/or show experiment and are labeled
5 = present, appropriate and labeled 3 = 2 of 3 qualities
2 = 1 of 3 qualities 0 = not present / 3
# /
Design Item
/ PointsEarned / Points
9 / Lettering – straight, neat, large font size, easily read
4 = all 4 3 = 2 of 4 2 = 1 of 4
0 = not straight, neat or large / 4
10 / Arrangement – logical order, spaced evenly, not crowded
4 = all 3 3 = 2 of 3 2 = 1 of 3
0 = not logical, or spaced well / 3
12 / English skills–correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc.
4 = no errors 3 = 1 error 2 = 2 errors 1 = 3 errors
0 = more than 3 errors / 3
13 /
Overall appearance - attractive, appealing, attention getting
5 = it is 4 = above average 3 = average2 = poor 1 = unacceptable / 5
Total Points
/ 35
Grading Key: Journal
/ PointsEarned / Points
1 / Introduction
4 = complete 2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 1
2 / Table of Contents
4 = complete 2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 1
3 / Problem and Hypothesis
4 = complete 2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 2
4 / Research paper and bibliography
6 = complete 5-2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 2
5 / Design for controlled experiment
4 = complete 2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 2
6 / Step–by–step procedure
4 = complete 2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 2
7 / Data Chart/charts with observations
4 = complete 2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 2
8 / Graph of final averages (and any extra graphs)
4 = complete 2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 2
9 / Conclusion
6 = complete 5-2 = incomplete 0 = not present / 2
10 / All work typed
6 = complete 3 = incomplete 0 = not present / 2
11 / All work in order given in directions
4 = all in order 3 = partially in order 0 = do over / 2
Total Points
/ 20Comments:
Grading Key – Oral Presentation
# /Item
/ PointsEarned / Points
1 / Effective delivery – good posture, eye contact, loud and clear voice, interesting
5 = excellent 4 = good 2 = fair 1 = needs improvement / 2
3 / Adequate explanation of research
5 = explained 0 = not explained / 2
4 / Adequate explanation of original problem
5 = explained 0 = not explained / 2
5 / Adequate explanation of hypothesis
5 = explained 0 = not explained / 2
6 / Adequate explanation of procedure
5 = explained 2 or 3 = partially explained 0 = not explained / 2
7 / Adequate explanation of variable and constants
5= explained 2 or 3 = more than one variable
0 = not explained / 2
8 / Adequate explanation of data and results
5 = explained 2 or 3 = too few trials or data to support results 0 = not explained / 2
9 / Adequate explanation of conclusion
5 = explained 0 = not explained / 2
10 /
It is clear to the student whether the data support or fail to support the hypothesis.
5 = did 2 or 3 = some, but not all 0 = absent / 211 /
The student understands the meaning of the results obtained.
5 = did 2 or 3 = actual samples, but incomplete demonstration1 = not actual samples, incomplete 0 = no demonstration / 2
Total Points
/ 20Comments:
Your text book is an excellent source of ideas for science projects. Labs are listed after each Chapter in the Table of Contents. Be aware not every lab is truly worthy of an 8th grade project, but is at least a starting point.
Internet Resources
This list represents just a few of the many internet resources available. Remember this is your project and you are encouraged to alter, adapt, and build upon the ideas of others.
Possible Math Projects
Remember your project may not use human beings (unless an approved survey with signed release for each participant), vertebrate animals, biological agents (mold) or weapons of any kind.
All projects must be approved by both your teacher and a parent/guardian.
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