*Make sure to add participant list and contact info

Welcome to the Workshop


Saturday October 25th



Workshop Objectives

Updates on CyArk

Introduction to Workgroup subjects

Lunch- workgroup selection

Workgroup breakout sessions

Conclusion of Day 1

Sunday October 26th

Breakfast- Presentation of Workgroup progress

Workgroup sessions

Lunch- Group Discussion

Workgroup final presentations



Review prelim 500 operating plan

Form initial working groups

Create first drafts of the 500 execution documents

To get individual commitments

Announcement of Kress Foundation support of this workshop

Ben would like to acknowledge the contribution

CyArk Update

Completion of CyArk business plan

Discovery Canada does segment on CyArk

Launch of Education section on website

Zeitgeist presentation

Launch of new website

Monte Alban workshop and action plan

Kress of support for third workshop

Hans Hess endorsement of CyArk 500

Former chairman of Leica Geosystems

Contributed $100k to CyArk 500


Larry Wiese- Superintendent of Mesa Verde National Park

Interest is how we can use this as park managers onsite and how natural disasters might effect this

Erwin Christofori- Germany

Documentation using laser scanning good use to create plans of sites

Bernie Frischer- UVA

Been actively involved in modeling

500 project most exciting things going on in field and would like his institute to play a role

Scott Travis- Mesa Verde Chief of Research

New to process, sees real potential for providing us with an integrated platform to research and view sites

Marty Dunn- Metco Services

Would like to be involved as service provider on many projects

Michael Ashley- Berkeley

Interested in CyArk as the correct path for heritage conservation

Also interested in the preservation of the digital data being created

Adam Spring- Heritage 3D

Interested in 3D preservation of heritage sites and workflow

Doug Pritchard- Glasgow school of art

Virtual model of Glasgow- 1600 buildings

Doing a lot of work with Historic Scotland and their documentation team

Why part of CyArk- The disappearance of heritage, Skara Brea might be destroyed in the next 10 years because of weather. Also the dissemination of the data being created. Best practices of digital technologies

Chris Royak- CH2MHill

CH2MHill is a global company and gives a partnership with CyArk a good opportunity to work all over the world and at heritage sites near where they work.

Dan Walsh- CyArk

Liz Lee- CyArk

Ben Kacyra- CyArk

Review of first workshop slides

(see presentation from initial workshop)

Liz showed off website- projects, community, education, hazards, preview of Spanish section

Michael raised question of pushing content

Larry spoke about the development they are doing for education

Ben to discuss Zeitgeist and show off the Zeitgeist program

Highlights- google founders, Sylvia Earle, GE CEO, Carlos Slim

Larry Presents Monte Alban presentation

Background on Monte Alban as the site

(see Monte Alban presentation)

Discussion of results of Monte Alban

Financial commitments

List of names and foundations

Commitments to open doors and make contacts

Introduction of Workgroup topics

Operations related: organization, work process, guidelines

Site related: site selection, site permits, site needs/ requirements

Development and PR: fundraising, promotion, friend raising, board members

Presentation of the Field Management Guide

(see Rough Draft of The CyArk 500 Field Management Guide)

(also see Proposed CyArk Organization diagram)

(also see associated flow chart)

Site selection

CyArk’s immediate criteria

Opportunistic- high profile

Owner ease and access



Quantitative Chart

Landscape and associated risk



Risk vs. hazards vs. response

Development guidelines

Development Workshops- “nailing people”







Somewhere more exciting than Germany







Aquateri- Santorini

Kakadu- Claire Smith

Silk Road- Dunhua


Goals for tomorrow

Feedback on the drafts

List of 60-70 sites

Report on development

Feedback on workshop

Day 2- Sunday

Larry begins with Day 1 recap

Emphasis on the Development workshops and how people can help


Ben introduces the group

Discussion of the definition of Digital Preservation

Pilot project as the basis for our methodology

Success of the pilot project as motivation for 500

Discussion of implementation plan

Review of workshop agenda and objectives

Review of workgroup objectives

·  Operations related: use management guide and DPM drafts for comprehensive manual for operations

·  Site Related: establish approach to site selections, site permits, grouping in themes, local organizations, communities

·  Development and PR: expand on the Monte Alban work … development workshops, thematic projects, high value targets

To get individual commitments

Evangelizing, creation of Monte Alban like opportunities, serving on workgroups

Evangelizing: knowledge, belief, passion and zeal

Presentation of Group one (operations) progress

(see notes from Marty)

Group 1: Marty, Michael, Adam, Erwin, Chris

Ben begins by explaining the concept of regions

A regional manager in control of end product but uses local firms to get the work done

Data Storage discussion

Importance of Archive strategy

Importance of Intellectual property

Protecting data from both misuse and for longevity

CyArk as a clearing house

Insurance in case something goes wrong

CyArk as a brand

Field Management Guide

Have some corrections to definitions

Communication network between region managers

To be able to help one another

Also produce a set of expectations

*get info from Dennis Hirota about new cameras

Universal Client and get a list of typical deliverables

Create a list to hand to heritage managers about what is available

Presentation of Group 2 (sites selection)

Group 2: Scott, Doug, Liz

See Sites group notes

The controversy of making an actual list and stating risk or sites

Idea of sites regional manager

Or cultural liaison

Attach to institutes or archaeological teams

The need to interact with local communities

The many possible cuts at themes

Themes that already exist within the heritage community

Presentation from Group 3 (development)

Group 3: Bernie, Dan, Ben, Larry, Barbara

See Bernie’s notes

Importance of third party validation

Shift to group discussion about fundraising

Long term phase- developing a machine to create long term funding (army)

Short term- startup (swat team)

*validation as part of the press kit***

Ben reviews the Cronan Strategy Diagram

Development workshop ideas: 6 months lead time

Who / What/ Where / When / Who
Bernie / Monticello
Estates of the presidents, Montpellier, civil war
Italy / One year out
Doug / DD2 Glasgow
Stirling or Skara Brae
Rosland / March 2-6
Homecoming year- get people to come back to Scotland / Hugh Grant
Liz Hurley
Cinzia / Egypt- cultnat
Not far from Cairo
Nubian archaeology
Askum / Autumn and Spring
Feb- April 09 / Zahi Hawass
Heinz Ruther
Erwin / 3-4 Days
4 historic times
Fun and cars
Frankfurt-Mousespring (old monastry- gothic to scan)
Then to the Porsche museum
Then to the roman bath museum
Then Regensburg then winery / May 09 / Contact with the mayor
Dave Olson
Eastern Europe
Sofia, Cloister (oldest used monastery) possibility of staying with monks, melnic winery area, museum / Spring 09
Adam / Cornwall
Mines / BBC- Julian Richards
Chris Royak / Masdar City
United Arab Emerits
Michael/ Chris Ogleby / Australia
Barbara/ David / Ireland
Hill of Tara
Georgian Sites / Geraldine Walsh
Dublin institute of technology
Marty / Easter Island / October

Lunch Discussion of what remains

Workshop selections

Schedule for groups follow-up

Themes Completion

Diagram of intersection

Risk Areas

Fiscal Scandal

IP protection

Heritage Managers/ credentials

Partnering with Media

Local media

Idea of Timeshare for the CyArk Travel workshops

Agreement to complete Groups list of deliverables in the next week

Presentation of Monte Alban Slides and Guatemala

Ideas for press kit

Mini- 500 brochure. (breast pocket version)

Bullet pointed list for overcoming the technological barriers

Question and answer format for things like technological obsolescence

Presentation of Zeitgeist presentation and Booklet

Introduction of new people

Tom, Simon, Scott

Idea for getting an article about Monte Alban

Go back to Simon and Tom for ideas

500 Places to Scan before they go away

(1000 places to see before you die)

How can we attract a new media entities

Airlines Magazines

Conde Naste

En Route Magazine (Air Canada)

Point to Discovery Canada segment

Dovetail off of Spar conference

Getting separate workshop together for corporate connections

(BP, Exxon, Betchtel)

Names / Contact / Willing to Make introduction
Bechtel / Ben/ Tom / Sam Diaz
Carlos / Ben
Monsanto / Ben / Hugh Grant
Simon / UK St. Albans / Open door to Assit
Tom / Anglo Platinum
Marathon Oil / Contact 2nd level
Tom / Spar workshop / Hold meeting at conference
Erwin / Adidas
Continental / Make contact

Idea of bringing adventure clothing companies involved

CyArk Expeditions

Risk question

The concern about being associated with certain companies

Idea of saying “these views expressed….”

Have all sponsors agree to CyArk’s mission

Add it into partnership agreement

Clarification about partner vs. sponsor

Heritage Manager/ Site Authority pro and con

Pro / Con
Data Storage / Credibility
Educational Potential / Name Identification
Technological Access / Curriculum Standards
Profile- Raising awareness / Data Security
Political benefits / Technophobia
Increased access to site (virtual access) / Future proof- keeping up with time
Centralized data support / Easily overwhelm the staff
Baseline data- platform / Sales pitch on benefits
Real time data source- for making informed decisions
Time savings
Legacy through technology transfer

Idea of Chapters

Or branches

The local buy-in as an absolute necessity

Within any region, there will be certain tasks that will need to be accomplished

This could be either one person doing multiple tasks

Or multiple people doing specific tasks

Idea of a spokesperson

Harrison Ford

Look for a star that has contributed to a restoration project

Nicholas Cage- National Treasure

Final thoughts on the meetings


Aligning with another event is easier

Not a big fan of video conferences, don’t get the result


Enjoyed the discussions

Travel is a problem


East coast is much easier for international people

6 months in advance

Knowing about an event or workshop would drive interest

Scott Cedarleaf

Like all the ideas

Know that CyArk is strapped but wants more updates on what is going on

Auto email update – twitter


Likes the size of the workshop- much more would make it to hard to communicate

Get Scott’s attention- also send to Lindy

Eastern seaboard

18 month calendar for events


Keeping lines of communication open

Making sure all our documents get sorted

Living documents


Every minute learns more about CyArk

Last two days got a lot done- creating guidelines for service providers

List of all service providers who are going to participate

So that specs can be integrated


Thank you for invitation

Scott Travis

Really like the intensity, hammering on things

Get the vision on what needs to happen

Following through on documents and capturing things


East Coast

Offering up resources to put on workshop in boston

Native Owned service provider to offer up contact

Action items from Liz

4 Months- Two days is good. Set dates and worry about topics later



Breakout groups a success

Continues to be impressed with the commitment


These meetings really energize me

When I see the partners it raises my enthusiasm

Good to get feedback on timing of events

Hope to make these working groups more permanent so that people can continue- don’t want to call it a committee

Need to produce stuff and get it out

Want to leave people with the evangelizing

In terms of tools and tech, we have it

The question is how to get the funding here to go Mach 1

We need everyone here to help with fundraising and PR

Not about Ben or Barbara, its about the world and what we can leave the world

Everyone here is helping get something done that is going to go on forever- the new Alexandria Library

Don’t hesitate to ask how to evangelize- three keys


