Amendment Number / Date / Amended by / Signature / Date

These Rules are published by the Royal Army Physical Training Corps Association

Amendments to these rules will only be made if authorized by the Association Executive Committee of Trustees and agreed at an Association General Meeting

Suggestions for Amendments should be presented in writing to the Regimental Secretary


(Registered Charity Number - 1053934)


Table of Contents


Charitable Status


Charities Act

Charity Commission

Governing Board

Governing Document

Internal Rules


Association Management

Association Executive Committees (AEC)

AEC Meetings



Ex-Officio Trustees

Nominated Trustees

Secretary of the AEC

Selection and Training of Trustees

Regimental Secretary

Role of the Regimental Secretary

Association General Meetings

Association Sub-committees

Association Welfare Committee (AWC)

RAPTC Reunion Committee

RAPTC Sports Management Board

Specific Projects

Association Finances

Trustee Responsibilities

Management of Association Accounts

Sources of Income

Days’ Pay Giving Scheme (DPGS)



Investment Management

Financial Principles


Disbursing the Investment Income

Investment Review

Contingency / Emergency Fund


Sub Committee Finances

Submissions for Funding

Sub-Committees Financial Responsibilities and Limitations


RAPTC Annual Journal

RAPTC Association Branches




(Registered Charity Number - 1053934)



1. The Royal Army Physical Training Corps (RAPTC)Association incorporates the former Army Gymnastic Staff (AGS), the Army Physical Training Staff (APTS) Old Comrades’ Association and the Army Physical Training Corps.

2. For ease within this document, The RAPTC Association will hereinafter be referred to as the Association.

Charitable Status

3. The Association is a registered charity (Charity No 1053934). The RAPTCMuseumis also a registered charity in its own right (Charity No 272116).

4. Charities are organisations set up for the benefit of the community they serve. To qualify as a Charity and retain its charitable status the RAPTC Association must, in accordance with the Charities Act 2011, meet strict conditions which include a ratified Constitution and approved Internal Rules.


Charities Act

5. The Charities Act 2011 provides a statutory definition of a charity as ‘an institution which is established for a charitable purpose that provides benefit to the public (or a section of the public)’.

Charity Commission

6. The Charity Commission is the independent regulator of charities in England and Wales. They work closely with Charities to ensure they are accountable, well run and meet their legal obligations in order to promote public trust and confidence.

Governing Board

7. The Association Executive Committee (AEC) is the governing body for the Association Charity.

Governing Document

8. The Association Constitution (AC) is the governing document for the Association. The AC must be agreed and approved by the Association Executive Committee of Trustees, ratified by the Charity Commission and subsequently voted on and passed at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

Internal Rules

9. Internal Rules (IR) are designed to support the governing document and depict the way that the charity business is to be conducted. They are to be agreed and approved by the AECand endorsed at an Annual General Meeting.

10. The aim of the Association Internal Rules is to describe how the Association is to be managed effectively and efficiently by defining roles, responsibilities, duties and limitations for those involved in the management of Association business.

11. Suggestions for amendments to the Association IRs are to be addressed in writing to the Regimental Secretary. All amendments must be approved and authorised by the AEC.


12. Charity Trustees are the people who serve on the governing body of a charity and have a joint responsibility for the general control and management of the charity. Association Trustees are elected in accordance with the RAPTC Constitution and must accept, ultimate responsibility for directing the affairs of the Association, ensuring that it is solvent, well-run, and delivering the charitable outcomes for which it has been created.

Association Management

Association Executive Committees (AEC)

13. The management of the Association is directed by the AECwhich consists of a President,fourteen (14) Trustees and the Association Regimental Secretary (Regt Sec).

14. The President and Regt Sec are non-voting members of the AEC.


15. The AECwill convene bi-annually.


16. The RAPTC Colonel Commandant[1] is the Presidentof the AEC.


17. There are fourteen Trustees, broken down into two categories:

a. Ex-Officio Trustees.

b. Nominated Trustees.

Ex-Officio Trustees

18. There are seven (7)Ex-Officio Trustees whoare tied to military appointments and as such are serving Officers and Warrant Officers. Therefore, when an individual is assigned to an Ex-Officio appointment, they also have the added responsibility of being a Charity Trustee. This responsibility will last for as long as the individual remains in the respective appointment. The following appointmentsare Association Ex-Officio Trustees:

a. Chairman -Commandant RAPTC

b. Vice Chairman -Assistant Commandant RAPTC (SMAA)

c. Member -CO ASPT

d. Member -SO2 G7 (PD), HQ Sp Comd

e. Member -SO2 G7 (PD), HQ RMAS

f. Member -Adjt, ASPT

g. Member -The Corps Regimental Sergeant Major (CRSM)[2]

Nominated Trustees

19. There are seven (7) Nominated Trustees; these are individuals who are nominated and selected in accordance with the Association Constitution. Nominated Trustees should where possible be retired RAPTC individuals however,they can be individuals who are non RAPTC but have held a previous RAPTC appointment[3].

Secretary of the AEC

20. The Regimental Secretary is the AEC Secretary (non-voting member) and responsible for issuing calling notices, agendas,production and distribution of post meeting Minutes / Record of Decisions.

Selection and Training of Trustees

21. The process for selectingAssociation Trustees is detailed in the RAPTC Constitution. The Regimental Secreatry will arrange induction training and provide a background briefing on the Association for all newly appointed Trustees. Guidelines on being a Trustee can be found in the Charity Commission Booklet entitled ‘The Essential Trustee What you need to know’.

Regimental Secretary

22. The AssociationRegimentalSecretaryis employed full time in a Civil Service appointment[4] and should if possible be a retired RAPTC Officer.

Role of the Regimental Secretary

23. The Regimental Secretarymaintains and develops the ethos of the Royal Army Physical Training Corps by providing the focus and direction for all RAPTC Regimental and Heritage matters for serving personnel and veterans together with their dependents, in order to sustain and enhance the operational effectiveness of the RAPTC.

24. Accountable to the AEC Trustees and line managed by the RAPTC Senior Master at Arms (SMAA), the RegimentalSecretaryis responsible for:

a. The co-ordination and administration of all RAPTC Association matters.

b. The implementation of policy as directed by the RAPTC Executive Committee and delegated Sub-committees.

c. The fiscal management of Association accounts and Investments, adhering to policies set by the Trustees and the Charities Commission.

d. The administration of Regimental benevolence working closely with the RAPTC Welfare Committee, Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen Association (Forces Help) (SSAFA) (FH)), the Royal British Legion (RBL), The Army Benevolent Fund (ABF) and other charities as required; all of which contributes to the Army's Moral Component of Fighting Power.

25. The Regimental Secretary should, on taking up the appointment attend a Unit Welfare Officer’s Course and complete the on-line All Arms Fund Managers Course in accordance with Service Funds Regulations.

26. The Regimental Secretary is the Fund Manager for the Association and responsible for the daily management of the Association’s accounts.

27. The Regimental Secretary will be assisted in his duties by the HQ RAPTC Registry Clerk (part time).

Association General Meetings

28. The criterion for the Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) is detailed in the Constitution. The Regimental Secretary is responsible for distributing the convening notice including the agenda at least 21 days prior to the AGM and the post meeting Minutes.

29. Special General Meetings are also covered in detail within the Constitution.

Association Sub-committees

30. The management of the Association, including its assets and finances, are controlled and directed by the AEC through delegated Sub-committees. In accordance with the Constitution, Sub-committees are required to have at least two (2) Trustees as members[5]. The Association Sub-committees are:

a. Association Welfare Committee

b. RAPTC Reunion Organising Committee

c. RAPTC Sports Management Committee

d. Specific Project Committees[6]

Association Welfare Committee (AWC)

31. The AWC aim is to assist, either generally or individually, past and present members of the RAPTC and their dependantswho, are in conditions of need by virtue of financial hardship, sickness, disability or the effects of old age.

32. The Regimental Secretary is the first point of contact and responsible for administering all requests for benevolence. On receipt of a welfare request he is to collate all the relevant information and convene the AWC.

33. All Welfare Committee meetings must be chaired by the Chairman or Vice Chairman and should consist of at least three (3) from the following:

a. Chairman -CO ASPT

b. Vice Chairman -2IC ASPT

c. Members -At least one (1) member of the AEB[7]


d. Secretary -Regimental Secretary

34. Using all available information the AWC members are to deliberate and agree the most appropriate course of action to resolve the request. The Regimental Secretary is responsible for conducting the follow up action, maintaining confidential records of all decisions and keeping the relevant personnel informed.

35. The RAPTC Association is a registered member of the SSAFA Caseworker Management System (CMS).

36. The Terms of Reference for the Association Welfare Committee are at Annex A.

RAPTC Reunion Committee

37. The biennial RAPTC Reunion will take place at Aldershot on the middle weekend in September. The Chairman and Organising Committee are responsible for planning, organising and implementing the biennial RAPTC Reunion.

38. The RAPTC Reunion Committee is made up as follows:

a. Chairman - CO ASPT

b. Members -Co-opted members as required[8]

c. Secretary -Association Regimental Secretary

39. The Chairman is accountable to the Trustees and must submit his plans with proposed costs for the Reunion at least 12 months prior to the event and provide regular updates for the Trustees.

40. The Terms of Reference for the Reunion Committee are at Annex B.

RAPTC Sports Management Board

41. The RAPTC Sports Management Board (RAPTC SMB) principle functions are:

a. Promote, administer and support financially, all approved sporting and Adventurous Training (AT) activities and Corps representative games / fixtures.

b. Encourage members to take part in all approved RAPTC sports and AT activities.

42. The RAPTC SMB is accountable to the AECand consists of:

a. Chairman:SMAA RAPTC

b. Members:CO ASPT

c. All nominated Sports’ Presidents[9]

d. Treasurer:Association Regimental Secretary

e. Secretary:CRSM

f. An Officer or Warrant Officer may be co-opted as required by the Chairman

43. The RAPTC SMB Charter is at Annex C.

Specific Projects

44. Specific Projects (SP)are projects that fall outside the remit of the AEC Sub-committees but require funding and planning. They must be relevant and meet the objects of the Association.

45. Specific projects must be approved and authorised by the AECTrustees.Once a SP has been authorised the AECare to set the timelines, set the budget limits and convene a Sub-committee with an appointed Chairman and at least (2) Trustees as members.

46. The SP Chairman is accountable to the AECTrustees and responsible for meeting the agreed timelines, remaining within the set budget limits and updating the Trustees at each stage of the project or, as and when required.

47. Due to the nature of SPs it may be necessary for the Sub-committee Chairman to seek direction and agreement from the Trustees outside of the AEC biannual meetings; this may require agreement via e-mail correspondence. The Regimental Secretary must ensure all decisions are recorded for future reference.

Association Finances

Trustee Responsibilities

48. The Association Trustees are responsible for ensuring:

a. The charity is and will remain solvent.

b. They use Charitable funds and assets reasonably, and only in furtherance of the Charity’s objects.

c. They avoid undertaking activities that might place the charity’s endowment, funds, assets or reputation at undue risk.

d. They take special care when investing the funds of the charity.

Management of Association Accounts

49. The RAPTC Association accounts are managed and audited in accordance with Service Fund Regulations (SFRs).

50. The following appointments[10]are responsible for the management of the RAPTC Association Accounts:

a. Managing Trustee (MT) - SMAA RAPTC

b. Senior Fund Manager (SFM) - 2IC,ArmySchool of Physical Training (ASPT)

c. Fund Manager (FM) –Regimental Secretary RAPTC Association

d. Regimental Accountant (RA) - SO3 G1, HQ RAPTC

51. The Regimental Secretary has Delegated Authority[11]to manage the RAPTC Association Funds on a daily basis. Single transactions between £500.00 and £1000.00 are to be agreed with the Fund Managing Trustee (RAPTC SMAA). Payments in excess of this limit requires authorisation from the Trustees (out of committee if required).The Regimental Secretary is also authorised by the AEC to manage unplanned ad-hoc purchases which may be required for the good and benefit of the Association[12].

Sources of Income

52. The three sources of income for the RAPTC Association are:

a. The Days Pay Giving Scheme[13]

b. Income from RAPTC Association investments

c. General donations and grants

Days’ Pay Giving Scheme (DPGS)

53. The DPGS is only applicable to serving members of the Association and is a voluntary scheme processed through the Defence Joint Pay and Administration (JPA) system.

54. The Regimental Secretary is to provide a comprehensive brief on the Scheme and its benefits to all soldiers who have been selected for transfer into the RAPTC.

55. The Association Clerk is responsible for informing and updating JPA on those RAPTC soldiers who have elected to pay into the scheme, keep a record of those members and provide regular updates for the Regimental Secretary.

56. The DPGS income is to be used for the annual running costs for the Association (including the allocation of funding for Association Sub-Committees; Paragraph 65 refers).


57. Holt's Branch of the Royal Bank of Scotlandis the appointed Banker for the Association accounts[14].


Investment Management

58. The RAPTC Association investments will be invested within the Armed Forces Common Investment Fund (AFCIF) and managed on the Association’s behalf by BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited.

Investment Strategy The RAPTC Association investments have greatly improved over a number of years and based on this healthy growth, the RAPTC Association Trustees decided at their Executive Committee meeting held at HQ RAPTC on the 11 Nov 16 tochange the investment strategy from ‘Investing for Growth’ to ‘Investing for Income’ with the income used for RAPTC projects.

59. This change of strategy ensures the Association avoids censure from the Charities Commission for growing the investment portfolio without purpose and will also accrue income (dividends) from the investments to fund Association projects.

Financial Principles

60. The following financial principles will apply:

  1. The Association investment portfolio will be ‘base-lined’ at £400k and the yield will be used as income.
  1. The Association will rely on market growth to compensate for inflation, but retains the ability to re-invest income if this proves not to be the case.
  1. Routine Association expenditure will be provided for from the DPGS, while the income from investments will be disbursed on specific projects, with any unspent income reinvested into the Association investment Fund.
  1. The Association Executive Committee spring meeting will approve the annual routine budget (from the DPGS) and the disbursement of the previous year’s investment income.


61. Based on the previous 10 years growth the markets have out-paced inflation, maintaining the relative worth of the investment portfolio. Based on the assumption that this trend will continue the Association investment portfolio should maintain its value in line with inflation, however, the AEC retains the authority to reinvest all or part of the investment income, if this assumption changes.

Disbursing the Investment Income

62. The investment income will be spent on projects for the benefit of Association members.

63. The AEC has agreed four ‘standing projects’. These are long term projects and any amendments to these standing projects must be agreed by the AEC and endorsed at an Association AGM.

64. The following standing projects will attract a percentage of the investment income on an annual basis[15]:

a. RAPTC 200thAnniversary celebrations.

b. RAPTC 175thAnniversary celebrations.

c. Annual reunions.[16]

d. Representative sports tours[17].

65. The AEC has the authority to grant money to other projects which may have been submitted to the AEC for consideration.

66. The allocation of money to the standing projects and the scrutiny of other projects will be considered at the AEC spring meeting.

Investment Review

67. Investments are to be monitored by the MT, SFM and FM and if required, they are to seek and provide qualified and professional guidance for the Association Trustees.

68. The Association investment within the AFCIF portfolio is a long-term commitment, and as such will be reviewed every five years, or if necessary, as and when required.

Contingency / Emergency Fund

69. All UK-regulated current or savings accounts and cash ISAs in banks, building societies and credit unions are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.[18] To safeguard against a crash in the financial markets resulting in a large loss of Association funds the Trustees set up a contingency / emergency fund.