Interfaith Power & Light
Communications Committee Report
The Challenge
“Communications” covers the many ways that state IPLs and TRP get their message out. Due to the decentralized nature of the organization, the array of communications activities is broad and includes both national and regional/ state media (both secular and faith community) contacts, and a wide array of different communications vehicles: press releases, public service announcements, brochures, websites, email, personal contacts, presentations, tabling, film, television, radio, creative arts, etc. This committee is asked to identify the most central ways in which state IPLs and TRP communicate to their key audiences, and propose where the lead responsibilities are for all elements of shared work including message, framing and strategy. This committee will discuss external communication, not internal communications.
1 - What should we be tracking?
-Engaging success stories – public policy, congregations, individuals, events
-Membership numbers – state/national total and new for this year
-Facts and Figures - EPA spreadsheet: trees planted, suvs off the road, mercury, CO2, nox, sox, etc.
-Clergy speakers and their contact information
2 - Who has lead responsibility of communicating and building relationships with national media?(Examples of National Media - NY Times, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, National NPR, Washington Post, Washington Times, USA Today)
3 - Will State IPLs ever contact national media? If so how will that work?
-Not often, but TRP should also be involved – the state IPL would coordinate with TRP when that occurs. Communication between states and TRP will be key so that we can both comment on issues that are local and national – we need to have synergy.
4 - How will press releases and press conferences be handled by TRP and State IPLs?
-This depends on the magnitude of the issue. Our model around Kyoto ratification in Feb. 2005 where the national office passed along a customizeable press release template worked well.
5- How should a media database be developed and maintained?
-State IPLs will have their own, we will discuss what fields (info.) should be tracked.
6 - Key communications contacts -- who has lead relationships with national denominations, NGOs and business communications contacts located within a state IPL’s region?
-We will work this out on an individual basis, but make sure that we’re sharing information. We discussed having lead people throughout the country be contacts to certain groups (e.g. If there is a Presbyterian leader in NC, they may be the main contact for the National Presbyterian organization)
7 - Do we need a shared communications strategy? If so, how will we develop a shared communication strategy? (e.g. media plan ideally based on polling data, messaging data, focus group data)
Yes, we will have shared communication strategy because we need mutual resources and a national additive effect on policy. We have a shared mission statement and this is part of our communications. We want to identify common themes across the country that can enter the national consciences. TRP, with input from State IPLs, will develop a strategy that will be locally implemented/determined. The basic message will be the same although each state may modify it or have sub-messages according to the needs of the folks they are reaching out to. We should come from a faith/moral voice and our message should balance the good new and bad news.
Our audience are:
- congregations & people of faith
- people of faith values we are trying to persuade (e.g. politicians, leaders)
8 - Is there a need for an email-based network and what would this look like?
Unclear as people’s understanding of this tool is very limited. Web based action network – an advanced web-based system where each state IPL could allow people to sign up and could use the system to send notices, updates, email newsletter and ask people to take action (e.g. attend events, call legislators). It also has potential as a fundraising tool. Downside is this is major undertaking and would carry a fairly large price tag.
9 - What other communications materials need to be coordinated and how will this work?
•Shared logo – connects us to the national movement. State groups will use it along with their individual logos? Logo image should be simple and ideally incorporate some elements of existing IPL logos and/or be in sync with them.
•Shared sound bites
•Shared religious materials
•Powerpoint slide shows
TRP could house these items on the password protected section of the website so that everyone could add to it and could access it to use the materials. We would need to find a good way to catalog items so that they are easy to locate.
10 - What kind of media training might be needed and how should this be implemented?
Items for training: writing press releases, letters to editor and op-eds, how and why to stay on message, how to work with the media and make contacts, public speaking, editorial board interviews, radio & tv interviews, what are the advantages and disadvantages of coming from a faith perspective, how to be inclusive in interfaith language.
11 - The name of the national group (TRP, IPL national, National IPL, etc.) is confusing and needs to be discussed so that a standard name can be developed. We will not decide on this, but can discuss some of the issues around making this decision.
Some people thought IPL was a good name that was generally useful if not entirely understood while others thought it sounds like a utility company. The acronym NIPL has serious problems. US IPL is possible as is IPL USA. Other possibilities – TRP, IPL (without a national designation).
Respectfully submitted: Janet Allen NY, Bill Bradlee TRP, Ann Euston NM, Sally Juarez CA, Charles Morris MI, Daniel Schwartz DC