Reconstruction (post Civil War)

Created by: Pam Graves

Using Kid Pix in the Classroom

Target Group: 4th Grade

Lesson Objectives: After completing this activity the students will be able to explain what the term “reconstruction” means as it applied to Virginians after the Civil War.

Target SOLs: Skills: VS.1b, d, f ; VS.8 a; C/T 3-5.8


Your children will need to have some familiarity with Kid Pix before starting this unit.

The first part of this activity can be done at anytime during your Civil War Unit. The students will be creating their Virginia plantation using Kid Pix and saving it (with an appropriate title- Plantation) for later use.

After reading/studying about the devastation caused by the war, the students will revisit their original plantation and add the effects of the war (burning crops, builidings, killing animals…), then save the second Kid Pix with a new title (war), leaving the original as it was.

The last step will be for them to identify their options and draw their choice (give up and work for someone else, move west, rebuild…), along with a brief explanation of what is meant by the “reconstruction period” and how their drawings illustrate the meaning. Whichever their choice may be, they are “re-constructing” their lives. I also like to break that word down into its root, prefix and suffix to ensure understanding of the term. (construct= to build, re = do again, tion…)

Teacher steps:

After creating the first template in Kid Pix, save it into each student’s personal folder. The students will open the template (type their name) and follow the directions in the “kid’s note”. I have not limited access to any of the tools, but adjustments may be made based on results of lesson use.

The last template(reconstruction) will be placed in their folders a day or two prior to the need to use it. Their drawings for each step will be saved into their personal folders with appropriate titles. You can also create a slideshow (in KidPix) with their pictures and have them present theirs using the smartboard.

Materials needed: Computers and Kid Pix Software, computer access (student folders)

Differentiation Ideas:

The depth or detail in the drawings will vary, but they should show some sign of self-reliance, in addition to providing for the basic needs of life (food, water, shelter).

The software reads the directions aloud (can be set for Spanish)

Evaluation Tools: see page 2

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please feel free to contact me at

Checklist for Plantation and Reconstruction:

Student name: ______

____ Plantation picture - comments:

____ War effects picture – comments:

____ Reconstruction picture– comments:

____ Reconstruction explanation- comments:

Grade: ______