Staff Leaver Procedure
Based on a minimum notice of 7 days
Once the Social Care Worker’s line manager has been informed of a resignation, the line manager will need to do the following:
1) Inform the Frameworki Team - FWi Amdocs .The Frameworki team will follow their own leavers procedure.
2) Inform the Frameworki Support Officers (Kate O’Brien and Arusha Afsal)
3) Arrange a meeting with the Social Worker within 48 hours to discuss and agree all outstanding work in the worker’s folders to be completed before they leave.
4) Provide copy of Social Workers checklist (appendix a)
5) Monitor progress daily
6) Following the last meeting with the worker, the manager should follow the Leavers Checklist (appendix b). Outstanding work must be reassigned to the newly allocated social worker. Where a client has yet to be assigned a new social worker, the work must be reassigned to the manager. No work should remain in the worker’s folder.
7) After 10 days from when the Frameworki team was informed. If there are still any outstanding work remaining this will be assigned to the manager by the team.
Appendix A - Social Workers Checklist
Check Meetings, where appropriate have been transferred to new allocated worker
o These can be found in your Meetings folder on the left side of FWi. Click on the meeting to see what this is referring to e.g. CP Conference, CLA Review. Amend the episode and edit the attendees list if necessary
Complete any outstanding Visits
o These can be found in the your Visits folder on the left side of FWi
Finish Unfinished Case Notes
o These can be found in your Unfinished Case Notes folder on the left side of FWi. If required, make any amendments to the case note and ensure the case note is completed by pressing the FINISH button.
Ensure all Future Work, Incoming Work and Uncompleted work folders are empty. Please inform your line manager of what work is outstanding and to be reassigned/transferred
o These can be found in the your Future Work, Incoming Work and Uncompleted Work folder on the left side of FWi
Check Returned Work folder to make sure that it is clear
o Returned Work folder is on the left side of FWi. If unclear how to remove returned work, call FWI Support team on Ext 7658 to assist you
Complete or Reject Incoming tasks
o These can be found in the Tasks folder on the left side of FWi, there is a subfolder called Incoming
Acknowledge all Unacknowledged Alerts
o These can be found in the your Unacknowledged Alerts folder on the bottom left side of FWi
Make sure that you have no clients in your Allocations folder
o These can be found in the your Allocations folder on the top left side of FWi
Complete Transfer summary for cases which will be transferred to another worker in the same department
o For all cases that need to be transferred, complete a CS - Internal Case Transfer episode (People tab, New Episode)
Complete Closure summary for cases which will be closed
o For all cases that need to be closed, the closure episode will be assigned from the preceding piece of work i.e. Social Work Assessment. If a closure episode has not been assign, initiate the episode the People tab, New Episode.
Complete CS - Case Transfer/ Request for EIS for cases stepping down to EIS
o For all cases that need to be stepped down to EIS this is an outcome from the Social Work Assessment
Appendix B – Managers Checklist
De-allocate and re-allocate workers on the Client record
o Cases can be Bulk assigned, allowing you to reassign or de-allocate as many cases from an individual in your team. Move the cursor over the workers allocations folder and right click on it to get the option to do this
o For individual client records go to Amend, Worker Relationships and use the edit button to enter an end date and reason
o For multiple clients
o Add a new relationship when re-allocating a new worker
Reassign incomplete work
o Go to your team member’s folder (bottom left side of the screen), find your workers folder and reassign work from the Future Work, Incoming Work and Uncompleted Work folders. To reassign, right click on the work and select option to assign and find the new worker. To bulk assign, right click on the incomplete folder and select Bulk Action.
Assign outstanding Visits inline with work from folders
o Go to your team member’s folder (bottom left side of the screen), find your workers folder and reassign Visits from the Visits folders. To reassign each individual visit, right click on the work and select option to assign and find the new worker. The visits can be assigned in bulk by right clicking on the visits folder and selecting Bulk Assign
Check Meetings, have been transferred to new allocated worker
o Go to your team member’s folder (bottom left side of the screen), find your workers folder and view the Meetings folder on the left side of FWi. CLA and CP admin should be informed of changes in workers so that the CLA Review and CP Conference are updated.
Check that there is one of the following completed for each client a Transfer Summary, Closure Summary or Request for EIS.
Check the Work Status bar and reassign any other work
o On the client front screen there is a Work Status bar, under this will show what episodes are incomplete and the name of the worker the work is assigned to. Ensure work is assigned correctly e.g. Supervision episodes should be assigned to the manager of the new social worker
Reviewed August 2015