Evaluation of the play park provision in

Aden Country Park

As part of an “Investing in Ideas” Big Lottery Funded project Buchan Development Partnership (BDP) are working in partnership with Aberdeenshire Council to review and the current children’s play park provision available at Aden Country Park in Mintlaw, Aberdeenshire. We are keen to seek your views regarding possible future developments of this facility and we would be very grateful if you could spare five minutes of your time to complete this survey and return to Neil Shirran, Aden Development Worker, Buchan Development Partnership, Area Office, Nethermuir Road, Maud, Peterhead, AB42 4ND or by email on:. Alternatively please hand in to the Aden Craft & Gift Shop in Aden Country Park.

About you

  1. Please state whether you are a parent/guardian, child (16yrs or under) or adult withno children?

/ Parent/Guardian (Go to Q2) / / Child (Go to Q3) / / Adult (Go to Q4)
  1. How many children do you have?

/ One / / Two / / Three / / Four / / Five / / Six
  1. How old are you or your children?

/ 0 - 5yrs / / 5 - 7yrs / / 7 - 11yrs / / 11 - 14yrs / / 14 - 16yrs

About the existing children’s play facilities

  1. Have you or your children ever used the children’s play park facilities in Aden Country Park?

/ Yes (Go to Q6) / / No (Go to Q5)
  1. If no, can you provide any reasons why you haven’t used the children’s play park facilities in Aden Country Park? (Please now proceed to Q17)




  1. If yes, how often do you or your children use the children’s play park facilities?

/ Daily / / Weekly / / Monthly / / 3/4 Times a Year / / Yearly / / Other



  1. Which of the existing play equipment do you or your children enjoy playing on most? (please tick up to six)

/ Springers / / Adventure Trail/Obstacle Course / / Aerial Runway/Zip Slide
/ Climbing Frame / / Seesaw / / Shelter / / Toddler Tower/Play Frame
/ Rotary Glider / / Toddler Swing / / Junior Swing / / Other



  1. How would you or your children rate the existing children’s play park facilities?

/ Extremely Poor / / Below Average / / Average / / Above Average / / Excellent




  1. How well do you think the existing children’s play park caters for the following age groups? (Rank in order - 1 being extremely poor and 5 being excellent)

Age/Rank / 1
Extremely Poor / 2
Below Average / 3
Average / 4
Above Average / 5
0 – 5yrs / / / / /
5 – 7yrs / / / / /
7– 11yrs / / / / /
11– 14yrs / / / / /
14– 16yrs / / / / /
  1. How well do you think the existing children’s play park caters for disabled children?

/ Extremely Poor / / Below Average / / Average / / Above Average / / Excellent
  1. How important do you think it is to have play equipment that caters for all children i.e. able and disabled children?

/ Not important / / Of little importance / / Moderately important / / Important / / Very important
  1. Do you think the existing children’s play park is in the correct location within Aden Country Park?

/ Yes / / No

If no, can you provide suggestions on where you think the play facilities should be located?


Possible Developments

  1. If we were to introduce new children’s play facilities in Aden Country Park what type of play activities do you or your children enjoy most? (please tick up to six)

/ Climbing / / Hanging / / Sliding / / Balancing / / Spinning
/ Swinging / / Rocking / / Hiding / / Role Play / / Playing in sand
/ Other



  1. Are there any specific types of children’s play equipment you would like to see either improved or introduced in the play area in Aden Country Park?


  1. What age do you think any potential new play provisions should be aimed at?

/ 0 - 5yrs / / 5 - 7yrs / / 7 - 11yrs / / 11 - 14yrs / / 14 - 16yrs



  1. If we were to introduce new play equipment in Aden Country Parkdo you think it should have a theme or educational quality?

/ Yes / / No
  1. What type of theme would you like best? (please tick up to six)

/ Farming / / Fishing / / Wildlife / / Pirates / / Fairy-tale
/ Knights & Castles / / Zoo / / Beach / / Cowboys & Indians
/ Emergency Services / / No theme necessary / / Other



  1. How important do you think it is for any new children’s play development to use natural products wherever possible, and blend into the setting of the country park?

/ Not important / / Of little importance / / Moderately important / / Important / / Very important
  1. Would you like to see more natural play elements introduced around Aden Country Park? e.g. fallen trees; stepping logs; balance beams; mounds; ditches; sculpture; maze; secret paths etc

/ Yes / / No
  1. If yes which natural play elements would you like to see introduced? (please tick up to six)

/ Fallen Trees / / Play Logs / / Balance Beams / / Stepping Logs
/ Log Arrangements / / Play Path / / Sculptures / / Willow Structures
/ Pools & Muddy Pits / / Banks & Slopes / / Long Grass & Wild Flowers
/ Boulders / / Mounds. Ditches & Hollows / / Quizzes, Puzzles & Games
/ Hiding Places & Sneaky Views / / Shaped Logs / / Secret Path / / Other



  1. Do you think that the children’s play provision in Aden Country Park should be in one main area or should there be play provision in various locations around the park?

/ One Main Area / / Various Locations / / One Main Area other smaller play areas around the park
  1. If we were to improve the existing children’s play provision do you think you or your children would be more likely to come to Aden Country Park to use these facilities?

/ Yes / / No

Other Comments

  1. Do you have any other comments about either the existing children’s play area in Aden Country Park or the idea of developing this site which hasn’t been covered in the questionnaire?



Future Developments

  1. Would you like to be kept informed about how the children’s play area project develops?

/ Yes / / No

If yes please provide an email address, phone number or postal address



Thank you for participating