Reconciliation Action Plan for the Year 2011/ 12
Our vision for reconciliationCSCCC believes that this new generation of children in Australia holds the key to reconciliation. For this to be achieved, early education, exposure and interaction between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians will build a relationship of respect for each other and provide opportunity to share cultures of similar thought (food, music, art etcc..)
Our business
CSCCC offers long day care for children aged 6 weeks to 5 years in a safe and nurturing environment that encourages play, thinking and responsibility. The Centre has four rooms: infant, toddler, junior Kindy and Kindy room. Our program reflects our vision and philosophy and our staff team are dedicated to the high quality care and education demanded by accreditors as well as ourselves.
The development of the RAP has been a process that has encouraged thought, ideas and projects right from the start. The at times overwhelming positivity of the centres staff and allowed for many ideas to be put into a workable targets for the future.
The RAP team consists of Brett, Georgie, Penny and Cassian as representatives from each room as well as Ali, Amanda, Marlise and Brittany. Catherine is also inspired to help out when she can as well as Frank Chapman (chairperson) is also very enthusiastic about the process. As a whole, the centre all show great enthusiasm and interest in the process and the aim of a RAP.
Relationships / Tell us why respectful relationships between Indigenous and non- Indigenous people are important to your organisation and its core business activities.
To build trust and understanding. To allow for better educational practices and the sharing of some knowledge to include in our program and educative practices. /
Focus area:
Becoming involved with the LKCC in Marion and sharing in some practices the Kaurna people can offer.
Networking with other local businesses regarding RAP or any Kaurna organisations or groups /
Action / Responsibility / Timeline / Measurable Target /
Visit the LKCC this year / Brett
Cath / December 2011 / Staff development day October 2012. Bush tucker tour and purchasing of art and books for centre.
Begin to propose a bush tucker garden area for the centre. / Brett / Mid 2012 / October 2012 using bush tucker book from LKCC and Belair national parks nursery and science garden and bush tucker garden was created.
Respect / Tell us why respect for Indigenous people, culture, land, history etc is important to your organisation and its core business activities.
As people it is obvious that respect is needed and encouraged for humanities sake, but also, our curriculum encourages this by offering specific outcomes and education directions to encourage and explore this. By building this respect, understanding and knowledge can then be applied to thinking and doing. /
Focus area:
Research and display Indigenous culture alongside with the other unique Australian cultures we celebrate.
Include and maintain the Kaurna language and arts within our program
Maintain and build our resources specific to Kaurna and Indigenous cultures /
Action / Responsibility / Timeline / Measurable Target /
Invest in and display in Indigenous culture. / ALL / Mid 2012 / All rooms have a variety of Indigenous posters as well as Kaurna language posters including numbers and names of animals from the book counting in Kaurna. 2 other Kalaya Childrens centre publications on colours and body parts have been purchased for each end of the centre. A language group display is also in the main foyer, along with reconciliation weeks displays.
Continue to invest in Indigenous story, information books, text and art work. / ALL / ongoing / Over 10 books currently on both the
Kaurna language and people and also many other language groups around Australia
Opportunities / Tell us why opportunities for Indigenous people, organisations and communities are important to your organisation and its core business activates. /
Focus area:
Research catering for upcoming events using Indigenous foods.
Look into employment opportunities for small business owners to contribute to our centres physical space.
Invest in Kaurna Art /
Action / Responsibility / Timeline / Measurable Target /
Research Indigenous small business and create a data base. / Cath
Brett / Mid 2012 / Still looking at catering companies in Adelaide. LKCC will be building a kitchen and a pizza oven for future uses for cooking classes and monthly LKCC fairs.
Employ and seek advice from an Indigenous landscaper
Invest in Kaurna Art work / Brett / End of 2012 / Sourcing local artist now. Burnside council have offered a grant opportunity, still waiting on feedback there.
1 piece of artwork purchased. The aim is to purchase 1 per year.
Tracking progress and reporting
Action / Responsibility / Timeline / Measurable Target
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