2015-2016 Editorial Advisory Board Report
Chair: Marcus Ravnan(Central Valley)
Committee Members:
- Gary Besinque, Chair-elect(Southern California)
- Diana Cao(Orange County)
- Patrick Chan(Orange County)
- Angelic Ervin, Technician (Golden Gate)
- Ron Floyd (San Diego)
- Henry Ho, New Practitioner (San Gabriel Valley)
- Jackie Ho, New Practitioner (Touro University)
- Nancy Kawahara (Inland)
- Sarah McBane (San Diego)
- Bailey Nguyen (Golden Gate)
- Laura Polonsky (Diablo)
- Yuli Sung (South Bay/Long Beach)
Board Liaisons: Tania Chopra (Golden Gate), Jim Scott (San Fernando Valley)
Committee Manager: Cindy Hespe
Committee Charges:
- Offer timely continuing education that advances the practice of pharmacy
Our publication annual calendar lays the groundwork for meeting this charge. The calendar, developed at the kickoff meeting in February, is designedwith the goal of meeting the needs of practicing members in a timely manner while being mindful of the ever changing tide so commonplace in pharmacy. The calendar supports timely education and directs coordinators to potential authors. The EAB meets monthly which allows opportunity to modify the editorial calendar as needed.
- Provide educational programs on emerging issues and future trends in pharmacy practice
The Editorial Advisory Board (EAB) membership combines experience with practice excellence. The reflection of that experience and practice excellence produces a tremendous wealth of insight and forward thinking that serves valuable in planning the publication topic list and identification of authors who would potentially the aforementioned topics. EAB members take ownership of their assigned coordinator duties and work diligently with potential authors to see the process through.
- Provide educational programs to develop CSHP members’ abilities to meet new professional practice, regulatory and quality standards, e.g. MERP, SB 493 Medication Reconciliation, and Joint Commission patient safety goals.
The EAB put in the publication calendar a requested publication reviewing the USP 800 standards as well as a review article highlighting the new residency program standards. On an annual basis we continue to seek authorship of our annual pharmacy law updates. Combined, these efforts meet the intent of this provision.
- Include an annual article in CJHP, InfoSource, and/or the website that highlights new practitioner career profiles
The NPEC provided 4brief articles for CJHP in 2015. Additionally, a longer article written by a new practitioner highlighting drug information residency opportunitieswent through peer review and was published. To date in 2016, two NPEC articleshave been submitted.
- Create an annual calendar of articles for CJHP that are of value to members
EAB membership combines experience with practice excellence. The reflection of that experience and practice excellence produces a tremendous wealth of insight and forward thinking that serves valuable in planning a publication calendar developed with the goal of meeting the needs of practicing members in a timely manner while being mindful of the ever changing tide so commonplace in pharmacy.
- Explore collaboration with the Board of Pharmacy and other organizations to publish successful practices.
The NovDec16 issue will feature an article about the VA medical home model.
- Administer the “Editorial Excellence Award” (A-2015-58) and “Editorial Excellence Award - First-Time Primary Author in a Peer-Reviewed Journal” (A-2015-05)
At Seminar 2016, Jim Pinder will receive the first Editorial Excellence award for his article “Pharmacy Law Updates 2014” and Jennifer Lee will receive the first Editorial Excellence – First Time Author in a Peer-reviewed Journal award for her article “Evaluating the Risk of Supratherapeutic Inpatient Acetaminophen Administration at a VA Medical Center”
Other Committee Activities/Outcomes:
- Significant challenges due to staff turnover in 2015 including lack of short- and long-term planning of articles and authors not completing articles as promised.
- Evaluated 12 articles submitted for consideration of publication via eJournal Press, CSHP’s peer review software. To date, 4 articles have been approved, 3 declined, and 5 currently in peer review process
- Created and submitted STPrecommending new policy to expand the number of EAB members and enact 2-year staggered terms of office for EAB members with extended renewals of committee membership. Amended and approved by BOD.
- Provided speaker for Seminar 2016 on topic “How to Get Published”
- Training provided for all EAB members on eJournal Press peer review software and recorded for future use.
Recommendations for next year’s committee:
- Further refine and define qualifications for Editorial Excellence award (EAB to prepare STP)
- Update Author Guidelines and Peer Reviewer Guidelines (staff with EAB input)
- Evaluate new peer review software: eJournal Press is not designed for a volunteer-driven publication. Thus, it has many weaknesses, is clunky to navigate, and tends to be difficult and time-consumingfor volunteers to learn.
- Evaluate content of CJHP while considering new content sections and shifting some content to website
- Evaluate a shift to online vs. print format after considering membership input
- Redesign by graphic designer (with input from EAB and staff) to updated look is worth considering (last updated spring 2012)
Any outstanding action items:none
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