Landscape Conservation Cooperative
Strategic Science Support Program
Overview...... 2
I.FundingOpportunityDescription...... 2
II.AwardInformation...... 5
III.EligibilityandMatching...... 6
IV.ApplicationandSubmission...... 7
V.ApplicationReview...... 8
VI. Proposaland AwardAdministration...... 14
VII.AgencyContacts...... 15
VIII.ProjectTemplate...... 16
IX.Budget Template...... 18
FederalAgencyName:USFish and WildlifeServicein support oftheGreat Northern
LandscapeConservationCooperative (GNLCC).
FundingOpportunityTitle:USFWSGreat NorthernLCCFY14Funding Guidance
Catalog ofFederalDomesticAssistance (CFDA)Number:USFish and Wildlife
Service,Fish and WildlifeCoordination and AssistancePrograms No.15.664; Cooperative Landscape Conservation No. 15.669, or Adaptive Science 15.670.
Dates:Thedeadlineforsubmissions is March 14, 2014 byCOBat 5pm MST.
Ifyou do not havethecapabilityto submit electronicallythrough theon-linesubmission form (see Section IV-Submission), pleasecontact GNLCC Coordinator, Yvette Converse () forinformation on howyou mayapplyunderthisannouncement.
FundingOpportunityDescription:A total estimated amount ofup to $1,000,000for5-
15 science, data, and information-oriented projectsthat support priorities (see below)of the Great NorthernLCCmaybe awarded.
GNLCC may opt to solicit proposalsdirectlyfrom aspecificagencyororganization with proprietaryorjurisdictional rights oraRequest forProposals foraspecifictypeofwork maybe released with this announcement. Unsolicited proposals maybesubmitted but will be reviewed throughthe criteriaincluded in this guidance.
Howtosubmit:SeeSectionIV forinformation on how to apply.
I. FundingOpportunityDescription
Underthis FY14 Great NorthernLCCFundingGuidance, theUSFish andWildlife ServiceMountain-Prairie Region (FWS R6)is requestingproject proposalsin support oftheGreat NorthernLCC. Awards issued pursuant to this announcement will beexpected to result in various productsoroutcomes. Details describingdata anddeliverableproduct expectations can be found inGNLCC Information Management, Delivery, and Sharing Standards(
FWS R6 reserves the right to makeno awards underthis announcement. Funding amounts amongtheseneeds arenotexplicit; finalamount awarded is at discretion oftheGNLCC SteeringCommittee and FWS R6 Regional Director.
Projects must fit into one or more of the following categories:
1)Tribal Grants
- Proposal must be co-led by a Tribal entity
- Estimated individual grants from $3 to $15K each
- GNLCC allocations to this category areexpected to total less than $100K
- In-kind contributions can be used as a match
2)Partner Forum (PF) sponsored projects
- Project sponsor must demonstrate how project was derived through engagement with GNLCC PF (Columbia Basin, Rocky Mountain, Sage Steppe or Cascadia)and include co-lead PF members as well as stated support (cooperator or letter of support) from other PF members
- Estimated individual grants from $10K to $75K each
- GNLCC allocations to this category are expected to total less than$350K
- Proposal must include the following deliverablesdescribed in the GNLCC Science Plan( 3 or more conservation targets relevant to one of 4 Partner Forums:
- Conceptual Model
- Priority stressors (climate, invasives and land use change), Conservation Threats, actions, and limiting factors
- Quantifiable objectives
- Conservation value analysis
3)Strategic Science
- Estimated individual grants from $10K to $150K each
- GNLCC allocations to this category are expected to total less than $800K
- Proposal must demonstrate how results and deliverables will address priorities identified in the following 3 GNLCC documents:
- Strategic Conservation Framework (
- Science Plan (draft)(
- Concept paper for implementing the GNLCC Business Model to achieve shared landscape outcomes (draft):
- Proposal should address science needs expressed by partners to GNLCC and Partner Forums (but do not need to be sponsored or led by Partner Forum members or active GNLCC participants)
Applicants are required to categorizeeach oftheirsubmissions to address the vision, goals and conservation targets of the GNLCC Strategic Conservation Framework. Submissions willbe evaluated with otherproposals under similarecotypes/goalsusingthe general criteria andrelevance criteria.
SectionV.(page 6) of this guidance identifies general andrelevancecriteria applicabletoall submissions within the context oftheGNLCC StrategicConservation Frameworkas it is summarized here:
GNLCC seeks specificallyidentified data and information needs and resource vulnerability assessments that contribute to collective understanding of the effects of priority landscape stressors (invasive species, land use change including energy development, and climate change) on priority conservation targets including ecosystems, ecosystem processes, and species (see below). Specifically, information obtained through this funding guidance should help GNLCC achieve our four stated conservation goals:
- Maintain large, intact landscapes of naturally functioning terrestrial and aquatic community assemblages.
- Conserve a permeable landscape with connectivity across aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, including species movement, migration, dispersal, life history, and biophysical processes.
- Maintain hydrologic regimes that support native or desirable aquatic plant and animal communities in still and moving water systems.
- Promote landscape-scale disturbance regimes that operate within a future range of variability and sustain ecological integrity.
Ecotypic Areas: The Strategic Conservation Framework identifies three ecotypic areas thatcover large expanses within GNLCC, have similar ecological systems with relatively consistent species compositions and configurations, and are facing common conservation issues. The Columbia Basin, Rocky Mountain, and Sagebrush Steppe were identified and prioritized in the Framework to connect local landscape partnerships working on similar conservation issues and broaden their positive affects to larger landscape scales. A Cascadiaecotypic area has also been proposed as an inter-LCC Partner Forum and is included with the above ecotypic areas( Proposals must identify which of these areas their science will affect. See Framework page 10 for details on these areas.
Conservation Targets: The Framework identifies explicit conservation targets for each ecotypic area based on a synthesis of 60 conservation planning documents. Targets are classed into ecosystems, ecosystem processes, and species (details in Framework starting on page 10). In context, outcomes of funded projects should help answer: ‘How do priority landscape stressors – invasive species, land use change, and/or climate change – affect these conservation targets and how can we manage to mitigate their effects?’Proposals must specifically incorporate one or more of the following targets to pass the general criteria screen. These targets need to demonstrate how they help achieve the four GNLCC landscape goals and advance the GNLCC Strategic Conservation Framework (link above).
GNLCC Conservation Targets, summaryColumbia Basin
Ecosystem / Ecosystem Process / Species
Riverine / Aquatic connectivity / Salmon
Riparian Areas / Connectivity / Steelhead trout
Wetlands / Bull trout
Watershed Uplands / Mule deer
Rocky Mountain
Ecosystem / Ecosystem Process / Species
Alpine / Connectivity / Grizzly bear
Sub-alpine / Natural Fire Regimes / Wolverine
Woodland / Insects and Forest Pathogens / Canada lynx
Grasslands / Whitebark pine
Alpine Lakes / Trumpeter Swan
Rivers and Riparian Areas / Cutthroat trout
Wetlands / Bull trout
Ecosystem / Ecosystem Process / Species
Sage shrub/grassland / Connectivity / Greater sage-grouse
Riparian areas / Natural fire regimes / Pygmy rabbit
Pothole lakes / Burrowing owl
Mule deer
Cutthroat trout
Ecosystem / Ecosystem Process / Species
Alpine / Connectivity / Salmon
Sub alpine / Natural fire regimes / Wolverine
Woodland / Insects and Forest Pathogens / Canada lynx
Alpine Lakes / Whitebark pine
Rivers and Riparian Areas / Mule deer
TheGNLCC recognizes overlap of conservation targets among ecotypic areas and does not require specific targets to match ecotypes listed above as long as they are identified in the GNLCC Strategic Framework. The GNLCC StrategicFramework continues to be refinedand the aboveinformation may be updated.Thereforethesespecificpriorities shouldbe considered to reflect FY14 needs and maychangein the future.
A total estimated amount ofup to $1,000,000 for an estimated5 to 15 projects which maybeawarded under this announcement fordeliveringexpressed science needsand supporting landscape conservation delivery within theGNLCC.
Anticipated Startand EndDates and Project Duration. Most projects selected for fundingwill begin in summeror fall 2014. GNLCC will consider multi-year projects up to 3 years total. GNLCC will make an effort to allocate 30% of funding for multi-year projects; however GNLCC cannot guarantee out-year (years 2 and 3) funds. If a multi-year project is funded in year 1, out-year proposals must be submitted for review and approval each subsequent year. GNLCCcan onlycommit to fund projects annually. In addition, GNLCC will make an effort to allocate approximately 30% of funding for new-start projects each year.
Applicants should also considertheGNLCCproject tracking, deliverables and timelines duringproposal development. Details describingproduct expectations can be found in GNLCC Information Management, Delivery, and Sharing Standards(
GNLCC expects to be acknowledged as a funding partner in all products, tools and deliverables as well as websites, publications and tools where the project/products is described and/or made available. The GNLCC logo will be available if needed for acknowledgements.
Partial Funding. USFWS R6 reserves the right to offerpartial fundingto submissions byfundingdiscreteactivities, portions, orphases oftheproposed project.IfUSFWS R6 decides to partiallyfund theproposed project, it will do so in amannerthatdoes not prejudice anyapplicantor affect thebasis uponwhich theproposed project, orportion thereof, was evaluated and selected, and that maintains theintegrityofthecompetition andthe selection/evaluation process.
III.Eligibility andMatching
ApplicantEligibility. Federal, State, Tribal, Canadian, and otherpublicor nonprofit privateagencies, institutions, and organizations are eligible;"for-profit" organizations arenot, however,consultants maybesubcontracted forspecialized work. U.S.federalagencies arepublicagencies orinstitutions; theyare eligibleto submit.
EligibleActivities. Assistanceis available for science andinformation projects informingordirectlyaffectinglandscapeconservation deliveryin theGreat Northern areabutfunding may support data collection and analyses for areas outside the Great Northern geography, provided it informs stated information needs expressed in the GNLCC Strategic Conservation Framework.
To be eligiblefor fundingconsideration, projects must eitherhavebeen awarded funding in FY10-FY13 or address oneoftheidentifiedFY14scienceneeds(see SectionI, page 3for descriptions)
Notethat each grant requested must be tied to products developedcoveringaperiod ofoneyearorless duringthe project scheduleand amount of fundingobligated. Project submissions having alongerbudget period maybe rejectedfor considerationunless acceptablejustificationis provided showinghow leveraged funds from othersources can support theproject into succeeding years.
IneligibleActivities.Underthis announcement, USFWS R6 will not fund: "construction grant"projects; land acquisition; orprojects whoseprincipal purposeisgeneral operatingsupport.
Match. A match is not required, but cost-leveragingis oneof theweightedcriteriain
Section V which will beconsidered byreviewersduringevaluations.
IV. Application andSubmission
1. Read and follow instructions. Proposals that aretoo longordo not follow thetemplate maybedisqualified forconsideration.
2. Develop andedityourproject submission in light ofthe criteria(generaland relevance).Pleaseindicateifyour project was funded byGNLCCin FY10-FY13.
3. Read and understand the requirements described in Great NorthernLandscape Conservation CooperativeInformation Management, Delivery, and Sharing Standards and be prepared to meet thoserequirements and timelines.
4. Complete and submit yourproposalto contacts bydeadline.
Examples fromPrevious Years.You maylook at submissions ofsuccessful projects from previousyears at:
Note, however, that this funding guidanceis new for FY14and substantiallydifferent compared to previousyears; thereforeall aspectsof these requirements maynothave been addressed in priorsubmissions.
Format. Pleasedeliveryourproposals in MSWORD or Portable Document Format (PDF).Please usethe project templatebelow (Section VIII,page15) andcompletethe template with the appropriateinformation requested. Yourproposal should be about5 pages long. Proposals that aretoo longmaybedisqualified forconsideration.
Pleasewrite upa detailedbudgetas aseparatefile (alsoMS WORD or PDF, See Section IX, Page 17).
Submission. Electronicsubmissionsare preferable. To submityourproposal and budget,go to the followinglink, follow instructions, and completeinformation requested: [insert link].
Ifyou do not havethecapabilityto submit electronically, please contact YvetteConverse
(406-600-5142 / ).
Deadline. Submissions aredueby February 28, 2014 by 5pm MST.
GNLCC Coordinatorwill determinetimeliness byreviewingthedate and timeof electronicsubmission. Absentcompelling circumstances whichjustifytheacceptance of alatesubmission and that do not affect theintegrityofthecompetition, latesubmissions will not be reviewed orconsidered.
FundingRestrictions:SeeEligibility-IneligibleActivities (above).
Confidentiality. Applicants mayclaim all oraportion oftheirproposal submission as confidential business information. Applicants must clearlymark submissions orportions thereofwhich theyclaimas confidential. Ifno claim of confidentialityis made, USFWS R6 is not responsibleto maintain confidentiality. Notethat dataproducedundera Federal award is subject to the Freedom ofInformation Act.
MultipleProjectSubmissions.Ifyourorganization submits morethan oneprojectyou must identifyanoverall contact (including phone, email, and address) and send a single, coordinated submittal. Prioritization information can be sent directly to .
V. Application Review
Criteria.Proposals will initially be screened based on theGeneral Criteriaspecified below.Those proposals which pass initial screening will be ranked based on the RelevanceCriteria(below)as they applyto the focal science need(s)addressed by each proposal.Criteriaareweightedas noted.
GeneralCriteria: Thesecriteriaareused forscreeningpurposes to evaluate whether proposalsreflect aminimum standard as determinedbytheAdvisoryTeam (see GNLCC Governance Structure: orasubset ofthe AdvisoryTeam, theGNLCCAd-HocSelectionCommittee.
The GeneralCriteriaare:
A. Rationale/Relevance/Bias forAction:Potential, whetherdirect orindirect, to effect conservation deliverywithinthe Great Northernarea or toeffect policymakers in avalue-addingwayorto result in practical activities which promisemeasurable outcomes to effect conservation delivery.
B.Scientific/ProfessionalMerit:Soundness oftechnicalapproach, includingdesign, objectives, and scientificviabilityoftheproject.Compliance with and adherence to theGNLCC Information Management, Delivery, and Sharing Standards(
C.ValueAdded:Demonstration oftechniques orapproaches which buildupon prior efforts in value-addingways,ratherthan duplicatingpriorefforts. Emphasis will be placed on funding projects alreadysupported or underwaythrough FY10-FY13GNLCCfunding. However, havingreceived aprevious award does not result in automaticselection in FY14. Thesecriteriamuststill bemet and proposal ranked.
D. ProgrammaticCapability:Thetechnical capabilityofthe applicant to successfullycarryoutaproject takingintoaccountsuchfactorsas the applicant’s (1) past performancein successfullycompletingprojects similarin size, scope, and relevanceto theproposed project, (2)historyofmeetingreportingrequirements on prioror current assistanceagreements and submittingacceptable final technical
reportsand applicable closeout documentation, (3)organizational experience and plan fortimelyand successfullyachievingtheobjectives oftheproject, and (4)staff expertise/ qualifications, staffknowledge, and resources ortheabilityto obtain them, tosuccessfullyachieve the goals of the project.
When evaluating programmatic capability the review team mayconsiderinformation from othersourcesinaddition to information provided bythe applicant in its submission.Ifan applicant does not haveanypast performanceand/or reporting history(items “1”and“2” above)it will receive a neutral (not included)evaluation forthose elements ofprogrammaticcapability.
E. Partnerships:Sponsorship byexistinglandscapepartnerships operating within the Great Northernarea particularlywhereaproject has beenidentifiedas a high priority need bythepartnership.
F.GeographicScope:Appropriateness oftheproject scope and its location with an emphasis area inthe Great Northerngeography, especiallycross-jurisdictional, trans-boundaryorpilots that havepotential to affect the former.
G.Education/Outreach:Effectiveness ofeducation/outreach and plans to disseminateproject results.
H.MeasuringProgress:Effectiveness and sufficiencyoftheapplicant’s plan for trackingandmeasuringits progress towardachievingenvironmental outputs and outcomes.
I.AppropriateBudget:Reasonablenessand appropriateness oftheproposed budget forthelevel ofwork proposed and with the expected benefits to beachieved.
J. Leveraging:Extent the applicant demonstrates(1)how theywill leverage fundingwith otherFederal and/ornonFederal sources of funds to carryout theproposed project(s) and/or (2)that fundingwill complement activities relevant to theproposed project(s)carried out bytheapplicant with other funds or resources. Applicants mayusetheirown funds, in-kind orother resourcesforavoluntarymatch or cost share. Onlyeligible andallowable costs maybe usedformatches or cost shares.
K. Amplification: Potential to impact the entire GNLCC,facilitate partner engagement, and/or benefit to neighboring LCCs.
L.GNLCCGoal:Extent to which project is aligned with GNLCCGoal. GOAL: Coordinate, facilitate, promote, and add valueto largelandscape conservationto buildresourceresilienceintheface of climatechange andother landscape-level stressorsthrough thefollowing(asdefined below):
•Support ScienceDevelopment
•Effect Coordination
•Inform conservation action
•Monitor and Evaluate
•Communicate and Educate
Identifyand facilitatethedevelopment, integration, and application ofsocial and
natural scientificinformation needed to inform water, land, fish, wildlife, and cultural heritagemanagement decisions.
Support coordination andintegration of conservation scienceand actions across
ecosystemsat the landscape scale,leveragingthecapabilities of respective agencies/organizations/ partnerships, and providereal-timesituational awareness of on-going conservation efforts.
Promote conservation actions at theunit and ecosystem level byprovidingscientific
informationand decisionsupport tools and byinformingconservation action that support resource resilience.
Monitorand Evaluate
Monitorlandscapescaleindicators, test scientificassumptions, and evaluate effectiveness ofconservation actions to inform adaptivemanagement decision-making.
Communicateand Educate
Communicate relevant scienceinformation and GNLCCactivities and opportunities
to partners and users. Advocate for collaborativeconservation and seek to leverage capabilities and support.
RelevanceCriteria: These criteriaareused to quantitativelyrank thoseproposals which meet the General Criteria. A GNLCCAd-Hoc SelectionCommittee,a subset of the GNLCCAdvisoryTeam,with balanced representation (i.e., fed/state, science/management) will review and scoreproposals in consultation with objective subject matter experts where appropriate.
The RelevanceCriteriainclude:
1. Relevance topriorities and needs identified in Strategic Conservation Framework, in the Science Plan, and by Partner Forums(40%)
Criteria: Articulate how project products and outcomes will address specific needs identified in the Strategic Framework, Science Plan (and other GNLCC priority efforts), and/or by Partner Forums, identify specific section of Plan, Framework as appropriate.
ii) Adequately frame the project actions relative to improving our understanding of how priority conservation targets (species, habitats, processes) may respond to key landscape stressors?
ii)Providequantifiablemeasures ofproject performanceon resources, ecosystem processes, habitats orspecies (i.e., population)that relateto landscape scaleissues?
iii) Articulate howproject products will providemanagement and conservation guidance for actions that will move conservation targets closer to desired condition?
2. Relevance toon-the-groundconservation delivery (20%)
Criteria. Does theprojectproposal:
i)Allow for moreeffectiveconservation delivery?How?
ii)Provideinformation to address conservation actions?How?
iii)Inform orprioritize conservation deliveryactionsorlocales in thenear future?
iv)Provideinformation applicableto decision-makingfora priorityresource, resource condition, habitat, orspecies in alargeportion oftheLCC?