MAY 2012
The Speech Advisory Committee, elected to represent Speech Coaches throughout the state, recommended the following rule and policy changes that have been adopted for 2012 - 2013 competition:
· Eliminate the requirement that students who are physically able must stand during their entire presentations except in Discussion. The change allows greater flexibility in physical expression choices for contestants. Other edits still indicate that contestants may still sit during Discussion but prohibit the use of stools, lecterns, and chairs in other events as is current practice. Acknowledgement that accommodations and modifications remain available for students with special needs is also maintained in the proposed revisions.
· Replace the requirement that, except in Great Speeches, only selections published in print may be used with the following:
All prepared selections not written by the contestant [as required for Duo Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, and Serious Interpretation of Drama, Poetry, and Prose and for speeches examined in Great Speeches] must be publicly available ("published") in print or electronically (websites, ebooks, etc.). Texts available ONLY in audio/video recording (with no publicly-available, verifiable transcription of the texts) may not be used because the texts cannot be verified. Scripts submitted to contest managers at all levels must include original, downloaded, or legally copied texts with clearly indicated sources for verification.
This makes selection requirements for Duo Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, and Serious Interpretation (Prose, Poetry, and Drama) consistent with the Great Speeches option to choose verifiable text selections that are available only on the Internet or other electronic sources and provides greater flexibility in choosing selections for contest presentation.
· Adjust the draw time intervals in all drawing events to eight (8) minutes to provide more efficient and consistent scheduling at all levels. While time limits for those events remain at six(6) minutes (for Extemporaneous Reading and Storytelling) or seven (7) minutes (for Extemporaneous Speaking) as was previously true, this change ensures that students get full thirty (30) minute preparation time, recognizing the need for students to be at competition rooms in time for their performances and allowing judges time to write critiques between performances.
· Change the limitation on notes used during Extemporaneous Speaking presentations from fifty (50) words or symbols to one side of one 3 x 5" note card. This avoids confusion about how to count words and symbols (particularly dates) by changing to a note limitation that is more easily prepared by contestants and enforced by officials.
The Speech Advisory Committee and League officials also agreed to the following for 2012 - 2013:
· Ballots for selecting State Speech Contest judges will list all registered judges and the schools at which they coach (where applicable). In the past, cities of residence have been used to identify the individuals on the ballot.
· League officials will provide online in-service and update guides, FAQs, and documents for coaches and officials to communicate and facilitate these changes.
· The official Discussion Outline will indicate that, in Sections where no separate Sub-Section contest is held, Sections must determine and communicate to coaches whether (1) only designated Section-level topics or (2) a combination of Sub-Section and Section topics will be used in their Section contests.
· State Contest qualifiers must be accompanied by coaches or other designated adults who will register them and attend the Contest. Critiques, etc., may no longer be available early for those who must leave before the State Contest Awards Ceremony. Items not picked up at the Contest will be mailed to coaches.
In addition to changes recommended above, the Speech Advisory Committee hopes that communication among coaches, judges, and Committee members continues actively throughout the coming year(s) and has listed these issues among those that might be considered for the future:
1. Should the "quoted word" limits for Original Oratory and Informative Speaking be increased? Should submitting a Works Cited be required for these events?
2. Should the requirements regarding writing critiques at the State Contest be changed? Should critiques be written for Final Rounds? Should critiques be eliminated entirely or revised for all rounds?
3. Should rules for Extemporaneous Reading be revised to include drama selections (in addition to prose and poetry)? Should all contestants in Extemporaneous Reading be prepared to read all listed selections, regardless of genre (assuming the lists of selections are considerably shortened)?
4. Should all time limits (and grace periods) be reconsidered and perhaps revised?
5. Should a third class of competition be considered for speech?
6. Should MSHSL Speech Rules be made more consistent with National Forensic League rules?
7. Should the number and assignment of judges at the State Contest be reconsidered?
8. How can the speech rules and policies be made clearer for all coaches and contestants?