Recommendation: to Accept Apologies and Reasons for Absence

Recommendation: to Accept Apologies and Reasons for Absence

Dear Councillors

You are duly summoned to the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council that will take place on Monday 18th July 2016 at Coolham Village Hall, Coolham commencing at 7.30pm.

Members of the public are welcome to attend this meeting and speak for a maximum of three minutes about an item on the agenda for this meeting during the Public Session at the discretion of the Chairman.

F. J. McNeile11th July 2016

Clerk to the Council


105/16Attendance and Apologies For Absence

Recommendation: To accept apologies and reasons for absence.

106/16To Receive Declarations of Interest, Notification of Changes to Members’

Interests and consider any requests for a dispensation.

Recommendation: To receive any declarations of interests from members in respect to

items on the agenda.

107/16 Approval Of The Minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday 16th June 2016

Recommendation: The Council to approve and the Chairman to sign as a correct

record, the minutes of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on Thursday

16th June 2016.

108/16Election Of Vice Chairman

Recommendation: To elect Vice Chairman of the Council and to receive the Vice

Chairman’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office

109/16Matters Arising from Item 107/16 (For information only)

Recommendation: To note the information.

110/16Report from the Police

Recommendation: To note the report.

111/16Report from the County Councillor

Recommendation: To note the report.

112/16Report from the District Councillors

Recommendation: To note the report.

113/16Report from Representatives on Outside Organisations

Recommendation: To note the report.

114/16Public Session (Members of the Public may speak for up to 3 minutes at the discretion of the Chairman).

Recommendation: To note any comments.

115/16 Chairman’s Announcements

Recommendation: To consider the information and action as appropriate.

116/16 Coolham Pavilion Opening Event – Date & Format Confirmation

Recommendation: To note the date and time.

117/16 Coolham Playing Fields ‘Play Equipment’ Project – decide on budget allowance for new play equipment

Recommendation: To note information from HDC regarding S106 provision and decide budget for project.

118/16 Dog Fouling – discuss problem of dog fouling at Coolham Playing Fields and potential solutions.

Recommendation: To note Chairman’s observations and agree suitable action.

119/16Planning Applications

DC/16/1433 Thornhill, Billingshurst Road, Coolham – Loft conversion and roof extension with side dormer window and roof lights front and back

DC/16/1456 St Andrews, Coolham Road, Brooks Green – First floor extension

DC/16/1350 Perrylands Place, Dial Post, Horsham – Demolition of existing bungalow, erection of two storey dwelling allocated on existing site with new footprint

DC/16/1370 Land South Of Sewage Works, Thakeham Road, Coolham – Prior notification to change of use from agricultural building to a single dwelling

DC/16/1398 Oakwood Farm, Hooklands Lane, Shipley – Prior notification to change of use from barns to single dwelling

S106/16/0005 Land at Falconers Farm, Sincox Lane, Shipley – Discharge of S106 agreement related to SP/32/92

DC/16/0642 – Land West Of Mill Straight, Worthing Road, Southwater – Approval Of Reserved Matters

Recommendation: Review and comment on planning applications and submit responses to Horsham District Council

120/16Planning Decisions – review outcomes of recent planning applications

Recommendation: Note decisions made by Horsham District Council

121/16 Roads, Footpaths, Bridleways & General Maintenance of the Parish

Pavements – update from Councillors.

Recommendation: Report maintenance problems within the parish and submit on line to appropriate authority.


Recommendation: To authorise payments to creditors as detailed in report.

123/16Date of next meeting:

Thursday 8th September, The Andrew Hall, Shipley 7:30pm

Subject to planning applications and a requirement for an extraordinary meeting.

Members of the public should be aware that being present at a meeting of the Council be deemed as the person having given consent to being recorded (photograph, film or audio recording) at the meeting, by any person present.