Bruker’s New TopSolids™ Software Provides Accelerated Workflow in Solid-State NMR for the Characterization of Protein Structures
Automated spectrometeradjustment together with acomprehensive range of pre-defined protocols guarantees optimum spectral quality and high productivity for both expert and novice users
CHICAGO, Illinois – March 3, 2014 – At Pittcon 2014, Bruker today introduced TopSolids™, a new intuitive, workflow-based softwarepackage for solid-state NMRin structural biology that provides menu-based, automated setup and acquisition of the most advanced multinuclear multi-dimensional NMR experiments. TopSolids providesa comprehensive library ofprotocols for structural biology, and ensures robust,securespectrometer and probe setup. The combination of optimized acquisition parameters with fine tuning on the actual research sample guarantees unsurpassed spectral quality. Never before has biological solid-state NMR, one of the most important tools for understanding the structure and dynamics of complex insoluble protein systems,been soreadily accessible to users from a broad diversity of background and experience.
TopSolidsencompassesa library of multidimensional experiments, as well as the complete set of semi-automated experimental preparation steps, including guided magic angle adjustment and automated shimming. Based on recognizedrf-probe efficiencies,a fully automatic measurement of 1H and13C rf-pulses is rapidly realized by a novel proprietary method. Automated pulse calibration is followed by fine-tuning of 1H, 13C and 15N pulsesonthe actual sample. These steps ensure correct parameter adjustmentfor the potentially differing conditions of wet and dielectric samples,as compared to the typically dry setup sample. All multidimensional experiments can be queued and combined with non-uniform sampling techniques for maximum productivity and a flexible, efficient lab workflow. While TopSolidsgives the casual solid state NMR user access to the most sophisticated solid-state NMR experiments, guaranteeing the highest quality results, the expert user willbenefit from interactive customization of pulse lengths, power levels, shapes, decoupling sequences and strengths at any time during the experiment setup procedure. Upon completion of the experiments a final PDF report is generated, providing a summary of all the important parameter settings, assisting withfast publication.
“TopSolidswillboth ease new entrants to the often considered complex and time-intensive research field of Solid-State NMR spectroscopy, while equally providing experienced method developers with significantly accelerated workflow through assisted spectrometer setup, semi-automated yet customizable calibration and an unmatched choice of multidimensional protocols. It simply has never been easier to take up solid state NMR spectroscopy andseriously boost your productivity and spectral quality”,commentedJochem Struppe and Sebastian Wegner, product managers for Solid-State NMR at Bruker BioSpin.
Part of theTopSpinsoftware family, Bruker’s acknowledged industry-standard for NMR acquisition and processing, TopSolids is fully compatible with Windows and Linux operation systems, and seamlessly integrates with Bruker AVANCE™ III and III HD spectrometers. The combination of TopSolids andBruker’sEfree TM probe technology provides complete peace of mind for the Biochemist working with wet protein samples, with or without phospholipids. Optimized parameters for these experiments are included, as are standard parameters for effective control of any rf-heating of samples.
About Bruker Corporation
Bruker Corporation (NASDAQ: BRKR) is a leading provider of high performance scientific instruments and solutions for molecular and materials research, as well as for diagnostics, industrial, clinical and applied analysis.
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Dr. Thorsten Thiel
Bruker Director of Marketing Communications
T: +49 (721) 5161 – 6500