Barbara J. Madrigal is Assistant Commissioner for the Division for Blind Services (DBS) in Texas. With 26 offices and more than 500 staff across the state, the division serves Texans of all ages who are blind, visually impaired, or deaf-blind through one of four major programs (the Blind Children's Program, Transition, Vocational Rehabilitation, and Independent Living) as well as the Criss Cole Rehabilitation Center located in Austin.
Barbara’s depth of experience in providing services to Texans who are blind is extensive, and her skills in delivering and managing quality rehabilitation services have been developed over the course of more than 30 years in the field. She has held a variety of positions including direct service delivery, the development and implementation of new programs, and numerous management positions.
Under her strong and enthusiastic leadership, blind services in Texas are currently focused on several interlocking objectives. These objectives include ensuring that consumers master the core skills necessary to acquire personal independence, competence, and self-confidence; maintaining productive relationships with consumer and advocacy groups across the state; and increasing the availability of quality employment opportunities for all Texans who are blind. Barbara believes in reaching out and interacting with the organization’s stakeholders because, as she explains, “I’d rather start the conversation than be the subject of a conversation.”
Along with her ongoing commitment to support Texans who are blind in reaching their goals, Barbara’s other passion is ensuring that the DBS workforce is properly trained, motivated and willing to face the everyday challenges of providing legendary customer services. She believes in leading by example and cherishes the opportunity to speak with groups (or anyone willing to listen!) about her experiences and life’s lessons. “You’ll hear me talking about my Gloria stories [Barbara’s mother]” she says, “so, in a way, I guess I’ve inherited this mission of providing motherly advice to others.”
Speaking of preparing staff, succession planning designed to ensure highly qualified staff and continuity of quality services well into the future is also a critical organizational objective. The Division’s succession planning program, FUTURES, as well as its professional development program for support professionals, the Academy, were both brainchildren of Barbara’s.
On the national front, she serves on the Executive Committees of the National Council of States Agencies for the Blind and the Council of State Administrators for Vocational Rehabilitation. She has received many honors over the years from such entities as the Texas House of Representatives, the San Antonio Lighthouse for the Blind, the Governor’s State Agency Council (Outstanding Women in State Government), and the Texas RehabAction Network.
In addition to her family and friends, Barbara's personal interests include collecting Coca Cola memorabilia, being an enthusiastic sports fan (especially her hometown favorite, the San Antonio Spurs) and actively supporting Animal Trustees of Austin.