Recognitions for Attica Tollway Operator, “AttikesDiadromes SA”, of Athens - Greece
“AttikesDiadromes SA”, the Operation and Maintenance Company of Attica Tollway (AttikiOdos)of Athens, Greece, has been recognized for its Operational Practices and for its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies:
For its Operational Practices, “AttikesDiadromesSA” has been recognized by the International Road Federation (IRF) with the “First Prize Award in the category of Quality Management”, presented in September 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey at a Special Ceremony during the “Europe & Central Asia Regional Congress”.The distinguished internationalinstitution encourages innovative practices and honors entities applying such innovations in the global transportbusiness. AttikesDiadromes was distinguished for the application of its unique Motorway Quality Management System entitled “THALES”.
The custom made system collects data, measures the company's performance for the services provided to the public and compares the results with the perception and opinions expressed by the customers-users of Attica Tollway. THALES consists of two parts:
(a)The first part iscontaining the certified procedures by which the company operates and maintains the highway, which are part of ISO 9001:2008-Quality Certification, BSOHSAS 18001:2007-Health & Safety Certification, ENISO 14001:2004-Environmental Certification and ISO 39001:2012-Road Safety Certification.
(b)The second part is the management information system developed in collaboration with INVISION Consultants, a service provider to AttikesDiadromes. The main components include 35 Key Performance Indicators (KPI's), associated with traffic safety, customer service, roadwaymaintenance and toll collection.
The uniqueness of “THALES” lies in the way by which real performance data are combined and compared with customer satisfaction surveys, so that the company's performance is graded in accordance with the perception and expectations of the users of Attica Tollway. The company uses “Mystery Shopping” methods to verify the results and to ensure that the procedures governing the operation and maintenance of the Tollway are followed.
For "AttikesDiadromes SA” this is the third time that the International Road Federation (IRF)recognizes its excellence. In 2009, the company was awarded First Prize in the category “Environmental Mitigation", rewarding the valuable and environmentally friendly operation and maintenance procedures applied by the company, while in 2005, IRF awarded to AttikesDiadromesthe First Prize “European Road Safety Award” for its efforts in promoting Traffic Safety.
For its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) actions, “AttikesDiadromes SA” has been recognized by the European Commission with the prestigious “Excellence in Road Safety Award”, presented at a special ceremony in February 2015 in Brussels, Belgium. The Award was the result of AttikesDiadromescommitment to make a difference in Road Safety, not only for the users of Attica Tollway,but also for the young generation. The company has taken targeted actions to raise awareness of children and teenagers on road safety. In doing so, the company has supported the creation of an interactive theatrical play for elementary school age children, with more than 44,000 of them attending the performances, so far. In addressing new drivers, a program targeting teenagers in high-schools entitled “Open your Eyes on the Road” was created. This programhas been implemented in High Schools around Athens and with the approval of the Greek Ministry of Education has taught teenagers about road safety in general and motorcycle driving in particular. For these two programs, The award was presented by the European Commissioner for Transport Ms. Violeta Bulc, who noted: “Without you, European roads would be less safe for us all. Thank you, and let’s continue to work hard, together.”
The European Commission has created the European Road Safety Charter that has been signed by more than 2,300 European bodies, agencies and organizations, including AttikesDiadromes. The purpose of the Charter is to create commitment to implement practices that promote road safety in Europe. In this context, the European Commission awards every year five organizationsthroughout Europe for their excellent practices in promoting road safety. For 2015, AttikesDiadromes stood out among 90 candidates from all over Europe.
The European Commission and the IRF awards are the best testimony for the continuous efforts of the staff of AttikesDiadromesand the commitment of its Management and its Shareholders towards traffic safety and operational efficiency.