Read each question to your child. Circle the best available answer for each of the following:
1. Where did Mary live? (In Bethlehem, In Nazareth)
2. Who was Mary engaged to be married to? (Joseph, Moses)
3. What did Joseph do for a living? (He was a shepherd, He was a carpenter.)
4. When an angel appeared to Mary, how did she feel? (She was frightened,
She was happy.)
5. Who told Mary that she was going to have a baby and he was going to be the Son of God? (The angel Gabriel, The angel Michael.)
6. What did Mary say when she was asked to have the Son of God? (Yes, No)
7. What was Mary told to name this child? (Jesus, Moses)
8. When Joseph found out that Mary was with child, what did he do? (Nothing,
Called off the wedding.)
9. What changed Joseph’s mind? (His family, During a dream an angel told him that he should marry her and that her son was the Son of God.)
10. What did the angel say that Jesus would do? (Become a fisherman,
He would save people from God’s punishment for the bad things they had done.)