What’s New at MYSPP—November 2009
The Public Relations subcommittee is seeking nominations of individuals, agencies, media, first responders, funeral home directors who have helped to spread the word about suicide prevention, intervened to save a life, or been particularly helpful in the aftermath of a suicide. To submit a nomination, send an e-mail to Linda Williams at
The Maine Youth Suicide Prevention Program (MYSPP) has a new training program - Suicide Assessment for Clinicians. This full day program will be available in four locations around the state. Visit the training section of our web site to learn more.
Transition Lessons for high school seniors have been developed, field tested, and are now ready for use in schools that are currently implementing the Lifelines Lessons. Training dates for teachers who will implement these lessons are posted on the web site. The lessons can be delivered in four 45 or two 90 minute time blocks. Contact Linda Williams for additional information at 622-7566 ext. 243.
MYSPP has a new tri-fold brochure for general audiences. To obtain copies to disseminate to
co-workers, friends, church members, etc., contact the Information and Resource Center at 1-800-499-0027.
Save the date—Beyond the Basics of Suicide Prevention VI will be held Friday, April 9, 2010 in Augusta. David Jobes, author of Managing Suicidal Risk—A Collaborative Approach will provide the opening keynote. Other topics to be addressed at the conference include suicide as it relates to eating disorders, trauma and veterans as well as clinicians as survivors and much more. To register, go to Plan on joining us!
MYSPP has established five subcommittees to help achieve its mission to prevent youth suicide. These subcommittees are Young Adults (18-24), Training, Public Relations, Caring About Lives In Maine grant, and Data. If you would like to serve on one of these subcommittees, contact Joanne DeCampos at 622-7566 ext.202 or
The program has begun a planning group on suicide across the lifespan. A focused plan to address this serious problem in our state will be the outcome.
11th Annual National Survivors of Suicide Day—A Day of Healing for Survivors of Suicide Loss Around the U.S. and the World will take place Saturday, November 21, 2009. A 90 minute American Foundation of Suicide Prevention broadcast will occur from 1:00—2:30 p.m. followed by local programs. This unique network of healing conferences helps survivors connect with others who have survived the tragedy of suicide loss, and express and understand the powerful emotions they experience. To find sites in Maine, go to
Statewide Crisis Hotline 24/7 1-888-568-1112; statewide Information Resource Center 1-800-499-0027