KEYS: Bold = considered AGENDA-57

X = closed item 29 September 2003

X/ = reopened item

X/X = reopened and closed item Last meeting covered: 94th plenary/FINAL

Meeting numbers are underlined followed by Date of meeting: 15 September 2003

meeting date


Consideration of items in plenary meetings

1.X Opening of the session by the President of the General Assembly. 1 (10 Sept.)

2.X Minute of silent prayer or meditation. 1 (10 Sept.)

3.X Credentials of representatives to the fifty-seventh session of the General Assembly:

(a) Appointment of the members of the Credentials Committee; 1 (10 Sept.) (1D-57/401)

(b) Report of the Credentials Committee. 73 (11 Dec.)(res. 57/114)[A/57/634, para. 11]

4.X Election of the President of the General Assembly. 88 (6 June) (1D-57/418)


5.X Election of the officers of the Main Committees. 89 (6 June) (1D-57/419)


6.X Election of the Vice-Presidents of the General Assembly. 89 (6 June) (1D-57/420)

7.X Notification by the Secretary-General under Article 12, paragraph 2, of the Charter of the United Nations. 27 (14 Oct.) (1D-57/505)[A/57/392]

8.X Adoption of the agenda and organization of work: reports of the General Committee.

Organization of the fifty-seventh session:

1 (10 Sept.) (1D-57/501)[A/57/389]

Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items:

19 (20 Sept.)[1st report of the General Committee] (A/57/250 and Corr.1) (2D – 57/502 and 57/503A) [A/57/231][waive provision of rule 40 and inclusion of item], 24 (7 Oct.) [2nd report of the General Committee] (A/57/250/Add.1) [inclusion of sub-item 22(s)], 31 (16 Oct.) [3rd report of the General Committee](A/57/250/Add.2) (1D-57/503A)[defer consideration of Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte to 58th session, and include in agenda of 57th session item entitled South American Zone of Peace and Cooperation for consideration in plenary], 68 (6 Dec.) [4th report of the General Committee] (A/57/250/Add.2) (1D-57/503A) [inclusion of item in agenda of 57th session, Int’l Year of Rice, 2004, to be considered in plenary], 79 (20 Dec.) (1D-57/585 [items to be retained on agenda]), 80 (29 Jan.) (1D-57/503B [consider sub-item 17(a) in plenary]), 82 (11 Apr) [5th report of the General Committee] (A/57/250/Add.4)(1D-57/503B) [inclusion of item in agenda of 57th session, Global Road Safety, to be considered in plenary], 91 (23 June) (to consider item 92 directly in plenary), 94 (15 Sept.) (1D-57/503B) (to consider items 17(j) directly in plenary, also 66 (i) and 86(d))

Meetings of subsidiary organs during the main part of the fifty-seventh session:

9.X General debate. 2 (12 Sept.) - 9 (15 Sept.); 11 (17 Sept.) – 18 (20 Sept.)

10.X Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization. 2 (12 Sept.) (presentation of the report by the Secretary-General, A/57/1), 87 (29 May) (1D-57/586 [Nobel Peace Prize disposition-A/57/816]), 93 (3 July)(res. 57/337 [L.79]), 94 (15 Sept.)(res. 57/338 [L.83])

With item 44 (follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit): 22-26 (4-8 Oct.) (debate) (1D-57/504)

11.X Report of the Security Council.

With item 40 (Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council): 27-30 (14-15 Oct) (debate)[A/57/2 and Corr.1] [Observer: Palestine], 31-32 (16 Oct.) (debate) (1D-57/507),

12.X Report of the Economic and Social Council.

62 (27 Nov.) (intro of report and debate)

[also allocated to Second, Third, Special Political and Decolonization (Fourth) and Fifth Committees]

Second Committee: Chapters I-V, VII (sections A to H) and IX; Chapters III, V and VII (section A); 78 (20 Dec.)(res.57/277[A/57/543, para.12], 2D-57/552 and 57/553 [A/57/543, para. 13])

Third Committee: Chapters I, III and V, chapter VII, sections A to C and I, and Chapter IX; 77 (18 Dec.)(2D-57/538 and 57/539 [A/57/558, para. 8])

Special Political and Decolonization (Fourth) Committee: Chapter VII (section D);

With item 82: 73 (11 Dec.) (res. 57/133 [recorded vote: 111-0-51][A/57/526, para. 7])

Fifth Committee: Chapters I, VII (sections B and C) and IX; 67 (4 Dec.)(1D-57/517[A/57/624, para.4])

13.X Report of the International Court of Justice. 37 (29 Oct.)(1D-57/510) [A/57/4]

14.X Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency; 46 (11 Nov)(2001 report, intro. L.17), 47 (11 Nov) (L.17 recorded vote: 86-11-26), L.14 recorded vote: PP#3: 132-2-3; PP#12: 122-0-15; OP#5: 132-0-5; OP#10: 134-2-1; as a whole: 138-1-2 (res. 57/9 [L.14])

15. XElections to fill vacancies in principal organs:

(a)X Election of five non-permanent members of the Security Council; 20 (27 Sept.) (1D-57/402)

(b)X Election of eighteen members of the Economic and Social Council. 21 (3 Oct.) (1D-57/403)

(c)X Election of five members of the International Court of Justice. 35 (21 Oct.) (1D-57/404)

16.X Elections to fill vacancies in subsidiary organs and other elections: election of twenty members of the Committee for Programme and Coordination. 43 (4 Nov) (1D-57/405A), 84 (1 May) (1D-57/405B)

17.X Appointments to fill vacancies in subsidiary organs and other appointments:

(a)  Appointment of members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions; 67 (4 Dec.)(1D-57/406A)[A/57/605, para.7], 80 (29 Jan.)(1D-57/406B) [A/57/101/Add.1/Rev.1]


(b) Appointment of members of the Committee on Contributions; 67 (4 Dec.)(1D-57/407)[A/57/606, para.5]

(c) Confirmation of the appointment of members of the Investments Committee; 67 (4 Dec.)(1D-57/408)[A/57/607, para.5]

(d) Appointment of members of the United Nations Administrative Tribunal; 67 (4 Dec.)(1D-57/409)[A/57/608, para.5]

(e) International Civil Service Commission

(i) Appointment of members of the Commission; 67 (4 Dec.)(1D-57/410)[A/57/609, para.10]

(ii) Designation of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Commission; 67 (4 Dec.) (1D-57/410)[A/57/609, para.10]


(f)X Appointment of a member of the Joint Inspection Unit; 21 (3 Oct.) (selection process) [A/57/107], 88 (6 June) (1D-57/416 [A/57/112])

(g)X Appointment of members of the Committee on Conferences; 79 (20 Dec) (1D-57/413A [A/57/108]), 83 (15 Apr) (1D-57/413B)

(h)X Confirmation of the appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development; 88 (6 June) (1D-57/417 [A/57/109])

(i)X Confirmation of the appointment of the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme; 83 (15 Apr) (1D-57/415)


(j)X Appointment of a member of the United Nations Staff Pension Committee. 67 (4 Dec.) (1D-57/411A) [A/57/610], 83 (15 Apr) (1D-57/411B [A/57/610/Add.1, para.4]), 94 (15 Sept.) (1D-57/411C [A/57/111/Add.2])


18.X Election of judges of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January and 31 December 1994. 80 (31 Jan.) (1D-57/414A [A/57/492 and Corr.1]), 86 (22 May) (1D-57/414B [A/57/790 and A/57/814]), 92 (18 June) (1D-57/414C [A/57/800 and A/57/801 and Add.1-5; A/57/802])


19.X Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. 73 (11 Dec.) (res. 57/135, 57/136, 57/137 and 57/138 [A/57/528, para. 25, DR I-IV]) (1D-57/526 [A/57/528, para. 26]), res. 57/139 [A/57/23, Part III, Chap.XIII, section G, para. 7], res. 57/140 [L.52] [recorded vote: 139-3-19])

With item 81: 73 (11 Dec.) (res. 57/132 [recorded vote: 156-3-3][A/57/525, para. 9], 1D- 57/525 [recorded vote: 106-53-1] [A/57/525, para. 20])


20. X Admission of new Members to the United Nations. 1 (10 Sept.) (res. 57/1) [Switzerland], 20 (27 Sept.) (res. 57/3)[Timor-Leste]

21.X Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance:

Announcement of coordinator: 21 (3 Oct.) – H.E. Mr. Herbert Wurth (Luxembourg)

58 (25 Nov.)[intro. L.33, L.41, L.46, L.47] [Observer: Palestine], 59 (25 Nov.)[intro. L.42, action on L.43 deferred] [Observers: International Committee of the Red Cross, International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Organization for Migration, Palestine], 75 (16 Dec.) (res. 57/155[L.66]) [Observer: Palestine]

(a)X Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations; 75 (16 Dec.) (res. 57/150 [L.60], res. 57/152 [L.63], res. 57/153 [L.64])

(b) Special economic assistance to individual countries or regions; 75 (16 Dec.) (res. 57/146 [L.43/Rev.1], res. 57/148 [L.54], res. 57/149[L. 57], res. 57/151 [L.62), res. 57/154 [L.65])

(c)X Assistance to the Palestinian people ; 75 (16 Dec.) (res. 57/147 [L.51])

(d) Emergency international assistance for peace, normalcy and reconstruction of war- stricken Afghanistan.

With item 37: 47 (11 Nov)(res. 57/8 [A/57/L.13/Rev.1]), 68-69 (6 Dec.) (res. 57/113 A and B)[L.56]

22.X Cooperation between the United Nations and regional and other organizations:

joint debate: 52-56 (19-21Nov.) 56 (21 Nov.) [Observers: Inter-Parliamentary Union, International Organization of la Francophonie, Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization, Caribbean Community, League of Arab States, Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization, Organization of the Islamic Conference, Economic Community of Central African States, Council of Europe, African Union]]

(a)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Asian-African Legal Consultative Organization 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.18), 56 (21 Nov.)(res. 57/36[L.18 as orally revised])

(b)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization 53 (20 Nov.) (intro. L.11), 56 (21 Nov.) (res. 57/34 [L.11 as orally revised])

(c)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Caribbean Community 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.26), 56 (21 Nov.)(res. 57/41[L.26])

(d)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Council of Europe. 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.23), 75 (16 Dec.) (res. 57/156 [L.23/Rev.1][recorded vote: OP# 4: 109-0-36; OP#6: 71-54-32; OP#12: 71-52-33; as a whole: 92-0-65])

(e)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Economic Community of Central African States; 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.25), 56 (21 Nov.)(res. 57/40 [L.25 as orally revised])

(f)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Economic Cooperation Organization; 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.22), 56 (21 Nov.)(res. 57/38[L.22])

(g)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the International Organization of la Francophonie; 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.29), 56 (21 Nov.)(res. 57/43[L.29])

(h)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Inter-Parliamentary Union; [also allocated to the Sixth Committee]

52 (19 Nov.) (res. 57/32 [A/57/574, para. 7] (Sixth Committee)) 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.38), 56 (21 Nov.)(res. 57/47[L.38 as orally revised])

(i)X Cooperation between the United Nations and theLatin American Economic System; 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.24), 56 (21 Nov.)(res. 57/39[L.24])

(j)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the League of Arab States; 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.32), 56 (21 Nov.) (res. 57/46[L.32 as orally revised])

(k)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons; 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.31), 56 (21 Nov.)(res. 57/45[L.31])

(l)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; 79 (20 Dec.) (res. 57/298 [L.72, as amended][recorded vote, L.72: 147-0-3][recorded vote, amendment to L.72, contained in L.73]: 37-2-100])

(m)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the African Union; 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.39), 56 (21 Nov.) (res. 57/48[L.39 as orally revised])

(n)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of American States; 75 (16 Dec.) (res. 57/157 [L.55/Rev.1])

(o)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Organization of the Islamic Conference; 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.28), 56 (21 Nov.)(res. 57/42[L.28])

(p)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Pacific Islands Forum; 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.21), 56 (21 Nov.) (res. 57/37[L.21])

(q)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization; 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.40), 56 (21 Nov.) (res. 57/49[L. 40, recorded vote: 128-1-3])

(r)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Southern African Development Community; 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.30), 56 (21 Nov.)(res. 57/44[L.30])

(s)X Cooperation between the United Nations and the Association of South-East Asian Nations. 53 (20 Nov.)(intro. L.16), 56 (21 Nov.) (res. 57/35[L.16])

23.X United Nations Year for Cultural Heritage. 67 (4 Dec.), 76 (16 Dec.)(res. 57/158 [L.59 as orally corrected])

24.X Culture of peace. 43 (4 Nov) (res. 57/6[L.9/Rev.1]) Observer: Sovereign Military Order of Malta, 44 (8 Nov) (intro. L.12)

25.X Oceans and the law of the sea: . 52 (19 Nov.) (res. 57/33 [L.19]), 70 (9 Dec.) [commemoration of 20th anniv. of the opening for signature of 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea] [Observers: International Seabed Authority, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea], 74 (12 Dec.) [Observers: International Hydrographic Organization, International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, International Seabed Authority,]

(a) Oceans and the law of the sea; 71-72 (10 Dec.), 74 (12 Dec.) (res. 57/141 [recorded vote: 132-1-2][L.48/Rev.1])

(b) Large-scale pelagic drift-net fishing, unauthorized fishing in zones of national jurisdiction and on the high seas/illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, fisheries by-catch and discards, and other developments; 71-72 (10 Dec.), 74 (12 Dec.) (res. 57/142 [L. 49])

(c) Agreement for the Implementation of the Provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 10 December 1982 relating to the Conservation and Management of Straddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks; 71-72 (10 Dec.), 74 (12 Dec.) (res. 57/143 [L.50])

26.X Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba. 48 (12 Nov) [L.5 recorded vote: 173-3-4 (res. 57/11)]

27.X The role of diamonds in fuelling conflict. 82 (11 Apr) (intro.L. 76) [Observer: European Community], 83 (15 Apr) (res.57/302 [L.76/Rev.1])

28.X Assistance in mine action. 51 (15 Nov.) (debate), 52 (19 Nov.) (debate), 76 (16 Dec.)(res. 57/159 [L.53 as orally corrected])

29.X 2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, particularly in Africa. 43 (4 Nov) (debate), 79 (20 Dec.) (res. 57/294 [L.70, as orallycorrected])

30.X The role of the United Nations in promoting a new global human order. 43 (4 Nov)(intro. L.10), 50 (14 Nov.) (res. 57/12 [L.10]

31.X Elimination of unilateral extrateerritorial coercive measures as a means of political and economic compulsion. 31 (16 Oct.) (res. 57/5 [L.4][recorded vote: 133-2-2]

32.X Information and communication technologies for development. 43 (4 Nov) (debate), 44 (8 Nov) (debate), 79 (20 Dec.) (res. 57/295 [L.71])

33.X Causes of conflict and the promotion of durable peace and sustainable development in Africa. 79 (20 Dec.) (res. 57/296 [L.69])

With items 41 (a) and (b): 33-34 (17 Oct.) (debate)

34.X The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina. 47 (11 Nov) (res. 57/10 [L.15/Rev.1])

35. X Question of Palestine. 63-64 (29 Nov. & 2 Dec.) [Observer: Palestine], 66 (3 Dec.) (res. 57/107 [L.34][recorded vote: 109-4-56], res. 57/108 [L.35][recorded vote: 108-4-56], res. 57/109 [L.36][recorded vote: 159-5-0], res. 57/110[L.37][recorded vote: 160-4-3])