Meeting date: January 11, 2012

Call to order:

A Council meeting of the Associated Student Organization was held at Los Angeles Mission College, Sylmar, CA January 11th, 2012, in the ASO Conference Room. The meeting convened at 2:00, President Daniel Campos presiding, and Randy Gamez, Executive Administrator.

Recess to establish quorum 2:00: 15 minutescalled to order at 2:15

Recess: 1 minute 2:40

Called to order: 2:41

Members in attendance:

Executive Board:

Daniel Campos, President;

Randy Gamez Executive Administrator;

Marcelo Rodriguez, Treasurer

ASO Senators:


Leonardo Herrera,

Teresa Sanchez,

Michael Cortez,

Guadalupe Llerenas,

Oscar Aguayo,

Brandon Urtiz,

Elizabeth Johnson,



Robert Crossley

*Note: The Constitution allows a 5 minute grace period before a person is considered tardy

Approval of Minutes:

Lupe Llerenas: Motion to approve theminutesof the December 5, 2011 meeting.

Motion carried.

Approval and Adoption of Agenda:

Lupe Llerenas: Motion approve the Agenda for the January 11, 2012 meeting.

Motion carried.

Open Forum:

Opened at 2:20, No one present wishing to address the Council. Closed at 2:21

Officers' reports:

Will like to implement agenda on projector and live-stream Facebook alerts and have Technology Senator in charge of immediate information during meetings.

New College VP

Oscar Aguayo: Motion to extend time 2 minutes

Motion Carried



Executive Administrator:

Report in Committee Reports


Printers will be bought on Friday, will be here ready to use on Monday

Will be discussing reallocating Club funds of $350 from disbanded clubs

Welcome week/club rush will be addressed at Finance Committee

Senators' Reports:
Leonardo Herrera, SOCIAL ACTIVITIES:

Report in Committee Reports


Has been on campus helping to organize


Attended Unity Luncheon

Attended ICC meeting

Elizabeth Johnson, TECHNOLOGY:

Has edited ASO website linking Facebook and Youtube to it.


No Report

Guadalupe Llerenas, ATHLETICS:

Mens Baseball and Womens softball preseason starting end of January

Will be submitting videos to ASO Youtube channel.

Will be making banners

Will be posting events to ASO LAMC Facebook

Teresa Sanchez, HISTORIAN:

No Report

Sandra Rodriguez,EDUCATION:

No Report

Advisor's Reports:
Robert Crossley:

Reminder for all to see counselor

Budget cuts, tuition to go up.

Would like to meet weekly with E-Board individually

A lot of Grades not posted up yet

Stickers to be put on any equipment above $500 purchased by ASO

Board and committee reports:

Publications AD Hoc Committee:

Not Addressed

Constitution AD Hoc Committee:

Not Addressed

Mission College Day Committee (1st Tuesday each month):

Not Addressed

Tribute for Deceased Students/Faculty Committee:

Addressed in Shared Governance report below

Facilitities Planning Shared Governance Committee

Randy Gamez brought full report on the following ASO items taken to the Committee:

◦Deceased Faculty/Student Memorial (Considered making it a memorial garden, ASO can shoulder the costs. Will be taken to College Council

◦Bicycle Racks Being Moved (Facilities and Planning will look into moving them to a more secure area.

◦Reallocating Recycle bins to ASO/Clubs for us to maintain (They like the idea and it will be brought up to College Council)

Elizabeth Johnson: Motion to approve ARTS MEDIA AND PERFORMANCE name change

Motion carried

◦Replacing Bulletin Boards on Campus (They will look into it and move the bookstore vending machine for us to have access to large bulletin board in the Campus Center Lobby)

◦HFAC transportation/safety issues (The Administration will be providing a 22 passenger mini bus to replace the 2 vans)

◦More security at night. (They will bring it up to Sheriff’s department, more lighting is in the budget and waiting to be approved, will also be brought up at College Council)

◦Allocating space for Roboteca Club (They realize that whatever problems that existed before don't exist anymore. VP Joe Ramirez is fine with Robotecas returning to previous location. Will be taken to College Council for approval.

◦Bathroom Cleanliness and Maintenance (Will use different smell repellants in urinals and asked if ASO can sponsor an Anti-Graffiti Campaign.)

Committee asked if ASO can vote on a name change consideration for Media Arts building to be called “Arts, Media, Performance.

Lupe Llerenas: Motion to approve name change to Arts, Media, Performance.

Motion carried

Bid on construction of Media Arts building will be awarded soon.

Construction on sidewalks will be completed at the of January

New Business:

New Vice-President appointment Brent Rosinski (Daniel Campos)

E-Board Vote 3-0 unanimous to Appoint

Oscar Aguayo: Motion to extend time 2 minutes

Motion carried

Teresa Sanchez: Motion to confirm Brent Rosinski

Michael Cortez: Call to question

Motion Carried

Motion to confirm carried

ASO shirts and packages (Daniel Campos)

Discussion: Previous shirt purchased 400 shirts at $3.75 each equaled $1500, scantrons and folders additional $200. We need to approve to allocate money but will shop around for better pricing and if we can find corporate sponsoring.

Oscar Aguayo: Motion to approve $1800 for T-shirts and packages

Motion carried Unanimously

Parking, Key, and Email (Daniel Campos)

Discussion: New E-board members need parking permit. Keys, and email accounts

ASO Fundraising and Sponsorship, (Daniel Campos)

Discussion: We need to find sponsors for corporate sponsorship

all Council member assigned to bring fundraising ideas to next meeting

Meeting place, day, and time, (Daniel Campos)

Lupe Llerenas: Motion to keep meeting time Mondays 1pm during Spring semester

Motion carried

Oscar Aguayo: Motion to meet Wednesday 2 pm during winter intercession

Motion Carried

Discussion: School willing to give ASO former bookstore as a conference room for the next 6 months

Oscar Aguayo: Motion to use Bookstore for the next 6 months

Motion carries (will be taken to College President for confirmation)

ASO Website/Clubs (Daniel Campos)

Discussion: would like to have a professional website

Oscar Aguayo: Motion to extend time 5 minutes

Motion failed

Item moved to Standing items

Welcome Week Live Music Band, (Daniel Campos)

Discussion: Fundraiser for the Dance

Oscar Aguayo: Motion to allocate $2000 for Welcome Dance Fundraiser

Teresa Sanchez: Call to question

Motion to call to question carried

Motion carries on original motion

Unfinished Businesses

Marketing asking for financial assistance (Oscar Aguayo)

Brent Rosinski: Motion to extend time 5 minutes

motion carried

Lupe Llerenas: Motion to approve $600 to fund marketing strategy of Smart Device

Motion Carried

Standing Items:

Not Addressed


The meeting was adjourned at 5:04 pm.

Next Meeting will be held January 18th, 2012.

President, Daniel Campos Date of approval
LAMC Associated Student Organization

Executive Administrator, Randy Gamez Date of approval
LAMC Associated Student Organization