Vigo Parish Council ~ Minutes of the Meeting held on Monday 16th November 2015




Present: / Cllr Pat Banks(in the Chair); Cllr John Goodban; Cllr Roland Graves;
Cllr Jim Haslem; Cllr Alan White;Cllr Andy Woolway; Mrs Joanne Glass (Clerk)
In Attendance: / Cllr Derek Shelbrooke (GBC); Mr Paul Agley (Highview Services); Ms Mandy Cason (KCC Warden);
Mr Mclean (Local Resident).
Apologies for Absence
Cllr Sue Connor (VPC); Cllr Colin Talboys (VPC); Cllr Lesley Boycott (GBC);
Declarations of Interest
Neighbourhood Plan Report
565/290: Cllr Haslem was in the process of updating the Neighbourhood Plan before submitting it to Gravesham Borough Council.
[Action: Cllr Haslem]
Questions from the Press and Public
Reports from Gravesham Borough & Kent County Councillors for the Parish Area
Cllr Shelbrooke noted that there was a Neighbourhood Forum Meeting to discuss Grant Applications on Tuesday 17th November 2015. Cllr Banks would be attending on behalf of the Parish Council.
LOWER THAMES CROSSING: It was noted that more than 50 Parish Councillors (including five Vigo Members) had signed an open letter to the Transport Secretary in opposition to the building of a Lower Thames Crossing in Gravesham.
Reports from Community Wardens
Ms Cason reported that there had been a burglary in Churchside during the previous week. Ms Cason had been reminding residents to ensure that their sheds were locked, as well as their garden gates.
Ms Cason continued to promote Neighbourhood Watch Schemes. It was suggested that a poster be put at the top of Waterlow Road to advertise such schemes. Ms Cason would speak to the Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator about providing such a poster. It was also agreed that Ms Cason would put an article in the Vigo Journal.
[Action: Ms Cason]
Ms Cason reported that the Lego Club continued to be a success and was well attended every Tuesday. It was noted that children attending the Lego Club should be encouraged to borrow a library book at each visit, as this would be beneficial for the library, “A Biscuit with a Book” was suggested.
There had been a burglary at the Pharmacy in The Bay. The Clerk had told the Pharmacist that there was CCTV showing the incident, this information had been passed onto the police. Ms Cason had also told the local PCSOs that CCTV footage was available. It was expected the police would arrange to collect the footage in the near future. However, the Clerk would do her best to put the footage on a USB stick before it was over written.
[Action: Clerk]
Ms Cason had been contacted regarding many incidents of parking on pavements. Ms Cason would speak to the local PCSOs to clarify what exactly caused an obstruction. The Clerk would speak to Kent Highways to ask if they would be willing to deal with any issues (as the vehicles would very likely be damaging their pavements). The Clerk would also look into producing a leaflet to be put on offending cars, however it was noted that Ms Cason was not allowed to put leaflets on cars, it would have to be the Parish Council Service Contractor who did this.
[Action: Clerk / Ms Cason]
To approve the minutes of the Full Council Meetings held on 12th October 2015
Minor typographical errors had been noted and amended in advance of the meeting. The minutes were agreed and signed by Cllr Banks having been accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
Matters Arising from the Full Council Meeting (not covered under Agenda Items)
Review of Asset Register: This would be presented to a future Parish Council meeting for approval.
[Action: Clerk]
PUBLICATION OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS. The Clerk had spoken to Gravesham Borough Council by telephone and email regarding these forms. The forms had still not been returned. It was agreed that a note would be put on the Parish Council website to state that we were still waiting for the forms to be returned by GBC.
[Action: Cllr Banks]
TRENCHES / BOMB HOLES NEAR VILLAGE GREEN. The Clerk had emailed Andy Gorman (Park Ranger) directly regarding this matter. A Risk Assessment example had been received just before the Parish Council meeting, and the Clerk had not yet had an opportunity to read it, but would report back to the next meeting once she had looked at it.
[Action: Clerk]
BROWNIE FLOWER BED. The flower bed had been built, but not planted as yet.
[Action: ongoing]
Motorcycle Mutineers Club. The Clerk had sent a thank you to the Motorcycle Mutineers Club as agreed.
JOURNAL DATES: The Clerk had not yet set the dates for the next 6 editions of the journal but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]

a) Tree Policy

SURVEY OF TREES LESS THAN 15 METRES FROM PROPERTIES IN VIGO.Waiting for completed maps from Cllr Germain and Cllr White.
[Action: Cllr Germain / Cllr White]
WATERLOW ROAD SIGHT LINE / TREE STUMP (between The Gallops and Timberbank): The Clerk had responded to the resident as agreed.
THE COVERT: The Clerk had responded to the resident as agreed.
WYCH ELM: The Clerk had not yet contacted GBC regarding this tree.
[Action: Clerk]
CHESTNUT LANE: No further update had been received from Zurich. The corner of Chestnut Lane had now been cleared of all brambles and saplings. The Clerk was to inform Zurich that this work had taken place.
[Action: Clerk]
The Coppice: Trees to the rear. The Clerk had written to the resident as agreed.
BRAMBLEBANK: The Clerk had updated the resident as agreed.
TIMBERBANK: Request for trees to the rear to be coppiced, the resident noted these were last done over 20 years ago. Cllr Talboys would inspect these trees and draft a response for the resident. Mr Agley would look at the possibility of reducing the height of these trees and / or thinning the crown.
Cherish Tree Surgeons would be in the Village on Monday and Tuesday of the next week.
b) Grounds Maintenance
COMMEMORATIVE PLAQUE FOR RON PARKER. The plaque had now been received. The Clerk would arrange with Mr Agley to have the plaque installed.
[Action: ongoing]
SHRUB IN THE PADDOCK: Mr Agley had spoken to the resident regarding this, and some remedial work had now been carried out.
It was noted that Mr Agley had done an excellent job keeping the paths clear of leaves over the Autumn period.
The Coppice: the resident had contacted the Clerk regarding two small trees at the rear that were touching and growing toward his property. Mr Agley had inspected this area and removed the two small saplings.
c) Grass Cutting
Requests From and Matters Regarding Residents.
RUTS IN HIGHVIEW. Cllr Banks was to draw up plans to formalise the area needing work so that Hoopers could give a firm quote. Once a quote had been received letters would be sent to residents.
[Action: Cllr Banks]
TIMBERBANK – ISSUE WITH DUMPED RUBBISH AND HEDGE ON PARISH LAND: The Clerk had liaised with the resident. The work had now been carried out (rubbish removed and hedge reduced and tidied). The hedge was now at a height of 5 feet. The Clerk would take photographs of the hedge for the records. The Clerk would write to the resident to ask that they maintain the hedge on an annual basis to ensure that it was kept in the same reduced state that the Parish Contractor had left it in.
[Action: Clerk]
The Clerk had now produced a general “Please do not park on Community Land” letter. The text on this letter was approved by all Councillors. The Clerk would now copy a number of the letters for Mr Agley to use as and when needed.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW GARAGE BLOCK: The Clerk had not yet written to these garage owners but would do so as soon as possible.
[Action: Clerk]
TIMBERBANK PLANTING: No further update.
[Action: ongoing]
TIMBERBANK: The Clerk was not sure if Cllr Talboys had looked at the wood burner chimney (in relation to a Covenant Breach).
[Action: Cllr Talboys]
2 BEECHMAST: Complaint regarding carpet dumped on front garden. The Clerk was going to write to the resident regarding this, but had been informed that the carpet had now been removed.
11 CHURCHSIDE: The resident had contacted the Parish Clerk to ask if they would be able to park a caravan to the rear of her property on Parish Council land (the area was currently hard standing and used by local residents to park vehicles)..
There was some considerable discussion regarding this matter. It was noted that there was often some upset between neighbours who parked in this area already. It was noted that the caravan would not be the same as a taxed vehicle which would be moved frequently.
There were no objections to the caravan being packed and unpacked to the rear of the property, but the Parish Council could not permit the caravan to be stored there. It was noted that there were many local farms etc. who did store caravans.
All agreed. The Clerk was to contact the resident accordingly.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: The resident had contacted the Clerk regarding the alley to the rear of their garden which was full of debris. The resident had had their shed burgled over the last year and they felt that access to rear gardens was made easier by the amount of rubbish in the alley (washing machines etc.) The resident had recently had their fence replaced but the contractors were unable to remove the old fence due to the amount of debris in the alley.
It was agreed to write to 15 properties who may be responsible for the rubbish / debris in the area. The restrictive covenants state that footpaths should be kept clear. The Clerk would ask residents to remove rubbish and make this alley accessible for all.
[Action: Clerk]
The Clerk had received an enquiry about the land on the corner of Waterlow Road and Erskine Road, immediately outside the Villager Pub. The enquirer had asked who owned the land. The Clerk had responded to state the land was community Land, owned and maintained in trust by Vigo Parish Council. No further response had been received.
An Admers Wood Resident had contacted the Clerk with two issues:
  • Who has responsibility for maintenance of the communal area near the entrance to AdmersWood. The resident noted it was in a terrible condition. It was noted that this was not owned by Vigo Parish Council, and in fact the ownership was not clear.
  • Who was responsible for the surface within the garage block – the resident noted that some people had laid a concrete pad in front of their garage. Would this be at the expense of the resident, and was permission required. It was noted that this area was owned by residents and therefore any remedial work (including concreting an area in front of individual garages) would be at the expense of the resident. There would be no need to seek permission.
The Clerk was to respond accordingly.
[Action: Clerk]
10 ADMERS WOOD PLANTER: The Clerk had been contacted regarding the brick planters outside 9 & 10 Ferndown. It was noted that the resident had contacted the Clerk regarding this matter in the past. The resident noted that each year these planters were cleared and covered with wood chippings, but this did not deter the weeds for long.
It was agreed that Mr Agley would clear the flower box and apply weed killer, and then install a black plastic liner to deter further weeds.
In the Spring the planters would be planted with low ground cover type plants (this was to be costed and agreed by the Parish Council).
There were 2 planters in Fern Down, and another 3 in Ash Keys. Mr Agley was to see if there were any more similar planters in the village. It was agreed to carry out the same work to all planters if possible.
The Clerk was to update the resident.
[Action: Clerk]
Local Authority Planning Applications & Projects / Covenant 3 Applications
THE COPPICE: It was noted that this property had Velux windows in the roof extension, the Clerk was to check to see if this had been approved by VPC.
[Action: Clerk]
GBC 0150976: 2 THE COVERT: The Clerk had responded to Gravesham Borough Council as agreed.
COV 3: THE COVERT: The Clerk had drafted a letter to the resident – this had now been agreed by all Council Members. The Clerk would send the letter to the resident as agreed.
[Action: Clerk]
GBC 20150946: ROSE SMALL HOLDINGS, HARVEL ROAD. A response had been drafted by Cllr White and sent by the Clerk.
COV 3: ADMERS WOOD: Application for permission to replace windows at the front of the property in the same style and colour as the existing. The Clerk had written giving Covenant Approval as agreed.
LINDENWOOD PLACE: FENCE: It was noted that the owner of this property was going to put in a revised planning application, seeking to keep the newly erected fence in its current location.
If the planning application were to be approved, the Parish Council would ask Cllr Shelbrooke to refer the matter to the Regulatory Board.
Vigo Parish Council had formally objected to the current location of the fence, noting that it was in breach of the planning conditions. Cllr Shelbrooke had also formally objected to this.
It was noted that Meopham Parish Council Members had been asked to individually contact their Borough Councillors regarding this matter. The Chair of Meopham Parish Council was going to suggest that a formal letter be sent from the Parish Council as a whole.
The Clerk would also speak to Kent Highways regarding this matter, as it was felt they may object to the position of the fence, based on the fact that any planting would soon overhang the Highway as there was little space between the fence and the verge edge.
The Clerk would ask Kent Highways to clarify if they owned any of the verge edge in this location.
The Clerk would again write to the Planning Department to ask what enforcement action was being taken (if any).
[Action: Clerk]
TIMBERBANK: RETRO COV 3: SINGLE STOREY FRONT EXTENSION: The resident had put in an urgent request for a retrospective covenant approval for a single storey front extension, photos had been supplied. The Clerk had emailed details of this to all Councillors, there were no objections, the Clerk had given the approval as agreed. The £50 fee would be transferred directly from the resident’s solicitors. The Clerk was to check the bank account for the fee.
[Action: Clerk]
HIGHVIEW: The Clerk had received an answerphone message from this resident to inform that they intended to replace their windows in January / February, like for like. The existing windows were brown UPVC and the resident wished to replace with the same. It was noted that only white windows would be approved, the Clerk was to contact the resident accordingly.
[Action: Clerk]
SCHOOL BUNGALOW: Some communications had been received from the new owner of the school bungalow. The owner had informed the Clerk by telephone that they would be changing some of the windows / doors, installing a conservatory and doing some work on the roof, all would be like for like.
GBC 20151027122 TIMBERBANK: Erection of a two storey side extension and a single storey front infill extension.
The plans supplied were noted and discussed in full. Vigo Parish Council Members had an issue with the side extension as it was proposed to come right up to the footpath at the side.
Vigo Parish Council would object on the following grounds:
  • The extension would be too close to the footpath.
  • The extension would make the property too big for the area (a six bedroom property) and out of proportion.
  • The garage had already been converted to a bedroom but still had the existing garage door. Changing this to a brick wall would require Covenant Approval from the Parish Council – it was unlikely this would be given.
  • It was felt there was not enough parking for a 6 bedroom property, especially as there was no longer an integral garage.
The Clerk was to respond to Gravesham Planning accordingly.
[Action: Clerk]
Covenant Breaches / Enforcement
CHURCHSIDE: The Clerk had passed this to the Parish Solicitor to deal with.
[Action: ongoing]
BRAMBLEBANK: FENCE HEIGHT / LAND ENCLOSURE: A site meeting had been held. The resident had agreed to reduce the fence height and remove the fence from the annexed land. The Clerk had written to the resident to confirm this; they had returned the letter signed to state they formally agreed to carry out the work. The work was due to be carried out by 30th November 2015. Copies of all correspondence were sent to Boys and Maughan (solicitor for VPC) and Hatten Wyatt (solicitor for the resident).