Application for T32 Trainee in Movement Disorders

Due date: June 19, 2017

Send items 1-4 as a single collated PDF

Item 5 (letter of rec) can be sent separately

  1. Application Form, which also includes the following:
  • Description of your research interests & career goals, and how participation in this training grant may help you meet them (no more than 1-2 pages max, single spaced)
  • Brief 1-2 page research proposal with specific aims, hypotheses and methods. Indicate why important (i.e., significance). Again, single spaced.
  1. Curricum Vita
  2. CV Supplement
  3. Graduate Coursework Transcript
  4. Letter of Recommendation from your primary mentor and one other UF faculty, that includes comments on the following:
  • Student’s past productivity and plan for maximizing future productivity
  • Expected career trajectory
  • Strengths and Weaknesses

Send copy of application to both Co-directors:

Dawn Bowers, Ph.D.

David Vaillancourt,

Application for University of Florida T32 Training Program in Movement Disorders

Last Name / First Name / Middle Name
Permanent Address - Street / City / State / Zip
Country / Telephone: (Business)
( ) / Telephone: (Home)
( ) / Email Address:
U.S. Citizen:
Permanent U.S. Resident: Yes No / U.S. Non-Citizen National: YesNo
Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
We are required by NIH to collect the following information for reporting purposes. The University of Florida is committed to a policy of equal opportunity and affirmative action in the appointment process. We welcome and encourage applications from underrepresented minorities, women, and persons with disabilities.
Gender: □Male □Female
Race/Ethnicity (check all that apply)
□American Indian □ Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander □Asian □Hispanic or Latino/a □Black/African-American
□White (Non-Hispanic) □ Intentionally Withheld
Emergency Contact:
Name/Telephone # / Address / Relationship
Colleges, Graduate and Professional Schools Attended:
Institution Name / City & State / Dates of Attendance / Degree or
Date / Major
Previous Fellowships Supported by USPHS:
Location / Program Title / Dates
Were you ever required to leave any college or professional school (e.g., suspension or dismissal) or denied readmission for any reason? If “yes” explain fully. YOU MUST ANSWER THIS QUESTION. (Attach additional sheet if necessary) / YesNo

Have you visited our website? Yes No 

How did you hear about the Training Program?______

Years of experience with SAS______SPSS______STATA______OTHER______

Please list classes you have had in statistics.

Current Faculty Mentor: ______Home Department ______

Year in Doctoral Program ______Masters degree? Yes No

Current Research interest: ______

To be considered as an Interdisciplinary Trainee, your committee must include at least one other faculty with movement disorder interests whose area of expertise falls outside your primary area: The 3 primary areas are:

a)Human motor and cognitive science

b)Translational neuroscience and physiology

c)Molecular biology and animal models

Specific approaches within these themes can range from genetics to molecular to neuroimaging to neurorestoration to behavioral or clinical trials, but the central focus must be movement disorders.
Research Experience
Location / Topic / Principal Investigator / Your Role

Please append the following:

  1. A description of your research interests & career goals, and how participation in this training grant may help you meet them (no more than 1-2 pages max); Single spaced
  1. Brief 1-2 page research proposal with specific aims, hypotheses and methods. Indicate why important (i.e., significance) Single spaced


I certify that the information submitted in this application and associated materials is complete and correct to the best of my knowledge.


Signature Date


 This application

1-2 page statement of career and training goals (see above)

 1-2 page research proposal with specific aims/hypotheses (see above)

 Curriculum Vitae

CV supplement

Graduate Coursework Transcript

Letter of recommendation from your primary mentor

Collate all above into a single PDF (except letter of recommendation)

Deadline: June 19, 2017

Send to both Co-directors:

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