Reception Short term plan Week commencing; Monday January 8th 2018.
Children observed this week / Ensure all children have read individually and their writing assessed for grouping next week.Phonemes this week; Phase 3 sh,ch,th, ng Guided reading groups at playtime KA & LM – ACCORDING TO ROTA
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday8.40-9.15 / Free flow/ Observations / Individual readers KA / Individual readers KA / Forest School
Carpet session / activity
9.15-9.35 / Circle time- sharing News, followed by all children writing their news. / Read The Mitten
- Write about one of the animals getting into the mitten
- Design a pair of mittens
- Colour mittens in identical colours to make a pair
- Animal small world
Make a story map with actions. Use soft toys and stretchy glove to see if we can do the same as in the story.
- Make a story map in pairs
- Animal small world
- Squeezing animals into socks/ gloves- how many can you get in?
- Draw the animals in the story and label the pictures
Making words in a group:
it, sit, nit, mitt, set, net, ten, tens,
mitten, mittens
Activities to go out:
-trace mitten words
-storytelling using mitten puppets
-cutting the Mitten characters; use to create The Mitten art scene / Share ‘The Mitten’ powerpoint
Perform our storymap using actions. Tell the story using a different voice.
HFW activities:
-DK word game mat
-magnetic words; write on wbs
-LM support writing mitten words with small group
Phonics ( before lunch)
11.30-12.00 / Teach sh.
See week 4 planning sheet / Teach ch / Teach th / Teach ng / Teach me, she, we, be
Carpet session
1.20-1.40 / Maths – see Hamilton plan / Maths – see Hamilton plan / Maths – see Hamilton plan / Maths – see Hamilton plan / Maths – see Hamilton plan
End of the day
3.10-3.25 / Songs- When I got dressed
Marching through the snow
Snowy Day story / Songs- Mr.Wind
Cold day story
Introduce story massage / Sing - The Mittens on my Hands
Reminders for FS / Share special work
Share story, ‘Stella Queen of the Snow’ / Sing – Frosty the Snowman
Objective led-planning
Adult DK / AOL; KUW / Adult KA/LM/DK / AOL; Writing / Adult KA/ LM / AOL; Reading
To comment on why we need to wear warm clothes and make suggestions for other types / To say the first sound and write it with support / Individual children according to rota- To orally blend sounds in words
To comment on how animals keeps warm / To say the initial sound and final sound and write it with support / To segment a simple cvc word and blend for reading
To understand the order of the seasons and types of weather to expect / To say all the sounds of simple cvc word and write with support / To segment several words and read a sentence with support
To say all the sounds of simple cvc word and write indiv / To read a sentence with increasing fluency and some expression
To attempt to write a sentence with finger spaces
Additional Learning Objectives based on ;
Planned continuous provision enhancements based on children’s interests/ objective led planning ( indoors and outdoors)
Numeracy enhancements
- Sorting boxes/ bags to fit inside one another
- Matching pairs of items
- Counting in 2’s
- Bordered paper
- Making lists of pairs of things
- Animals found in the woods for a woodland display
- Shaving foam and paint brushes
ICT enhancements
- Hairy letters
- Crab catching
- Making trails of footprints
- Animal small world/ woodland/ snowy scenes
- Dark den as a cave
- Threading beads/cards
- Drawing round feet to cut out and make a trail for outside.