Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting of Barnetby-Le-Wold held on Monday 17th February2014 in St.Barnabas Church Hall at 7:15
Present: Cllr John Speyer – Chair
Cllrs. D Wells, V Bowness, M Wilson, PBritcliffe, M Monks, K Beacroft, H Munn, C Leggett, T Lawson
In attendance: Clerk Mrs Julie Reed and 2 members of the public.
Public Participation:
1.Apologies for absence:Cllr Phil Asquith and Ward Cllrs N. Sherwood, C. Sherwood and R. Walthamwere received.
2.Declarations of Interest: Cllr Lawson PI 12a,b,c,d,h. Cllrs Wells PI any item on agenda NLC related
3.Approval of minutes: Full Parish Council Meeting 20th January with minor amendment item 11a Cllr Wilson attended the EGM at the Village Hall not Cllr Bowness Carried
Personnel Minutes Mon 29th January Carried
4.Lincs Rural – Clerk read out a letter of apology and request to attend the next parish meeting Resolved Clerk to request attendance at next Parish meeting and the Village Annual Parish Meeting
5.Public Participation with respect to items on the agenda–None
6.Chair’s update: None
7.Clerk’s report-Previously distributed and noted.
8.Ward Councillor’s reports –None
a.)St Barnabas Church response letter- Noted and passed to Cllrs Monks and Munn to action with the Youth Offending Team
b.)ERNLLCA letter- Noted
c.) Resident Mrs Kinnaird complaint – Noted that Clerk has referred to NLC
d.)NLC Dog Fouling – Resolved Clerk to request if there are any information leaflets that can be distributed to households and also whether the CCTV camera can be used for targeting known trouble spots.
e.) NLC Anita Green – Missing kissing gate at Marsh Lane now resolved
f.) NLC Anita Green public footpath 123 and 189 advice of planned changes Resolved: Clerk to write with objection due to lack of information as to why this is proposed and to protect heritage rights of way.
g.)NLC Parish Liaison Meeting agenda – Noted
h.) NLC Meetings poster –Noted
i.) NLC Traffic Speed limit changes - Noted
10.Accounts projection for payment as per report previously distributedCarried.
11.Planning: PA2013/1520 Approval granted to change no of dogs and litters permissible at the property Hawthorne Farm at any one time.
12.Delegate Reports - Previously circulated sheet approved.
a.)Village Hall – None
b.)Recreation Field –Clerk advised that a meeting with the electrician is required Cllr Wells volunteered to assist the clerk
c.)ERNLLCA – No Report
d.)NATS – Section relating to the village of Barnetby circulated prior to the meeting a full copy of the report available to view if wanted - Noted
e.)Airport – Cllr Wilson, celebrating 40 years and Bristow Helicopter has acquired a 60% share.
f.)Singleton Birch –No Report
g.)British Rail – To be removed from future agenda’s as a standard item as NLC have now taken over responsibility. Snow warden – No report
h.)Emergency Plan –Clerk has previously circulated the full copy of the plan. Resolved: To adopt and review with other policies at the AGM each year.
i.)Cemetery – Cllr Beacroft requested the digger be moved elsewhere as it is still in full view. Cllr Wilson asked about a children’s area and an area for ashes. Resolved Clerk to request Cemetery Clerk attends the next meeting.
13.Review of Standing Order – Deferred to next meeting.
14.Footpaths, Streetlights and Highways: Clerk updated on
a.)Kissing gate stolen from Marsh Lane – completed
b.)King’s Road Hedges – Cllr Wells declared a PI Clerk has spoken to officers who have attended and requested field owner to cut hedging Cllr Wilson asked for it to be done prior to the birds nesting season. Clerk to speak with officers again
c.)Lights on Marsh Lane out again – Clerk to report
d.)14-18 West Street layers of tarmac on footpath have now caused issues with damp course Officers have attended and we await assessment.
e.)60 Queens Road dustbin left in middle of path overnight, recycling container contents often scattered and not collected up. Plaster peeling off the wall creating a mess and staining to footpath. Clerk has spoken with officers who are speaking to resident. Cllr Speyer declared a PI
f.)Streetlight out at junction of No 60 Queens Road
g.)Pothole on 24 Railway Street been reported is in schedule of works
15.Agenda Items for nextmeeting:
Salt bin St Mary’s Avenue
Litter Picking
Sandbags Network Rail
Gallows Wood – Yarborough Estate replanting and drainage.
16.To confirmthe date and time of the next meeting is Monday 17th March 2013 at 7:15 at St Barnabas Church Hall.
There being no other business meeting was duly closed at 9:00pm