Sheldon Christian
· Veterans Day Program: Sheldon Christian School will be having a Veterans Day Program on Wednesday, November 8 at 8:30 a.m. This is a great opportunity for our students to gain an appreciation for what our veterans have done for our country. Everyone is invited, but we want to offer a special invitation to veterans and their spouses.
· Secret Pals: Starting in December, we would like to “buddy up” the Sheldon Christian School students with a mentor/pen pal. We encourage grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles and friends of Sheldon Christian School to prayerfully consider joining up with one or two students. Mentors will be asked to write an encouraging note once a month. Notes may also include a favorite Bible verse and a little goodie that fits inside an envelope. Mentors and students are asked to pray for one another throughout the school year. At the end of the year, we will host a special lunch and reveal to the students who their secret pal is. Please contact Sherri (324-2429) at the school office if you or one of your family members is interested in participating in this program.
· Veterans Chapel: You are invited to Unity Christian High School for their chapel honoring veterans on Tuesday, November 7 at 9:55 a.m. in the Unity Christian Knight Center. Veterans may dress in uniform and will be honored. Veterans and students will participate in this celebration to honor the men and women who have served and are serving in the protection of our country.
· Step Into Your Future! Unity Christian High School cordially invites you to our Open House on Monday, November 20 from 6:00-8:00 p.m. We invite parents and future and current high school age students to visit us. This Open House will allow guests to tour the school, meet students, parents and staff through a variety of optional breakout sectionals. Come learn about the full Unity experience.
· Fun’d Night: The Board of Western Christian High invites you to join parents, alumni, and friends on Friday, November 17 at Western Christian’s Annual Fun’d Night. Fun'd Night consists of an evening meal at 5:00 p.m., fun and games for children of all ages starting at 6:30 p.m. sponsored by the Western faculty, and an auction also begins at 6:30 p.m. of donated items from many businesses and families. The online auction opened Monday, October 23 and closes Monday, November 13. The link for the online auction and the meat order form is on our website
· Western Christian has a full-time opening for an assistant custodian beginning in December, 2017. Duties include cleaning and maintenance of the building. Applicants willing to work afternoon and evening hours are preferred. This position is hourly and includes generous benefits including group health insurance, paid holidays and vacation. If interested in this position please contact Dan Barkel, Principal, at 439-1013 or e-mail .
St. Paul Lutheran Church of Hull will be hosting renowned pianist and organist Glenn Henriksen for a concert and hymn sing on Sunday, November 5th at 2:00 p.m. Henriksen, a lifelong musician and versatile performer, boasts an extended repertoire and unique musical style that will entertain the whole family. A free will donation will be taken to benefit the Lutheran Disaster Assistance Fund, an organization supporting the needs of natural disaster victims, such as the hurricanes that have affected the southern United States in the past months. A cake and coffee fellowship will follow the concert. St. Paul Lutheran Church is located 3 miles north and 2 miles east of Hull. For more information contact Pastor Aaron Deutsch at (712) 439-1093.
Love In the Name of Christ has been blessed with a wonderful amount of kidsages 4-14 years oldat our Thursday evening program. Agirl who isnew to the programrecentlytold avolunteer, “I don’t have to worry about not having afriend here yet because I have you as a friend!”. Thisblessing of children means there is a need formore regular volunteers tobuild relationshipswith the kids that come. We are looking for people (male and female) to volunteer2 hours a month. If you are willing to hear more about the chance to hang out with kids ages 4-14 years old, please contact Love INC at712-324-9707and ask for Jenna.
Surviving the Holidays: Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding Thanksgiving and Christmas? Are you dreading these holidays, knowing that everything has changed and that happy memories from the past can't be recreated? Love In the Name of Christ and Our Savior Lutheran Church are partnering together to offer a free,one time seminar, Surviving the Holidays. This seminar is especially for people who are grieving a loved one's death. In the seminar you will learn about how to deal with the many emotions you will face during the holidays, what to do about traditions and other coming changes, helpful tips for surviving social events, and how to discover hope for your future. The seminar will be from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.on Saturday, November 11. For more information or to register, please call the Love INC office at 324-9707.
From Inspiration Hills:
Ladies Auxiliary Harvest Dinner: Monday, November 13
We will be having our annual Ladies Auxiliary Harvest Dinner from 6:00-8:00 p.m. We will be having a meal with a program by LaVonne Hanson from Hartley, IA. She is a chalk drawing artist who shares an inspirational story as she draws. The money raised will go toward camp projects! Price for the meal is $13. RSVP by calling the office at 712-986-5193 by November 6th.
Single Dad’s Retreat: November 17-19
Throughout the retreat we will be discussing on the Technology Generation, how to spend time with your kids, and simple cooking and baking! Our theme is Being an Anointed Warrior from 1 Samuel 16:7b. You may also be a sponsor for a single dad by sending him to this retreat or you can be on the support team as a member of the prayer team or a table leader. RSVP date is November 10th.
Christmas on the Hill: Saturday, December 16 & Saturday, December 23
Do you love the food that comes from the Inspiration Hills Camp Kitchen? Or are you simply stressed with making all the goodies during the Christmas season? Well we are here to help! This is an event where you can pre order goodies from our kitchen and pick them up on the 16th & 23rd of December. Go to under the “Events” tab and find our “Celebrate Christmas”. There you will find an order form to support Inspiration Hills and take the stress off of your shoulders! RSVP by December 8th. Help us raise funds for camp!
Pastor & Spouse Retreat: January 5-8, 2018
Our theme comes from Psalm 46:10a where it states “Be still and know that I am God.” You will be staying in the Inspiration Hills Private Rooms for an encouraging and uplifting weekend. Take your spouse with if possible! Make time to retreat, rest, and reconnect with God! RSVP by December 29th.