Recalculation of the establishment cost for land - prescribed form (Form H)
Notes for completing this form
This form is to be used when:
- You are seeking Council to re-calculate the establishment cost for landunder the Brisbane Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (BAICR) (No. 4) and subsequent charges resolutions.
Applicant details:
The applicant is the person responsible for making the request and need not be the owner of the land. The applicant is responsible for ensuring the information provided in this form is correct. Any correspondence issued as a consequence of this request will be issued to the applicant.
The applicant should be the same as the applicant for the development application for a development approval or person who requested compliance assessment.
Supporting information:
The following information is to be provided to support the request for Council to determine the establishment cost for land – current market value. The current market value of the land is the difference, determined by using the before and after method of valuation of the whole of the subject premises, between the value of the subject premises including the land and the value of the subject premises excluding the land.
Information which must support the request to determine the market value:
- A valuation of the land undertaken by a certified practicing valuer.
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CC11071 (Jan 2015) Brisbane City Council – Corporate FormsTRIM:CA14/631642
- This is a prescribed form for the Brisbane Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (BAICR) (No. 4)and subsequent charges resolutions.
- This form is to be used when requesting the re-calculation of the establishment cost for land.
- Scan and attach any additional, relevant information to support your request.
- For further information please contact Council via email on or call (07) 3403 8888.
-Checklist for recalculation of the establishment cost for land,
-Prescribed form, and
-All other supporting information
by email to:
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CC11071 (Jan 2015) Brisbane City Council – Corporate FormsTRIM:CA14/631642
1. Applicant Details
The applicant is the person responsible for making the request and need not be the owner of the land. The applicant is responsible for ensuring the information provided on this form is correct. Any correspondence issued as a consequence of the request will be issued to the applicant.Applicant Name (company or individual)
Contact Name:
Postal Address:
Phone no.Fax no.
Mobile no.
2.Details of the approved development
2a. Street AddressPostcode:
2b. Real property description
2c. Development Application Reference Number
2d. Infrastructure Charge Notice (ICN) Number (if applicable)
2e. Is the development part of a Multi-Permit or Multi-Stage
development? If yes, please specify the number of stages.
4c. If a certified practicing valuer did not undertake the above valuation, provide a summary of the method used to derive at the above valuation:
Please attach additional information if required.
5. Applicant’s declaration
I certify that I make this claim in accordance with the Brisbane Adopted Infrastructure Charges Resolution (BAICR) (No. 4) andsubsequent charges resolutions, and am entitled to make this claim.
Applicant’s name:
Applicant’s signatureDate
/ //
3.Details of the trunk item - land
3a. To which network does the trunk item belong:Please place a tick in the appropriate box, if more than one please indicate by ticking more than one box.
Transport infrastructure network.Please indicate the sub-network
Community purposes infrastructure network.
Stormwater infrastructure network.
3b. Provide the Project description, PIP ID and Map reference as stated in the Schedule of Works as per City Plan 2014, Priority Infrastructure Plan (PIP).
Project description / PIP ID / Map Reference
3c. Provide further details of the trunk item being constructed for the proposed / approved development:
PIP ID / Length / Width / Area / Specific address
4. Details of the market cost of the trunk item
4a. Applicant’s market value for trunk item – land:(Total of all trunk items if more than one).
If more than one item provide a breakdown of each item and its’ market cost for construction.
4b. Has the above valuation of the land been undertaken by a certified practicing valuer:
Yes. (If yes, please attach a copy of the valuation report).
No. (If no, please provide a summary of the method used to derive the above valuation in sub-section 3c).
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CC11071 (Jan 2015) Brisbane City Council – Corporate FormsTRIM:CA14/631642