Robert Frost Middle School PTSA
September 14, 2006
The Robert Frost Middle School PTSA met on September 14, 2006 in the RFMSMediaCenter. The president called the meeting to order at 7:38 pm.
WELCOME. All present (PTSA officers, board and general members and Frost administration) introduced themselves.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT: MHasked for committee reports.
STAFF APPRECIATION. JK reported that the Back-to-School Staff Luncheon was a success. The PTSA paid for the luncheon and parents donated baked goods for dessert. The committee could use additional volunteers and they are open to new suggestions for the future appreciation events and activities.
MCCPTA DELEGATE. RE & CF reported that the Wootton Cluster delegates have submitted a proposal to MCCPTA. Approved at the last cluster meeting, this proposal is asking for Health Tech coverage at all schools for the entire school day plus ½ hour before and ½ hour after school. RE also reported that the PTAs put forth a big effort to allow schools to distribute PTA materials in backpacks and by other methods. The school calendar will come up in CountyPTA meetings this year. RE reminded us thatour Bylaws must be in order. Also, RE is on the MCCPTA Operating Budget Committee and will watch and report on budget issues (less $$ per pupil, more funds needed for special programs, collective bargaining, etc.).
CLUSTER REPORT. NH reported that the Cluster leaders and representatives are continuing to followmany issues.
TREASURER’S REPORT. MN distributed copies of the 2006-2007 Proposed Budget. She explained that budget is basically the same as last year’s except for contributions to upgrade the softball field and the website. A request was made to increase the Staff Appreciation budget to cover the cost of the Back-to-School Luncheon (and still have enough money for other appreciation activities). SL made a motion to increase the Staff Appreciation line in the proposed budget to $2,000.00. CF seconded. Discussion followed. A motion was made by SL, seconded by DM, to create a “Fundraising-Other” category with $800.00 in it to balance the budget when increasing the Staff Appreciation line to $2000.00. Both motions passed. MN will do a monthly report and she estimates that there is an estimated $14,500 in the treasury now, and not all memberships have been processed.
FROST INFORMER. LS reported that newsletter deadlines need to be met this year. The deadlines are usually ten days before the end of the month and theInformeris then received in homes by the 1st or 2nd of each month. The next two deadlines are September 20 and October 23. LS prefers to receive information via email at . She could use help editing the Informer. This year’s newsletter will be on gold paper because the blue paper used in the past has gotten darker and is more difficult to read.
RFMS PTSA Minutes – September 14, 2006, pg. 3
DIRECTORY. MHreported that the ad deadline has been extended to September 15 and the goal is to have the directories sent home with students during the first week of October. A question was raised about having the directories ready for distribution at Back-to-School Night. The answer has been “no” since Frost adheres to the MCPS policy of withholding information if requested by a parent. The form authorizing release of or withholding information isn’t due until after Back-toSchool Night. Discussion followed and many felt that there are benefits to having the directory ready earlier and available at Back-to-School Night; others felt that this cannot be done.
DANCES. Dances are set for October 13 and 27, November 3, April 13, 20 and 27. The dates have been turned in to ICB. MH has been contacted by two deejay companies and it was agreed that the Dance Chairperson should look at both companies and compare prices, what’s included in their proposals, etc.
A question was raised about how parents can find dates and information about dances (and other Frost events, Outdoor Ed., for example) on the school website. Dr. Jones explained that the website has had some technical difficulties and that information should be available on the website soon.
ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS. New software has been purchased for PTSA use and PTSA officers are learning the new programs. There will be a new email account and the “Mindspring” account will be cancelled. KG will check to see if “Mindspring” can send an auto-response directing parents to the new email address. Parents will not have to sign up each year for the email. It was suggested that, to help inform parents about this new system, a tear-off sheet could be attached to each directory. On the sheet could be information about the website and email system as well as directions for how parents can sign up to receive the email notices.
Discussion about the PTSA page not being accessible on the school website right now. Dr. Jones will look into this and follow up with PTSA.
The new software has an annual fee of $199.00, but if the PTSA chooses not to use the finance part of the program, the fee drops to $149.00/year. The new program allows parents to sign up to volunteer online. It was suggested that the volunteer coordinator and other committee chairpersons meet soon to learn how to use the new program.
MEMBERSHIP. SV reported that so far there are 423 parent and 42 staff members. MD is doing an Excel spreadsheet for PTSA memberships. SV reported that a parent asked for a receipt for donations made to various funds. Discussion followed and it was suggested that the member be given a copy of the membership form and write “Paid” on the copy.
STUDENT SUPPORT. AM reported that they welcomed the Alternative Education Department with goodies and that they met to discuss programs for the new school year.
RFMS PTSA Minutes – September 14, 2006, pg. 3
1st VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT. DH reported for the following committees.
INTERNATIONAL NIGHT. Dr. Jones reported that the ESOL teacher coordinates this event. Music, food and entertainment from many countries are featured. RE mentioned that cluster representatives had talked about inviting Board of Education members to a Wootton cluster school’s International Night. Dr. Jones OK’d this idea and an invitation to the event (to be held in April) can be extended to Board of Education members. Parent volunteers are needed to work with Ms. Morrow.
HOSPITALITY. Parents were welcomed at Back-to-School Night with refreshments in the cafeteria.
VOLUNTEER COORDINATOR. JI is working on the volunteer database.
2nd VICE PRESIDENT’S REPORT. DMreported that there weren’t any reports from her committees.
PRINCIPAL’S REPORT. Dr. Jones reported that Frost had a smooth beginning with 1,153 students enrolled. Back-to-School Night had 1,093 parents in attendance. The format for Back-to-School Night was new; there wasn’t a parent meeting in the gym and all parents went directly to the first period classes. Dr. Jones reported that Frost met last year’s AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress), with approximately 94% of students scoring at proficient or advanced in reading and math. Frost also had one of the highest attendance rates (97%) in the County. Dr. Jones explained how Frost works to meet AYP and MSA goals. Frost staff provides additional support to groups of students to help the entire school meet its goals.
A question was raised concerning when parents receive MSA scores from last year. Discussion followed and RE will post this question on the MCCPTA listserve.
Dr. Jones handed out the “Visionary Plans for the Next Dimension of Excellence at RobertFrostMiddle School”. He highlighted several of the plans including the increased use of technology to work smarter and to improve learning.
OLD BUSINESS. A letter about the new concept high school will be sent from the Cluster leadership to members of the Board of Education and County Council. Parent input and continued support is needed on this topic.
NEW BUSINESS. DS reported that a planning meeting for Day of Giving will be held on Wednesday, September 27 at 7:30 pm in the MediaCenter. She is contacting former committee members and welcomes new members and new ideas for this event.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Janine Mooney
Recording Secretary