Reagan High School

Campus Advisory Council

November 14, 2007


Present at this meeting

Administrators / Faculty / Staff: Kay Smith, Adrienne Fan, Ismael Villafane, Elaine N. McGinty, Raquel Whitney, Robyn Turner, Randal Franklin, Erik Sanchez

Parents/Public: Deborah Warren, Joe Pulido, Janice Johnson



Meeting chaired by:

Adrienne Fan

The meeting was called to order at 5:40 PM.


Old Business:

ü  The Minutes from the last meeting was not discussed nor voted on because a quorum was not present.

Mr. Villafane spoke to a number of topics (He may be contacted at: .):

ü  The Reagan High Campus Improvement Plan (cip) has been sent in and has been tentatively approved. All that has to be modified are names and time frames. The final copy must be approved next semester.

ü  The Campus Restructuring Plan must be submitted in January of 2008. This document must be submitted to the state (Texas Education Agency). It explains the steps that are being taken to re-create Reagan High so that expectations are met. (An example of the restructuring is First Things First.)

ü  Student ID cards commanded a large part of this segment:

·  At this typing, approximately 25% of the student body needs an ID card (new enrollees, absent when original ID created, etc.)

·  It is agreed that the primary purpose for student ID cards is campus safety.

·  The library staff is working with Pedro Sanchez to rectify this situation.

·  Questions that need answering about the ID process:

ü  Will students be required to visibly display their ID’s next semester?

ü  Will there be consequences if this is not done?

ü  What will be the consequences?

ü  Will there be a fee if an ID is lost or needs reprinting?

ü  What will be the fee?

ü  How will the fee be collected?

ü  Where will the ID machine be housed so the above can be done?

ü  Work Orders have been submitted and reviewed. The primary focus will be on lighting around the campus. The primary concern is safety. At this writing, no definite completion date or dollar amount is known to do all the work submitted.

ü  Schedule changes and teacher replacement:

·  All schedule changes are done for this semester. Unless some emergency arises, the classes will remain as they are. If schedule changes must be made, only Mr. Villafane, Mr. MacPherson, or the Counselors may do so.

·  All effort is being made to have teachers working in areas where they are “highly qualified”. This is a requirement of the No Child Left Behind act.

·  There is a need to hire replacement teachers in a few areas: Social Studies, Speech, Special Education, and Health Science. The last of these will be the most difficult to staff. The teacher must be a certified teacher + a nurse.

ü  Mr. Fowler is in charge of the building and grounds. He made inquiries and found out that we have flexibility in our dealings with the cast and crew of the television program, Friday Night Lights (fnl). We may limit the time they spend on campus and the areas they use. This may be done so classes and students are not disturbed during the school day. He may be contacted at: .

ü  Absences are a problem. AISD schools may take legal action against a parent/guardian if a student misses 10 consecutive days. Some other points on this topic:

·  The state mandates 90% attendance.

·  Reagan High’s attendance rate =

ü  9th grade = 82%

ü  10th grade = 81%

ü  11th grade = 90%

ü  12th grade = 92%

ü  Three new photocopiers have been ordered. If all goes according to plan, adult “aides” will be in place to make copies for the teachers. The particulars must be worked out, but ideally teachers should not have to spend time photocopying unless it is an emergency.

ü  Kay Smith has assumed the responsibilities of Head Counselor and is the counselor for the 12th grade. She spoke at length about various plans and about scholarship deadlines. She may be contacted at: .

ü  Reagan High held a Town Hall Meeting that was considered an overall success. One point of discussion was how to get more parents and citizens to attend. It was suggested that it might be better to start and end the meeting later in the evening.

ü  The Reagan High Parent Teacher Student Association (ptsa) has begun an active recruiting program. Ms. Stubblefield is the new president. On this campus, Gracie Shelton has been visible and working to recruit teachers to join. She may be contacted at: .

Some of the Agenda items were not discussed due to time constraints and/or because of absences. Those items will be added to the next Agenda.

The meeting ended at 7:00 PM.


If you wish to place an item on the agenda for an upcoming CAC meeting, please contact either of the co-chairs well in advance of the meeting:

·  Ms. Chatham =

·  Ms. Fan =

At this writing, no agenda has been set for the next meeting. The next meeting is scheduled to meet in the campus Conference Center on December 12, 2007 at 5:30 PM. Any interested party may attend.


Any errors should be pointed out to the CAC Secretary immediately.


Respectfully submitted,

Jordan Grams

Secretary, Campus Advisory Council
