Prayer Requests Demonstrated By Kenneth E. Hagin

Well, has everybody got one now? We want to get everybody involved. There may be several people involved. If you have to, well fine. Double up, four or five of you, and get together on one request.

Let's take some of these and use as an illustration of what to do and how to do it. You understand the spirit of god does give A burden in some of these areas. Otherwise, we'll intercede with our understanding. You can intercede both ways, see. With your spirit and with your understanding.

Now for instance, here is to pray for this particular person I'll not call their full name but you'll have the name there that you can call. Now this individual, Katherine, who has cancer. I want you to stand with me, please, and reach your hand out towards me. We're going to demonstrate how; you should pray on any sickness. You listen and agree with it.

Father, (Father,) no, you just listen and agree with my prayer.

Father, we come to in the name of; the Lord Jesus Christ. I come on the behalf of this request, Katherine has cancer. In the

Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am authorized by the word of God for He stated,

"I give you Dower (or authority) over all the power of the enemy.”

So I am empowered or authorized to exercise authority here.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I curse this foul cancer in Katherine's body. I command it to wither and die. I command it to dry up and disappear, cease existing, by the authority and the power of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ; and the healing power of God to enter into that body to undo that which Satan has wrought and heal up that which Satan the result of that which Satan has wrought in the body.

In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, it is done and it is so. We thank you for it in Christ's name.

And everyone say, Amen. (Amen.) That means, "So be it.".

Well, now let's pray about this person. His name is Emmett. We'll not call his last name primarily for salvation.

Father, we come to you on the behalf of Emmett. We come in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. We break the power of the' devil over him. The devil who has blinded his mind that the glorious light of the gospel should not shine in. We break the power of the devil over him. The devil who has blinded his mind that the glorious light of the gospel should not shine in. We break the power of the devil over him and claim his deliverance and full salvation. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

And now, we thank you for it, Father. Blessed be the name of the Lord. In Jesus' name, it is cone and it is so. We praise you. Amen. (Amen.) Praise God forevermore.

Now take those requests that you have there. I think, on some of them particularly, you pray a little bit different. And the two or the three of you, don't see how long you can be. see how short you can be. Amen. Some of the shortest prayers in the bible got the greatest results. The first person that was ever healed back in Genesis, the first healing we have record of, was healed on this prayer:

"Oh, Lord, heal her now." That's all. Glory to God.

Did you hear me? (Yes.) Go ahead do it now.

Thank you Father God. We just agree together (tongues) (praises) "Forever, Oh Lord, thy Word is settled in Heaven."

Now once you get through, lift your hands and thank god for the answer for that person. Call their name. Thank God for the healing of (Mary). Thank God for the answer to that need.