Reading Recovery (RR) School Report Form
School: District: Date:
Team Members Preparing the Report:
Summary of Academic Year
- Number of first graders in the school in English classrooms
- Number of first grade classrooms (English)
- Daily number of RR teaching slots in the school
- Total number of children served in RR
How many are discontinued?
How many “recommended action”?
(20 or 20+ weeks and not discontinued)
How many had incomplete programs?
(less than 20 weeks; did not discontinue)
How many moved while being served in RR?
How many “none of the above”?
(withdrawn from RR, less than 20 weeks,
with teacher leader approval; very rare)
- Percentage of total RR students who discontinued
(divide # of discontinued students by total served)
- Percentage of “full program” children who discontinued
(divide # of discontinued by total of discontinued and
recommended action students)
- Percentage of first grade students served at the school
(divide total # of RR students by total # of first graders)
- Average number of weeks for discontinued students
(add # of weeks for all discontinued students;
divide by # of discontinued students)
- Average number of weeks for incomplete program students
(add # of weeks for incomplete program students;
divide by # of incomplete program students)
- What were the reasons for missed lessons?
- What was the average number of children served for RR teachers?
- Were any RR children retained or referred? (Explain)
- How many children who needed RR were not served?
- Evaluate the student outcomes for this year.
(Consider the number of children served, outcome status for all children, time in program,
service for all children, etc.)
- What are our plans for monitoring the ongoing progress of all children served?
- What was the status of former RR children?
- What factors may have contributed to the outcomes in our school?
- What recommendations do we have for next year for our school?
- What support will be needed within the school, from the teacher leader, or from the district?
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