# / Description of the Health Care Services to be Provided / CCG / CSU Contract Manager / CCG Clinical Lead / Name of the Provider and the address of its registered office or principal place of business / Dates between which the contract provides for the services to be provided / Details of any Options to Extend the Contract / Total amount to be paid or, where the total amount is not known, the amounts payable to the provider under the contract / Description of the process adopted for selecting the provider and name of decision making committee / Conflicts of Interests Identified / Management of Conflicts of Interests /2014
1. / Maternity Mates
Ref 1/2014 / Shuma Begum / Emma Radcliffe / Women's Health and Family Services
Brady Centre
1st Floor Room 5 and 6
192/196 Han bury Street
E1 5HU / 01/04/2014 – 31/03/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / £185,831 / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure)
Governing Body / None / N/A
2. / Direct Access Magnet Resonance Imaging Services
Ref 2/2014 / Shuma Begum / N/A / InHealth Limited
Beechwood Hall
Kingsmead Road
High Wycombe
HP11 1JL / 01/07/2014 - 30/06/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / Payments based on activity performed / Competitive Tender
(Open Procedure)
Governing Body / None / N/A
3. / Last Years of Life
Ref 3/2014 / Jig Tailor / N/A / Age UK East London
Kemp House
52-160 City Road
EC1V 2DW / 01/05/2014 -30/04/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / £274,500 / Competitive Tender
(Open Procedure)
Governing Body / None / N/A
4. / Community Phlebotomy Services (LAP 1)
Ref 4/2014 / Jig Tailor / N/A / The One Network
The One Network
C/O The Mission Practice
208 Cambridge Heath Road
E2 9LS / 01/10/2014 – 30/09/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / Payments based on activity performed / Competitive Tender
(Restricted Procedure)
Governing Body / Primary care CCG members also members of bidder GP Care Group CIC / Confidential procurement process to ensure that primary care Governing Body members were excluded from process.
Primary Care Governing Body members were excluded from the contract award decision.
5 / Community Phlebotomy Services (LAP2)
Ref 5/2014 / Jig Tailor / N/A / East End Health Network Co Ltd
Ramsay House (C/O EEHN Co Ltd)
18 Vera Avenue,
Grange Park,
N21 1RA / 01/10/2014 – 30/09/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / Payments based on activity performed / Competitive Tender
(Restricted Procedure)
Governing Body / Primary care CCG members also members of bidder GP Care Group CIC / Confidential procurement process to ensure that primary care Governing Body members were excluded from process.
Primary Care Governing Body members were excluded from the contract award decision.
6 / Community Phlebotomy Services (LAP 3)
Ref 6/2014 / Jig Tailor / N/A / Stepney and Whitechapel Network
City Wellbeing Practice
129 Cannon Street Road
E1 2LX / 01/10/2014 – 30/09/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / Payments based on activity performed / Competitive Tender
(Restricted Procedure)
Governing Body / Primary care CCG members also members of bidder GP Care Group CIC / Confidential procurement process to ensure that primary care Governing Body members were excluded from process.
Primary Care Governing Body members were excluded from the contract award decision.
7 / Community Phlebotomy Services (LAP 4)
Ref 7/2014 / Jig Tailor / N/A / Highway Network
1st Floor, Cable Street Surgery
445 Cable Street
E1W 3DE / 01/10/2014 – 30/09/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / Payments based on activity performed / Competitive Tender
(Restricted Procedure)
Governing Body / Primary care CCG members also members of bidder GP Care Group CIC / Confidential procurement process to ensure that primary care Governing Body members were excluded from process.
Primary Care Governing Body members were excluded from the contract award decision.
8 / Community Phlebotomy Services (LAP 5)
Ref 8/2014 / Jig Tailor / N/A / Bow Health Network
Harley Grove Medical Centre
15 Harley Grove
E3 2AT / 01/10/2014 – 30/09/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / Payments based on activity performed / Competitive Tender
(Restricted Procedure)
Governing Body / Primary care CCG members also members of bidder GP Care Group CIC / Confidential procurement process to ensure that primary care Governing Body members were excluded from process.
Primary Care Governing Body members were excluded from the contract award decision.
9 / Community Phlebotomy Services (LAP 6)
Ref 9/2014 / Jig Tailor / N/A / MEEBBB Health CIC
St Pauls Way Medical Centre
99 St Pauls Way
E3 4AJ / 01/10/2014 – 30/09/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / Payments based on activity performed / Competitive Tender
(Restricted Procedure)
Governing Body / Primary care CCG members also members of bidder GP Care Group CIC / Confidential procurement process to ensure that primary care Governing Body members were excluded from process.
Primary Care Governing Body members were excluded from the contract award decision.
10 / Community Phlebotomy Services (LAP 7)
Ref 10/2014 / Jig Tailor / N/A / Poplar & Limehouse Health Network CIC
Newby Place Health & Wellbeing Centre
21 Newby Place
E14 0EY / 01/10/2014 – 30/09/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / Payments based on activity performed / Competitive Tender
(Restricted Procedure)
Governing Body / Primary care CCG members also members of bidder GP Care Group CIC / Confidential procurement process to ensure that primary care Governing Body members were excluded from process.
Primary Care Governing Body members were excluded from the contract award decision.
11 / Community Phlebotomy Services (LAP 8)
Ref 11/2014 / Jig Tailor / N/A / Healthy island partnership
Doclands Medical Centre
100Spindrift Ave
Isle of Dogs
Tower Hamlets
E14 9WU / 01/10/2014 – 30/09/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / Payments based on activity performed / Competitive Tender
(Restricted Procedure)
Governing Body / Primary care CCG members also members of bidder GP Care Group CIC / Confidential procurement process to ensure that primary care Governing Body members were excluded from process.
Primary Care Governing Body members were excluded from the contract award decision.
12 / Direct Access Echocardiogram service
(part of the overall Acute contract)
Ref 12/2014 / Maxwell Reynolds or Ruminder / N/A / Barts Health NHS Trust
Trust offices, The Royal London Hospital, 80 Newark Street, London E1 2ES / 01/10/2014 – 30/09/2017 / Two 12 months extensions / Payments based on activity performed / Competitive Tender
(Open Procedure)
Governing Body / None at time of procurement. / N/A
13 / Community Surgical Aftercare Services
Ref 01/2015 / Jig Tailor / Tower Hamlets GP Care Group CIC
Aberfeldy Practice
2a Ettrick Street
E14 0PU / 05/01/2015 – 04/01/2018 / Two 12 months extensions / Payments based on activity performed / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure)
Governing Body / Primary Care Governing Body members are members of the Tower Hamlets GP Care Group CIC. / Use of independent GP clinical advisor.
Confidential procurement process to ensure that primary care Governing Body members were excluded from process.
Primary Care Governing Body members were excluded from the contract award decision.
14 / Accommodation (Short Term) Crisis Support
Ref 02/2015 / Jumoke Ogunmokun / N/A / LookAhead Care and Support Ltd
Business Development
1 Derry Street
W8 5HY / 01/04/2015 – 31/03/2018 / 24 months extensions / £3,247,840 / Competitive Tender (Restricted Procedure)
Governing Body / None at time of procurement. / Carrie Kilpatrick - Interim Deputy Director of Mental Health (TH CCG) declared conflict: Husband is Chief Executive of Look Ahead Housing and Care.
It is noted that Carrie was not in post at the time of the contract award.
On-going management of conflicts:
- Password protected shared drive folder to store any information relating to Look Ahead Housing and Care.
- Carrie to be excluded if any Service Performance Reviews for Look Ahead Housing and Care contracts are to take place.
- Carrie to declare interests at meetings where procurements are discussed that Look Ahead Housing and Care are potential bidders.
- Audit Committee oversight of conflict management.
15 / Primary Care Counselling Services
Ref 03/2015 / Jumoke Ogunmokun / N/A / Lot 1:
City & East London Bereavement Service
61 Philpot Street, Whitechapel, Greater London, E12JH, United Kingdom / 01/06/2015 – 31/05/2017 / One 12 months extensions / £235,680 / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure)
Governing Body / None / N/A
16 / Primary Care Counselling Services
Ref 04/2015 / Jumoke Ogunmokun / N/A / Lot 2:
Compass Wellbeing CIC
Steels Lane Health Centre
384-398 Commercial Road
E1 0LR / 01/06/2015 – 31/05/2017 / One 12 months extensions / £254,451 / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure)
Governing Body / None / N/A
17 / Primary Care Counselling Services
Ref 05/2015 / Jumoke Ogunmokun / N/A / Lot 3:
Mind in Tower Hamlets and Newham
13 Whitethorn Street, London, Greater London, E3 4DA, United Kingdom / 01/06/2015 – 31/05/2017 / One 12 months extensions / £331,617 / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure)
Governing Body / None / N/A
18 / Community Residential Rehabilitation Service
Ref 06/2015 / Jumoke Ogunmokun / N/A / LookAhead Care and Support Ltd
Business Development
1 Derry Street
W8 5HY / 01/04/2015 – 31/03/2018 / One 24 months extensions / £2,685,205 / Competitive Tender (Restricted Procedure)
Governing Body / None at time of procurement. / Carrie Kilpatrick - Interim Deputy Director of Mental Health (TH CCG) declared conflict: Husband is Chief Executive of Look Ahead Housing and Care.
It is noted that Carrie was not in post at the time of the contract award.
Ongoing management of conflicts:
- Password protected shared drive folder to store any information relating to Look Ahead Housing and Care.
- Carrie to be excluded if any Service Performance Reviews for Look Ahead Housing and Care contracts are to take place.
- Carrie to declare interests at meetings where procurements are discussed that Look Ahead Housing and Care are potential bidders
- Audit Committee oversight of conflict management.
19 / Supported Employment Services
Ref 01/2016 / Working Well Trust Ltd
Working Well Trust
Unit 20 Peterley Business Centre
472 Hackney Road
E2 9EQ / 01/04/2016 – 31/03/2019 / 24 month Option / 1,324,250 / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure)
Governing Body / None / N/A
20 / Tele-Dermatology and One Stop Assessment and Treatment Service
Ref 2/2016 / Margaret Adesanwo / Monir Miah / DMC Healthcare Ltd
Ravi Iyver
Nice Business Park
35-37 Sylvan Grove
SE15 1PD / 01/06/2016 / 31/06/2019 / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure)
Governing Body / None / N/A
21 / Tower Hamlets Wheelchair services
Ref 3/2016 / Margaret Adesanwo / N/A / Ruth Owen
Chief Executive Officer
Whizz-Mobility CIC
4th Floor, Portland House,
Bressenden Place,
London, SW1E 5BH / 01/07/2016 / 31/03/2021 / £4,994,775 / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure)
Governing Body / None / N/A
22 / Tower Hamlets and Newham Management of the Maternity Services Liaison Committees
Ref 4/2016 / Shuma Begum / Emma Radcliffe / Shabira Papain
Social Action for Health
Unit A, First Floor Ment House
1B Mentmore Terrace
London E8 3DQ / 01/05/2016-30/042019 / 2 year extension / £131, 076
3 years / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure)
Governing Body / None / N/A
23 / Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Hypertension and Diabetes Self-Management Support Service
Ref 5/2016 / Shuma Begum / N/A / Social Action for Health
Unit A, First Floor Ment House
1B Mentmore Terrace
London E8 3DQ / 01/04/2016-31/3/2019 / 2 year extension / £335,400
3 years / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure) / None / N/A
24 / London Digital Mental Wellbeing Service – Engagement Programme (Jan – Mar 2016)
Ref 6/2016 / Jumoke Ogunmokun / N/A / Uscreates
103-104, North Block,
Westminster / Jan 2016 – March 2016 / n/a / £34,980 / Quotation Exercise / None / N/A
25 / Co-production and citizen event
Ref 7/16 / National Service User Network (NSUN) / March 2016 – September 2016 / n/a / £9,000 / Quotation Exercise / None / N/A
26 / Suite of Mental Health Executive Dashboards for London
Ref 8/2016 / NHS Benchmarking
Benchmarking Network,
C/o 3000 Aviator Way
Manchester Business Park
M22 5TG / March 2016 – May 2017 / n/a / £96,030 / Quotation Exercise / None / N/A
27 / Tower Hamlets CCG VOICES2 Survey: Capturing Bereaved Carers’ Experience of Local Services.
Ref 9/2016 / St. Joseph’s Hospice
Mare Street
Hackney, London E8 4SA / May 2016 – April 2019 / n/a / £90,785 / Competitive Tender
Open Tender/Quotation Exercise / None / N/A
28 / Developing a Tower Hamlets Vanguard Outcomes Framework
Ref 10/16 / Cobic Solutions Ltd
Garden Studios
71 -75 Shelton Street
WC2H 9JQ / April 2016 – Dec 2016 / n/a / £88,850 / Quotation exercise / None / N/A
29 / Young People’s Mental Health Service
Ref 11/2016 / Step Forward, 234 Bethnal Green Road, London, E2 0AA / December 2016-November 2019 / 1 year extension / £840,000 / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure) / None / N/A
30 / Community Learning Disability Service
Ref 12/2016 / Margaret Adesanwo / Ashrafi Jabin / East London NHS Foundation Trust / October 2016 – September 2019 / 2 year extension / £2.2m 5 years / Competitive Tender
(Restricted) / None / N/A
31. / NEL Developing a 5 Year Mental Health Strategy
Ref 13/2016 / Carnall Farrar / 23 May – 05 August 2016 / 2½ Months / £150,000 / Request for Proposal / None / N/A
32. / Social Action for Health – Tower Hamlets Health and Advice Link / Shuma Begum / N/A / Social Action for Health
Unit A, First Floor Ment House
1B Mentmore Terrace
London E8 3DQ / 1st April 2016 – 31st April 2019 / 2years / £614,370 (£204,790 per annum inc CQUIN) / Competitive Tender (Open Procedure) / None / N/A
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Updated by CSU- Shaju Jose, Head of Procurement, NELCSU- 16 August 2016
Updated by CCG- Andy Nuckcheddee, Interim Governance Manager (TH CCG)- 08 Sept 2016