Lesson 3
q Today , after a warm-up activity and a repetition of the English words, we are going to prepare a simple volleyball circuit.
q Warm-up activity: now, a student will read the words on a sheet and all of you have to do the movement:
· March forward
· Run kicking your bottom
· Run backwards
· Slide
· Jump forward
· Jump backward
· Jumping jack
· Circle your arms
· Push your arms forward
· Throw ( the ball)
· ……….
q Now take the volleyballs and work in pairs:
o Pass the ball overhead to your partner using both hands
o Bump the ball to your partner
o Set the ball to your partner
o Spike the ball to your partner
o Behind the end line, serve the ball underhand to opposite zone.
o Behind the end line, serve the ball overhand to opposite zone.
q Now you are going to prepare the circuit:
We are going to use this equipment:
12 volleyballs
2 mats
1 basket backboard
the volleynet
2 targets drawn on the wall
Now come here, please, and listen to me very carefully.
I’m going to explain again the circuit you are going to do.
The circuit consists of 6 stations:
– In every station there is a student working (A) and one writing down (B) on the paper the number of movements at each station.
– After 1 minute, the teacher whistles and the students change stations and must move very quickly from one station to the next.
– Repeat the circuit again, with student B working and student A writing down the data.
The stations are the following:
1st station / goal setting / Start in front of the backboard, behind the free-throw line.Player A attempts to set the ball towards the goal in an attempt to shoot a basket ( 2 points) or to hit the backboard (1 point).
2nd station / reverse setting / Working in pairs:
Player A, standing on the three-meter line with his/her back to the net, tosses the ball overhead and does a reverse set over the net to partner B.
Partner (B) catches the ball and rolls it under the net to player A.
3nd station / wall bumping / The player standing in front the wall ( about 3 m.) bumps the ball against the target drawn on the wall.
4th station / underhand serve against the target / First possibility : the player standing in front the wall ( about
9 m.) serves the ball underhand ( or overhand ) against the wall
over the wallbars.
Second possibility : the player behind the end line serves the ball
underhand over the net, to hit a mat on the floor.
5th station / set to self (standing on a mat) / The player standing on the mat sets the ball over his/her head
6th station / bump to self on the mat / The player, standing on the mat, has to bump the ball over his/her head.
– Then we can compare the results of your exercises:
Who is the best at the first station? And at the second? ...and so on....
[at the end] Please pick up all the implements and put them away in the locker.