Reading organizer L’étranger

Title L’étranger / Author Albert Camus / Edition of book Folio (Gallimard)
Basic details of where the work fits into the author’s oeuvre and its reputation (give weblinks etc), setting and historical period where relevant
Alalettre site summary of L’étranger in French See also much simpler, gapped summary with vocabulary
Analysis in French of L’étranger (for teacher)
Brief life of Camus
Philosophical musings on the life of Camus
Video reports on Camus and his life and death
Schedule for reading book (overview) and expectations of student
It is important that you stick to the dates for reading the book in French as listed in the schedule below. By reading I mean, physically endeavouring to understand the whole text using the vocabulary list provided to help. This list is drawing on very detailed dictionaries and native speaker knowledge so will save you a lot of time.
  • Some paragraphs you will be able to “sail through”, others will require intense scrutiny and you will not get to the bottom of what the author is intending. Lightly underline these sentences and we will look at this when we go through.
  • Build up your powers of deducing the meanings of words and expressions from the context. Sometimes meanings (or an approximation of the meaning) will only come to you towards the end of a paragraph.
  • Learn to work out which words and phrases you don’t understand do not really affect your overall appreciation of the paragraph, page. Sometimes it is more important to “go with the flow” and not lose the overall message by becoming bogged down in detail.
  • Highlight words and phrases which really seem to you to contain the essence of what the character or story is about. You will be able to compile these into themes to organize your thoughts.
  • Always read with a pencil and a notebook to write down thoughts, questions for your teacher.

Tools available for initial reading and understanding phase (note for teacher)
Full vocabulary list with chapter and page numbers (
We have endeavoured to include every word and expression however unusual in the vocabulary list to enable teachers to avoid the embarrassment of having to fudge when the student asks a difficult question. We have included past participle, subjunctive forms etc with which many students will still be a little shaky.
Full summary to be issued as your reading progresses ( )
The summary has several purposes. It is written in relatively basic vocabulary so that it helps students build up their “word power”; the vocabulary next to the summary ensures that these words are reinforced.
The gapped verbs are designed to provide the intensive practice young people need to really bottom the present tense which is crucial to success as it is used in 60% of all usage. Students will need to use the verb lists in their text book, grammar book or say Tex’s French Grammar on line to revise irregulars forms.
The interaction of perfect and imperfect tense can also be practised in this context.
Whilst the teacher may concentrate on certain key passages (identified in the schedule below) the summary will give the bare bones of the plot and the characters’ basic motivations to help the student pull everything together. Trial usage has shown that this improves student knowledge of the text giving the confidence to talk and write fluently.
Tip for teacher: As they read along, you could ask your students to write a summary of each chapter or do an oral presentation in front of the class to show what they have understood reading before producing the summary.
You can also choose to write some questions about each chapter to emphasize the key passages (homework)
Character guide list of adjectives ( )
The list of adjectives supplied reflects my views on the nature of the characters and can be amended by teachers to supplement and change what is there. Masculine and feminine forms are given and clearly once again this is an exercise to build quality of expression as well as to promote accuracy.
The translation exercises are designed familiarise the student with ways of talking about the protagonists’ character in certain set ways which can obviously be extended.
Tip for students and teacher: as you start reading the novel, draw each protagonist and start describing him with simple adjectives (appearance, character), adding more as you read. (kind of mind map)
Introductory PowerPoint to the past historic (
The past historic does not usually cause too many problems for students and the PowerPoint is simply a quick introduction to help with recognition. There is particular emphasis on forms which are more difficult to recognize such as the more common irregulars.
Chapter, section, page numbers
Number of pages / Week-lesson
Grammar to revise / Key passages with beginning and end phrases and page numbers / Themes, character, own observations, questions
1ère partie Ch 1
pp 9-30
21 pages / Week
Perfect tense and imperfect / We are going to studyintensively the first chapter in class to learn how to tackle the reading of a novel.
Regular task (summary, blog)
Ecrivez/enregistrez un sommaire du chapitre au présent.
Themes suggested by the text for practice of AS (resit) essay
«Eviter de prendre les transports en commun est un comportement logique. Discutez.»
«Dans les pays de l’EU une population vieillissante va provoquer de plus en plus de conflit entre les générations. Analysez cette proposition.» / Premières impressions de Meursault – A mon avis c’est une personne qui semble/paraît
Comportement avec les autres gens
Ce que Meursault remarque/voit/observe
Le rôle des sens (confort, chaleur )
Attitude envers la religion
Chapter, section, page numbers
Number of pages / Week-lesson
Grammar to revise / Key passages with beginning and end phrases and page numbers / Themes, character, own observations, questions
Ch 2
pp 31-39
8 pages / Week
Reflexive verbs
Prepositional verbs with infinitives / This chapter shows us Meursault’s attitude a) towards conventions b) his philosophy of life reflected through his preferred activities
Regular task (summary, blog)
Ecrivez/enregistrez un sommaire du chapitre au présent.
Creative writing: «Imaginez que vous êtes Marie. Vous écrivez une lettre à une amie racontant comment vous l’avez rencontré et vos premières impressions de lui».
Oral preparation. You are Marie and her friend and discuss the first meeting with Meursault, including the slight reservations you might have about him. / Les conventions autour de la mort de quelqu’un
La manière dontMeursault passe sa journée de dimanche
La manière dont Meursault décrit les passants
Le rôle des sens (sensualité, visuel)
Chapter, section, page numbers
Number of pages / Week-lesson
Grammar to revise / Key passages with beginning and end phrases and page numbers / Themes, character, own observations, questions
Ch 3
pp 41-53
12 pages / Week
Direct, indirect object pronouns / Here we learn how Meursault interacts with other people and are shown how he is drawn unconsciously into the drama which is at the centre of the novel
Regular task (summary, blog)
Ecrivez/enregistrez un sommaire du chapitre au présent.
Themes suggested by the text for practice of AS (resit) essay
Essay:- De nos jours les gens s’intéressent à leurs animaux familiers plutôt qu’à la population humaine. Discutez
Essay:- Il faut faire très attention en choisissant ses amis pour ne pas risquer de mésaventures . Discutez / Ses rapports avec les autres (amis, voisins)
La manière dont il se lie d’amitié avec une personne de réputation douteuse.
Le caractère de Raymond
Chapter, section, page numbers
Number of pages / Week-lesson
Grammar to revise / Key passages with beginning and end phrases and page numbers / Themes, character, own observations, questions
Ch 4
pp 55-63
8 pages / Week / This chapter adds to the picture of how Meursault sees conventions of various kinds. It contrasts his attitude towards the loss of a person through death and the loss of an animal.
Regular task (summary, blog)
Ecrivez/enregistrez un sommaire du chapitre au présent.
Themes suggested by the text for practice of AS (resit) essay
Essay:- «Vaut-il la peine de se marier de nos jours?» Discutez
Essay:- Pourquoi pensez-vous que la popularité du mariage ait tellement diminué depuis les années 80? / Le rôle des sens (sensualité, visuel)
L’attitude de Meursault envers les conventions (l’amour, le mariage)
(discuter de ces deux thèmes et de leur évolution au XX, XXI siècle. Nouveau visage de la famille moderne (AS topic)
L’attitude de Meursault envers l’autorité (représentée par la police)
Le caractère de Raymond
Chapter, section, page numbers
Number of pages / Week-lesson
Grammar to revise / Key passages with beginning and end phrases and page numbers / Themes, character, own observations, questions
Ch 5
pp 65-74
9 pages / Week / Here we learn about how Meursault balances ambition with the enjoyment of the physical nature of his existence. We see how he reacts to someone hyper-organized like an alien being. He describes in immense detail his neighbour’s pain at losing his dog and what it had meant to him.
Regular task (summary, blog)
Ecrivez/enregistrez un sommaire du chapitre au présent.
Themes suggested by the text for practice of AS (resit) essay
Essay:- «Ecrivez un blog où vous parlez des plaisirs de voyager et expliquez comment les expériences vécues contribueront à votre avancement professionnel».
Essay:- Malgré toute la technologie à leur disposition les gens organisent mal leur vie. Pourquoi à votre avis? / L’attitude de Meursault envers l’ambition
L’attitude de Meursault envers les conventions (l’amour, le mariage)
L’attitude de Meursault envers les gens qui organisent leur vie méthodiquement
Les sens (la lumière, la couleur de peau des gens)
(discuter des différences, de la peur qu’elles engendrent, du racisme, etc…)
Chapter, section, page numbers
Number of pages / Week-lesson
Grammar to revise / Key passages with beginning and end phrases and page numbers / Themes, character, own observations, questions
Ch 6
pp 75-93
18 pages / Week / We shall go through this chapter fully together to ensure that you have a complete understanding of its importance. Why does the central event of the novel occur? Is Meursault responsible for it or not?
Regular task (summary, blog)
Ecrivez/enregistrez un sommaire du chapitre au présent.
Dissertation:- Analysez la première partie du roman et la manière dont Meursault est devenu un tueur sans le vouloir. / Les sens (la chaleur, la lumière intense-effet sur Meursault)
Les rapports de Meursault avec Marie
L a suite d’événements qui aboutit au meurtre
L’environnement racial à Alger
(Faire une recherche sur internet et la présenter à la classe)
Le caractère de Raymond
Chapter, section, page numbers
Number of pages / Week-lesson
Grammar to revise / Key passages with beginning and end phrases and page numbers / Themes, character, own observations, questions
2ième partie
Ch 1
pp 97-109
12 pages / Week / Meursault, bemused at being in the position he is in after always being responsible for his own actions is always truthful in his responses to the representatives of justice including in refusing to come up with a reason for having fired several times. He refuses to accept the existence of God and displays an ambivalent attitude to the loss of a loved one.
Dressez une liste de tout le vocabulaire qui se rapporte au droit, le procès et la justice.
Regular task (summary, blog)
Ecrivez/enregistrez un sommaire du chapitre au présent. / L’attitude de Meursault envers sa mère
La manière dont le jour de l’enterrement va influencer le procès
Meursault et son attitude envers la vérité/refus de mentir
La religion/l’existence de Dieu
(thème de la religion à développer)
Les réactions des autres à ce que dit Meursault
Chapter, section, page numbers
Number of pages / Week-lesson
Grammar to revise / Key passages with beginning and end phrases and page numbers / Themes, character, own observations, questions
Ch 2
pp 111-124
13 pages / Week / Once again we see Mersault distracted by physical and mental discomfort as Marie tries to engage with him unsuccessfully. He discusses the nature of liberty with a prison guard and spends his time learning how to cope mentally with having nothing to do including recalling a bizarre newspaper article. Looking in the mirror he realizes that he is talking to himself.
Regular task (summary, blog)
Ecrivez/enregistrez un sommaire du chapitre au présent.
Creative writing: «Imaginez que vous êtes Marie. Vous écrivez une lettre à une amie racontant votre visite à Meursault en prison».
Oral preparation. You are Marie and her friend and discuss the visit to the prison and how you feel about his actions. / Les sens (le bruit, la lumière, la distance entre lui et Marie)
Le caractère de Marie
La nature de la liberté
La manière dont Meursault ménage son temps et l’ennui
Chapter, section, page numbers
Number of pages / Week-lesson
Grammar to revise / Key passages with beginning and end phrases and page numbers / Themes, character, own observations, questions
Ch 3
22 pages / Week
Reported speech / Meursault’s trial where he has the feeling of watching himself; his status as an outsider is confirmed as the accusations pile up. His encounters in the first part of the novel come back to haunt him and incriminate him. He stays true to himself and his friends. He does nothing to dilute the hostility of the prosecution by accepting “normal” conventions.
Regular task (summary, blog)
Ecrivez/enregistrez un sommaire du chapitre au présent.
Creative writing task: Vous êtes un journaliste parisien qui rédige un rapport court de 200 mots résumant le procès de Meursault. Donnez l’essentiel du procès en analysant les interventions du procureur et des témoins. / Les impressions de Meursault d’être dans une cour comme accusé
Ses relations/rapports avec les autres qui assistent au procès
Les raisons données par les gens de l’asile pour l’incriminer
L’effet des témoignages de ses amis/connaissances
La manière dont le procureur mélange le comportement de Meursault à l’enterrement et après l’enterrement avec le meurtre.
Ses sens (bruits, visuel-le crépuscule)
Chapter, section, page numbers
Number of pages / Week-lesson
Grammar to revise / Key passages with beginning and end phrases and page numbers / Themes, character, own observations, questions
Ch 4
pp 149-162
13 pages / week / It feels strange to Meursault that he can’t take part in the summing up of his own case. The prosecutor takes the events leading up to the shooting to make a logical case for premeditation. His lack of regret is a deciding feature of the case, again due to his honesty. He doesn’t recognize himself in the summing up of his character.
Regular task (summary, blog)
Ecrivez/enregistrez un sommaire du chapitre au présent.
Oral task: Rédigez une conversation entre une personne qui est partisane de la peine de mort et une autre qui est contre et faites un débat / Le sentiment d’être un étranger devant ce public
Pourquoi son patron n’intervient-il pas?
Les sens (Les effets de la chaleur,)
Sa réaction à l’annonce de sa peine
Chapter, section, page numbers
Number of pages / Week-lesson
Grammar to revise / Key passages with beginning and end phrases and page numbers / Themes, character, own observations, questions
Ch 5
21 pages / Week / Waiting for his appeal and/or his death penalty to be carried out Meursault is very conscious of being part of the mechanism of the society which he had avoided as far as possible. He wants to believe in the possibility of escaping the death penalty physically in contrast to the chaplain who forces his way in and tries to make Mersault believe in God’s salvation. Meursault blows up and demonstrates his belief in life unfettered by religious belief or anything other than himself-the affirmation existentialist philosophy.
Regular task (summary, blog)
Ecrivez/enregistrez un sommaire du chapitre au présent.
Essay: Etes-vous d’accord avec Meursault à l’égard de Dieu ou pensez-vous que nous sommes nés pour une raison? / L’attitude de Meursault envers la religion
L’attitude de Meursault face à la peine de mort