Appendix B: 1


Reading List for At-Risk Youth

The references in this appendix are practical and applied resources that have been helpful to at-risk children, adolescents, families, and the professionals who work with them. Although all are written toward helping professionals, students, parents, or clients can use them directly. Some are a bit old, but they focus on solidly based theory and can still be extremely helpful. The reader is asked to overlook the sometimes "quaint" language and dated examples and focus on the essential concepts.


Burns, D. (1990). The feeling good handbook. New York: Penguin Books.

Davis, M., Eshelman, E. R., & McKay, M. (1992). The relaxation & stress reduction workbook. (2nd ed.). Oakland: New Harbinger Publications.

Ellis, A. (1977). How to live with--and without--anger. New York: Reader's Digest Press.

Hankins, G. (1988). Prescription for anger: Coping with angry feelings and angry people.Beaverton, OR: Princess Publishing.

Herrmann, D.S. & McWhirter, J.J. (2001) SCARE: Student created aggression replacement education. Debuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.

Kellner, M. H. (2001). In control –A skill-building program for teaching young adolescents to

manage anger.Champaign: Research Press.

McKay, M. & Rogers, P. (2000). The anger control workbook. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

McKay, M., Rogers, P. D., & McKay, J. (1989). When anger hurts: Quieting the storm within. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Potter-Efrom, R.T. (2001). Stop the anger now. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Potter-Efron, R. & Potter-Efron, P (1995). Letting go of anger. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Tavris, C. (1982). Anger: The misunderstood emotion. York: Simon & Schuster.


Canfield, J., & Wells, H.C. (1976). 100 ways to enhance self-concept in the classroom: A handbook for teachers and parents. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Dreikurs, R. (1957). Psychology in the classroom. New York: Harper & Row.

Dreikurs, R., Bronia-Grunwald, B., & Pepper, F. (1998). Maintaining sanity in the classroom: Classroom management techniques (2nd ed.). New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Dreikurs, R., Grunwald, B. B., & Pepper, F. C. (1971). Maintaining sanity in the classroom. New York: Harper & Row.

Felker, D. W. (1974). Building positive self-concepts. Minneapolis: Burgess.

Mandel, H. P., Marcus, S. I., & Dean, L. (1995). Could do better: Why children underachieve and what to do about it. Somerset, NJ: Wiley.

Ross, D. M. (1996). Childhood bullying and teasing: What school personnel, other professionals, and parents can do. Alexandria, VA: American Counseling Association.

Schrumpf, F., Freiburg, S., & Skadden, D. (1993). Life lessons for young adolescents: An advisory guide for teachers. Champaign, IL: Research Press.


Johnson, D. W., Johnson, R. T., & Holubec, E. J. (1990). Cooperation in the classroom.Edina, MN: Interaction Book Company.

Kagan, S. (1992). Cooperative learning. San Juan Capistrano, CA: Resources for Teachers.

Sharan, Y., & Sharan, S. (1992). Expanding cooperative learning through group investigation. Colchester, VT: Teachers College Press.

Slavin, R. E. (1986). Using student team learning (3rd ed.). Baltimore, MD: Center for Research on Elementary and Middle Schools, The John Hopkins University.

Slavin, R. E. (1990). Cooperative learning: Theory, research, and practice. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Stahl, R. J. (1994). Cooperative learning in social studies: A handbook for teachers. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley.

Stahl, R. J., & VanSickle, R. L. (Eds.), (1992). Cooperative learning in the social studies classroom: An invitation to social study. Washington, DC: National Council for the Social Studies.


Brigman, G., & Earley, B. (1991). Group counseling for school counselors: A practical guide. Portland, ME: J. Weston Walch.

Carrell, S. (1993). Group exercises for adolescents: A manual for therapists. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Corder, B. F. (1994). Structured psychotherapy groups. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.

Corder, B. F. (2000). Structured psychotherapy groups for sexually abused children and adolescents. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.

Ferrara, M. L. (1991). Group counseling with juvenile delinquents: The limit and lead approach. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Fleming, M. (1990). Conducting support groups for students affected by chemical dependence: A guide for educators and other professionals. Minneapolis, MN: Johnson Institute.

Haasl, B., & Marnocha, J. (1990). Bereavement support group program for children. Bristol, PA: Accelerated Development.

Haasl, B. & Marnocha, J. (1999). Bereavement support group program for children. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Hansen, M., & Peterson, D. (1993). How to conduct a school recovery support group. Portland, ME: J. Weston Walch.

Johnson, D. W. (1981). Reaching out: Interpersonal effectiveness and self-actualization (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, F. P. (1994). Joining together: Group theory and group skills (5th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Karns, M. (1995). How to create positive relationships with students: A handbook of group activities and teaching strategies. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Khalsa, S. (1996). Group exercise for enhancing social skills and self-esteem, 1. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.

Khalsa, S. (1999). Group exercise for enhancing social skills and self-esteem, 2. Sarasota, FL: Professional Resource Press.

Lee, S. A. (1995). The survivor's guide for teenage girls surviving sexual abuse. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Lehmann-Norquest, L., Jimerson, S.R., & Gaasch, A. (2000). Grief support group curriculum. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Morganett, R. S. (1990). Skills for living: Group counseling activities for young adolescents. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Morganett, R. S. (1995). Skills for living: Group counseling activities for elementary students (2nd ed.). Champaign, IL: Research Press.

O’Rourke,K. & Worzbyt, J. (1996). Support groups for children. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Peled, E., & Davis, D. (1995). Groupwork with children of battered women: A practitioner's manual. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Pfeiffer, J. W., & Jones, J. E. (Eds.). (1970). A handbook of structured experiences for human relations training, 1—7, (3rd ed.). Iowa City, IA: University Associates.

Wolfe, D. A. (1996). The youth relationships manual: A group approach with adolescents for the prevention of woman abuse and the promotion of healthy relationships. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


Becker, W. C. (1971). Parents are teachers: A child management program. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Canter, L., & Canter, M. (1982). Assertive discipline for parents. Santa Monica, CA: Canter & Associates.

Dinkmeyer, D., & Lasoncy, L. (1980). The encouragement book. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Dinkmeyer, D., & McKay, G. (1986). Systematic training for effective parenting(STEP). Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service, Inc.

Dreikurs, R. (1964). Children: The challenge. New York: Hawthorne.

Dreikurs, R., & Grey, L. (1970). A parents' guide to child discipline. New York: Hawthorne.

Dreikurs, R. & Dinkmeyer, Sr., D. (2000). Encouraging children to learn. New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Elliot, C. H. (1999). Why can’t I be the parent I want to be?: End old patterns and enjoy your children. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Ginott, H. G. (1965). Between parent and child. New York: Avon Books.

Gordon, T. (1970). P.E.T.: Parent effectiveness training. New York: Peter H. Wyden.

McDermott, D. & Snyder C. (2000). The great big book of hope: Help your children achieve their dreams. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Pantley, E. (1996). Kid cooperation: How to stop yelling, nagging, and pleading and get kids to cooperate. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Patterson, G. R. (1976). Living with children. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Popkin, M. (1987). Active parenting (video-based program). Atlanta, GA: Active Parenting, Inc.

Roker, D. (2001). Supporting parents of teenagers. New York: Brunner-Routledge

Satir, V. (1972). Peoplemaking. Palo Alto, CA: Science & Behavior Books, Inc.

Seligman, M. E. P. (1995). The optimistic child: A revolutionary program that safeguards children against depression and builds lifelong resilience. New York: Houghton Mills

Shure, M.B. (1996). Raising a thinking child: Help your young child to resolve everyday conflicts and get along with others. New York: Pocketbooks.

Shure, M.B. (1996). Raising a thinking child workbook. New York: Pocketbooks.

Smith, J. M., & Smith, D. E. P. (1976). Child management. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Wagonseller, B. R., & McDowell, R. L. (1979). You and your child: A common sense approach to successful parenting. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Walton, F. (1980). Winning children over. Chicago, IL: Practical Psychology Associates.

Walton, F. (1980). Winning teenagers over. Chicago, IL: The Alfred Adler Institute.


Myrick, R. D., & Bowman, R. P. (1991). Children helping children: Teaching students to become friendly helpers: A leadership training program for young students. Minneapolis, MN: Educational Media Corporation.

Myrick, R. D., & Sorenson, D. L. (1988). Peer helping: A practical guide. Minneapolis: Educational Media Corporation.

Samuels, M. (1975). The complete handbook of peer counseling. Miami, FL: Fiesta Publishing, Educational Books Division.

Scott, S. (1985). Peer pressure reversal: An adult guide to developing a responsible child. Amherst, MA: Human Resouce Development Press.

Scott, S. (1988). Positive peer groups. Amherst, MA: Human Resource Development Press.

Tindall, J. A. (1986, 1989). Peer power, Book I and II, Peer counseling, In depth look at peer helping. Muncie, IN: Accelerated Development.

Tindall, J. A., & Salmon-White, S. J. (1990). Peers helping peers: Program for the preadolescent. Muncie, IN: Accelerated Development.


Lane, P. S., Nelsen, F. A., and McWhirter, J. J. (1997). Building a peaceful community: A handbook for implementing a comprehensive, school-based,conflict resolution program. Tempe, AZ: Arizona Education Information Systems.

Pantley, E. (1996). Kid cooperation. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Tindall, J.A. (1994). Peer power, book 1: Becoming and effective peer helper and conflict mediator (3rd ed.). New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Tindall, J.A. (1994). Peer power, book 1: Strategies for the professional leader (3rd ed.). New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Tindall, J.A. (1994). Peer power, book 2: Applying peer helper skills (2nd ed.). New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Tindall, J.A. (1994). Peer power, book 2: Strategies for the professional leader (2nd ed.). New York: Brunner-Routledge.

Tindall, J.A. (1994). Peer program: An in-depth look at peer helping—planning, implementation, and administration. New York: Brunner-Routledge.


Camp, B. W., & Bash, M. S. (1985). Think aloud: Increasing social and cognitive skills---a problem solving program for children. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Cartledge, J. & Kleefeld J. (1991). Taking part: Introducing social skills to children preschool to grade 3. Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service.

Cartledge, J. & Kleefeld J. (1994). Working together: Building children’s social skills through folk literature grades 3 through 6. Circle Pines, MN: American Guidance Service

Dygon, J.A., et al., (1993). A program for socially valid social skills training. Brandon, VT: Clinical Psychology Publishing Company.

Goldstein, A., Sprafkin, R., Gershaw, N., & Klein, P. (1980). Skill-streaming the adolescent: A structured learning approach to teaching prosocial skills. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Goldstein, A. P. (1988). The PREPARE curriculum. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Hazel, J.S., et al. (1995). ASSET: A social skills program for adolescents. Champaign, IL: Research Press

Kendall, P., & Braswell, L. (1985). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for impulsive children. New York: Guilford.

McGinnis, E., & Goldstein, A. (1984). Skill-streaming the elementary school child: A guide for teaching prosocial skills. Champaign, Il: Research Press.

Santostefano, S. (1985). Cognitive control therapy with children and adolescents. New York: Pergamon.

Shure, M. B. (1992). I can problem solve: An interpersonal cognitive problem-solving program for children: Intermediate elementary grades. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Shure, M. B. (1992). I can problem solve: An interpersonal cognitive problem-solving program for children: Kindergarten and primary grades. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Shure, M. B. (1992). I can problem solve: An interpersonal cognitive problem-solving program for children: Preschool. Champaign, IL: Research Press.

Walker, H.M., et al. (1988). ACCESS: Adolescent curriculum for communication and effective social skills. Austin, TX: Pro-Ed.


Amundson, K. (1991). Building self-esteem: A guide for parents, schools, and communities. Arlington, VA: American Association of School Administrators.

Copeland, M. E. (2000). The loneliness workbook. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

McDermott, D. & Snyder, C. R. (1999). Making hope happen. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

McKay, M., & Davis, M. (1998). Thoughts and feelings: Taking control of your moods and your life (2nd ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications

McKay, M. & Fanning, P. (2000). Self-esteem (3rd ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

McKay, M., Fanning, P., Honeychurch, C., & Sutker, C. (1999). The self-esteem companion. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Paterson, R. J. (2000). The assertiveness workbook: How to express your ideas and stand up for yourself at work and in relationships. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Polce-Lynch, M. (2002). How you can help your son express his emotions. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Pope, A. W., McHale, S. M., & Craighead, W. E. (1988). Self-esteem enhancement with children and adolescents. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Reasoner, R. W. (1992). Teacher's manual: Building self-esteem in the elementary schools (2nd ed.). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.

Schiraldi, G. R. (2001). The self-esteem workbook. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Singer, D.G., & Singer, J.L. (2000). Make-believe: Games and activities for imaginative play. Washington DC: American Psychological Association.


Bourne, E. J. (2001). Beyond anxiety and phobia: A step-by-step guide to lifetime recovery. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Bourne, E. J. (2001). The anxiety and phobia workbook (3rd ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Davis, M., Eshelman, E.R., & McKay, M. (2000). The relaxation and stress reduction workbook (5th ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Davis, M. (2001). Leader’s guide to the relaxation and stress reduction workbook (5th ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Johnson, S. (1997). Taking the anxiety out of taking tests: A step-by-step guide. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

O’Hara, V. (1996). Five weeks to healing stress: The wellness option. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.


Ackerman, R. (1987). Children of alcoholics: A guidebook for educators, therapists and parents. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Althauser, D. (1998). You can free yourself from alcohol and drugs: Work a program that keeps you in charge. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Anderson, G. L. (1987). When chemicals come to school: The student assistance program model. Milwaukee, WI: DePaul Training Institute.

Fanning, P. & O’Neill, J. (1996). The addiction workbook: A step-by-step guide to quitting alcohol and drugs. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.

Fleming, M. (1990). Conducting support groups: For students affected by chemical dependence. Minneapolis, MN: Johnson Institute.

Gerne, T. A., & Gerne, P. J. (1986). Substance abuse prevention activities for elementary children. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Hanson, M., & Peterson, D. S. (1993). How to conduct a school recovery support group. Portland, ME: J. Weston Walch.

Hyppo, M. H., & Hastings, J. M. (1984). An elephant in the living room. Minneapolis, MN: Compcare Publishers.

Office of Substance Abuse Prevention (1988). Children of alcoholics kits. Rockville, MD: National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information.

Office of Substance Abuse Prevention (1992). The discovery kit. Rockville, MD: OSAP's National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information. Also: The connection kit. (1993).

Ryder, L. (1990). Being free: Prevention curriculum for American Indian youth. St. Paul, MN: Children Are People, Inc.

Stevic-Rust, L. & Maximin, A. (1996). The stop smoking workbook: Your guide to healthy quitting. Oakland, CA: New Harbinger Publications.


Vernon, A. (1998). The passport program: A journey through emotional, social, cognitive, and self-development, Grades 1-5. Champaign, IL: Research Press. (App B)

Vernon, A. (1998). The passport program: A journey through emotional, social, cognitive, and self-development, Grades 6-8. Champaign, IL: Research Press. (App. B)

Vernon, A. (1998). The passport program: A journey through emotional, social, cognitive, and self-development, Grades 9-12. Champaign, IL: Research Press. (App. B)