During the half term most of time will be devoted towards test preparation, (including practising word problems/questions and also mental mathematics).
Some of the themes of work that we will be undertaking are:
- coordinates.
- algebra.
- graphs and charts.
- rotation & translation.
- time.
During this half term we will be focussing our attention towards the tests.
We will be carrying out revision in Reading and G.P.S. related work.
Spellings will be given out and tested each week.
We will also be planning, writing and editing a piece of writing each week, looking at the Year 6 standards and also the features relevant to the genre. / Humanities and R.E
Some of the time we will also be using our History/Geography timetable slot to do some further test revision. After the tests we will begin a topic on the Vikings.
In REthis term we will be learning about how different religions, including Christianity, incorporate prayer and worship in to their lives. We will look at how prayer and worship is used in the Christian faith and how Jesus set a model for us.
In Sciencewe will begin a new topic on electricity.
We will be investigating different types of circuits and the reasons as to why they work well (or not so well).
Occasionally, we will also be using our science timetable slot to do some further testrevision in reading, writing or maths. / Summer 1 Work Web
Year 6
Test Revision
Class Teachers:
Mr. Harding, Mrs. Pearman,
Miss. Hodgson Mrs. Jalali / Art/Design, D.T, Music and P.E
Outdoor P.E will be on Thursday afternoons with Mr. Dan and this term,twelve children will be horse riding with Mrs. Pearman on a Thursday morning.
Miss Hodgson will be teaching Musicon Monday afternoons and will be linking the children’s learning to our topic, which will begin after the tests, on the Vikings.
This term we will be using our computing time to aid us with our revision for the tests. / P.S.H.C.E
The theme this half term is ‘getting ready for secondary school & further independence’.
Children will learn:
- That we need to think carefully about journeys that we make.
- That we need think ahead about the upcoming days and activities that are coming up.
Upcoming trips/workshops for the whole term:
- Year 6 Residential Trip to Croft Farm in Gloucestershire.
- Drama workshop.
- Art workshop.
- Library visits.
- Buddy trip to Hyde Park.