Town of Hamden Town Board Meeting of June 7, 2017
Superintendent Dibble reported that a new dump box is being installed on the Volvo and we should be receiving the street sweeper in the next few days. He reported that four roads were damaged badly from the June 5thsevere rain storm. They were Ridge Road, Stoodley Hollow, East Brook Road, and Munn Road. Hamden Hill is paved and will be sealed shortly.
We are currently waiting for information from our Insurance carrier and our town attorney on our contracting with a constable.
The board approved the hiring of Tyler Dibble for the summer under the Summer Youth Employment program. He will be paid $9.70 per hour and start on June 16th.
All work has been completed on the fifth phase of the old schoolhouse and we will be awaiting a quote on the final phase for our July meeting.
Applications have been received for grants through the Hamden Small Business Grant Program. Dan Liddle will be meeting with Glen Nealis and Mike Triola and select the businesses meeting all criteria and eligible for the grant of up to $10,000.
The board agreed unanimously to apply to the State and Municipal Facilities Capital Program for $100,000 for an upgrade to the Hamden Water District #1 and to be added to the previous $75,000 we received from them for the same project. The project was priced out at between $150,000 and $175,000.
The town will entertain a new FOIL policy at our July board meeting and Town Clerk Dennise Yeary will draft up the policy for board review.
The septic pump out list for DeLancey were reviewed along with two new replacements in the hamlet. It was approved to have them inspected by the Catskill Watershed Corporation this summer.
The contract with SUNY Delhi was approved for the summer swimming lesson program. The cost is $55 of which the town will pay for $40 of it per child. It will be limited to one week of lessons per child.
Respectfully submitted by Wayne Marshfield
Town of Hamden Town Board Meeting proposed agenda for July 5, 2017
- New FOIL policy for the Town
- Old schoolhouse quote for final phase
- To advertise for fuel bids
- Approve Humane Society Agreement
- Update on Town Constable if any
- Clean Energy presentation by Tara
- Update on Hamden Small Business Grant Program
- Equalization rate 18.00 up from 17.95
- Other that may come before the board
Delaware County Board of Supervisors meeting of June 28, 2017
Wendel Architects and Engineers gave a presentation on 12 proposed sites for the new DPW garage and complex. #1 site was on the McNee farm in DeLancey, #2 in the South Kortright, County Route 18 area, and #3 was on the controversial site off county 18 in Delhi. The board interjected that they wanted them to consider the #4 site which is on the Bishop property in Hamden. The first three need to have bridges constructed and the fourth one does not. More in the future.
A resolution was adopted accepting $447,657 in a grant from Homeland Security and to be used towards the construction of our new communications system.
A resolution was approved accepting $60,000 from the Department of Mental Health to be used for a contract with Rehabilitation Support Services. We have contracted with them in the past.
The board approved a resolution accepting $108,162 for economically and disadvantaged youth for our summer youth employment program. This particular summer youth program is 100% reimbursable.
A bid of $103,472 per mile for cold in place recycling was accepted from Gorman Group out of Albany. This process will be used on the NYC roads and will be paid for by NYC.
Transportation and disposal of non-hazardous mixed waste was awarded to
Casella Waste Management out of Oneonta and to Tweedie Construction of Hamden.
A change order on the installation of a communications tower was an increase of $14,400 due to the installations of rock anchors on the tower foundation.
An assortment of equipment and two cars were authorized to be disposed of by auction. Such things were 1985 Mack Tractor, 1993 White Dump, 1962 Walters, lowboy trailer, color copier and others were on the list.
Many properties were redeemed prior to the July 8thtax auction.
25 of the 32 proposals for use of bed tax funds were approved as recommended by the Tourism Advisory Board.
The board authorized the appraisal of an easement for the High Mount site in the Town of Shandaken, Ulster County.
97 Main Street was approved to be purchased for the Office of the Aging as the department was given notice that a group of people were purchasing the Luce Center where OFA has been for decades. The purchase price is $675,000 of which the Senior Council and the OFA senior advisory board has donated $80,000 of non-taxable funds towards the purchase price. This facility will accommodate the entire OFA program including senior meals and dining and will be handicap accessible. This building is owned by Decker Advertising and Kim and Randy Shepard. It is much needed by the seniors and much appreciated and will be used for decades with gratefulness. There is also a 1,700 square foot office in the same building which will be available for another small county department in due time.
A resolution was approved to enter into an agreement with Fiscal Advisors and Marketing, Inc. for the bonding of the new communications system. We would be bonding $6,000,000 and the cost of professional services from them to the county would be $14,500.
A resolution was approved calling on the Governor to immediately convene a special session of the State Assembly and the Senate to pass home rule messages for all 53 counties reliant upon sales tax extenders to fund the state-imposed Medicaid burden.
Respectfully submitted by Wayne Marshfield