- Rt. Hon Theresa May (Fax: 020 7035 4745)
, - Rt. Hon Damian Green MP


Pease use the subject heading: Re: Reza Yosefi HO Ref: Y 1094016

Dear Sir/Madam/ Name

Re: Reza Yosefi HO Ref: Y 1094016

I am writing in support of the asylum claim of Reza Yosefi a long time resident of Sheffield. He is currently detained in Harmondsworth IRC and due to be forcibly removed from the UK at 03:00 hrs on Charter Flight PVT 800 on Tuesday 23rd November to Afghanistan.

Whilst it is true that Reza’s family originate from Afghanistan, he himself was born in Iran and has never lived in Afghanistan. He is 20 years old and has been a refugee all his life. He wasn’t allowed to work or even attend school in Iran. At the age of 15, on fear of deportation he was sent to England to try to find a safe place where he could grow up.

Reza has spent his most formative years in the UK. During that time he has made many strong relationships at college, in football clubs and elsewhere. I am concerned that these important relationships are to be destroyed, along with the life Reza has begun to make for himself in the UK.

Afghanistan a failed state: (listed as the 6th worst)
Failed state: A state having little or no governance, endemic corruption, profiteering by ruling elites, very poor Human Rights, the government cannot/will not protect the population from others or itself, massive internal conflict, forced internal/external displacement, institutionalised political exclusion of significant numbers of the population, progressive deterioration of welfare infrastructure (hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses) not adequate to meet health, needs, progressive economic decline of the country as a whole as measured by per capita income, debt, severe child mortality rates, poverty levels.

Given that Reza is still very young, has no family or social network in Afghanistan and that he has no knowledge of life there I am very concerned for his safety. I believe this young man has much to offer the UK if allowed to stay and that, without family to shield him; he would be in grave danger if sent to Afghanistan.

Please can Reza’s life be protected here in the UK, where he has made such an effort to belong and contribute? I ask that Reza be granted permission to stay on humanitarian grounds outside the asylum system.

Yours Sincerely,


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